But today, we are going to show some more niche pets. If you hadn’t seen the photos, you might not have known it in your life: “Can you keep these? Sugar gliders are different from the rat pets we generally know. Hamsters are more affectionate and recognize people, and have a lif

What are the niche pets in


The first few answers that pop into your mind may be , little pig, , little rabbit... these are pets that are already well-known to everyone.

But today, we are going to show some more niche pets. If you hadn’t seen the photos, you might not have known in your life: “Can these be raised?”

On Xiaohongshu, there are many breeders, Showing the interesting daily life of his own niche pets. What is interesting is not only the animals themselves, but also the different ways in which pets and their owners get along.

After reading these notes, I realized that our imagination of niche pets has always been limited! In addition to cats and dogs, there are so many little creatures that can bring warmth and novelty to life!


Furry and good-looking

Not only cats and dogs

How many people keep pets, but what they covet is the feeling on their heads when they are petted?

In addition to cats and dogs, there are also these furry little animals that you can try.

sugar glider. The recently popular flying squirrel has an appearance between a squirrel and a bat. Its most attractive feature is that it can fly from high places to the owner's hands. The reason why countless people fall into the trap is because they cannot resist the healing feeling when it opens its limbs and pounces on you.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu @江淒月's sugar glider

Sugar gliders are different from the rodent pets we generally recognize. They are more familiar and recognize people than hamsters. Their lifespan is about 15 years, but their personalities Also more sensitive.

@jujudy expressed some thoughts after raising sugar gliders for more than a year. He mentioned in his notes that sugar gliders require full-time companionship to stick to people, are very timid, and have a fox-like odor, which is why many people abandon them. Therefore, before deciding to keep these niche pets, you must do your homework to ensure that you can accept everything about it.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@江撟月's sugar glider

Also popular is Spanish dormouse. is a very small thumb mouse. They are small enough to cling to a person's finger, exposing their face and tail through the finger.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@fatpotpotのbearden

Compared with common hamsters, dormouse is smaller and more cute. In the dormouse circle, it even has a "must masturbate when watching dramas" Pet" title.

Let’s feel how good she is through the screen!

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@fatpotpotのbearden

In addition to mini mice, there are also mini sheep. @Dori is a dwarf sheep. He shared his daily life with Dori, a dwarf sheep, on Little Red Book.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu @Dori is a dwarf sheep

An adult mini sheep weighs only seven or eight pounds, about the same size as a puppy. They have the same cute appearance as sheep, but they are small and can be easily held in your arms.

In the video, the mini sheep plays hide and seek with its owner in the garage.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu @Dori is a dwarf sheep

The little sweet potatoes were also surprised to find that the lamb can shake hands with people like a puppy, wag its tail when it is happy, and even throw tantrums at home and in the bathroom. The door calls for the owner.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu @Dori is a dwarf sheep

@ Gray Gray Rutin Chicken Choose to build a "small villa" at home to raise Rutin Chicken, This is a mini chicken that can be raised at home. The body is only about the size of a palm, but it can still feel the fun of "picking eggs" at home.

Image source: Xiaohongshu @翿黑的鲁丁鸡

These "eggs" are smaller than quail eggs. Pick them up and put them in a bamboo basket, and you can feel the wild joy of raising them in the city.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@簿 Gray的鲁丁鸡

Now that we have chickens, how can we miss out on the cute Cole duck ? It has a round body and twists and turns when walking. It is often called "twisty duck" or "meat ball duck".

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@亚洲家科尔鸭.

What's even more addictive is its soft breasts, which are like marshmallows and can spring back immediately when pressed. It's so healing.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu @ Hello this is Yiyi

Of course, in addition to soft ducks and chicks, even hedgehogs , which everyone thinks are hard, can actually be masturbated.

@quanquanquan shared his experience of raising African mini hedgehog . This is a hedgehog that can be pinched by the back and "picked up and plated". Without exploding thorns, its back does not hurt people. . Although they don't recognize people like dogs, hedgehogs will stick their heads out of the cage and climb onto their hands after they become familiar with their owners.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@quanquanquan

The process of playing with a hedgehog is more like a feeling of "playing with it". The African mini hedgehog has a tender pink face and looks like it is smiling. It is also a very interactive pet.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@tingtingting


Cute naked

A little guy that some people love and some are afraid of

If the pets listed above are still within the acceptable range of most people, then the following are the niche pets. , some people love them so much, but there are definitely some people who will shake their heads and say NO when they see them.

The hexagonal dinosaur fish is a niche water pet that is ugly and difficult to keep. This small fish is pink in color and is named after the six horns on its head. It looks particularly like an alien creature.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu @ marching little buns

For novices in fish farming, the Hexagonal Dinosaur is not a friendly choice. Water changing, filtering, and oxygenation equipment must be complete, but for aquarists who are obsessed with fish farming, Speaking of which, the Hexagonal Dinosaur is definitely an advanced choice.

There are also niche water pets that have become popular in the past two years, including grandpa tree frog . This is a name that sounds a bit strange but cute. Grandpa's tree frog is a species from Indonesia . It is small and can be placed on your hand as a "disc frog". It sounds a bit like the "coiled dormouse", but the grandpa tree frog is more slippery when coiled.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@basilclimbingpet

@下世 surfing A mushroom chose a sea anemone as his pet. It has transparent tentacles and a shape similar to a chrysanthemum. It was commented by the little sweet potatoes, "like a cup of Chrysanthemum tea". For pet owners, sea anemone can be said to be a pet with zero interactivity. The greatest joy of keeping it may be admiring its swaying posture in the water.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@下世 surfing a mushroom

The last thing worth talking about is the turtle. Although turtles are already very common pets, there are so many varieties of turtles that you can always find some strange and cute ones.

The Swamp Side Turtle is a very small turtle called the "Smiling Turtle". It is named the Smiling Turtle because its expression always looks like it is smiling.

Picture source: Xiaohongshu@是什么意思的小红书 🦇

The size of the swamp side-necked turtle is only about 2.6cm, which can be pinched with two fingers. It is popular because it looks "really cute" ".

Picture source: Xiaohongshu @ Egg Castle is a little smart ghost

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you are a niche or a public pet. A pet that makes you excited, likes, and is willing to be responsible for it is your pet. Their very existence is a kind of companionship for you.

Have you seen any niche pets in nooks and crannies?

If you are also interested in these "maverick" pets, you might as well open the little red book and search for " Maverick Pet Calling Order" . There are more fun and interesting little cuties: parrots , Angora rabbit , Dutch rabbit , alpaca ... waiting for you to unlock!

Of course, you are also welcome to share the healing moments of your niche pets on Xiaohongshu, and share your breeding experience with everyone!

Editor: mika

Extended reading

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