Snake is a very dangerous creature. Many people are very afraid of it, especially the venomous snake. People generally will not mess with it and want to hide away from it. The further away from it, the better. If one If you are accidentally bitten, the consequences will be disast

Snake is a very dangerous creature. Many people are very afraid of it, especially the venomous snake. People generally will not mess with it and want to hide as far away as possible. If If you are accidentally bitten, the consequences will be disastrous...

In real life, there are many people who are not afraid of snakes. Some people like snakes very much and even keep venomous snakes as pets. Little do they know that this may cause terrible consequences.

In Shaanxi, my country, there was a little girl who liked snakes very much and kept venomous snakes as pets. As a result, she was accidentally bitten by a venomous snake and was not rescued in time, thus creating a human tragedy.

On July 9, 2018, the emergency room of the Third Hospital of Weinan City, Shaanxi Province welcomed a patient bitten by a snake. The patient claimed she had been bitten by a snake and asked doctors to save her. Because she missed the best time for treatment, the doctors tried their best, but in the end, they failed to save her life.

So what happened?

Likes to raise small animals.

Qiqi (pseudonym) is a 21-year-old female from Weinan, Shaanxi. She is an ordinary little girl. She has loved small animals since she was a child and has kept many small animal pets. But they are all pets such as cats, dogs, and small turtles. As Qiqi grows up, Qiqi becomes "obsessed" with snakes...

"Infatuated" Bungarus snake

Qiqi becomes "obsessed" with snakes The snake is not an ordinary snake, but a highly venomous bungara snake. (The bungara snake is the most venomous snake in my country. Although it is gentle in nature, it contains very strong venom. Once bitten, its venom spreads rapidly in the body. If the rescue is not timely, you may even lose your life. Even if you are rescued, In time, it will cause irreversible damage to the body due to the spread of its venom in the body. It may even cause kidney failure or amputation)

Buy bungara snake online, falsely claiming: "Soaking wine"

at Qiqi21. When I was 2 years old, I had the idea of ​​raising snakes, but it was very difficult to buy a bungara snake that could take away the poison. But hard work pays off. Suddenly one day, Guo Qiqi saw an online store selling venomous snakes.

Then we negotiated with the seller. At first, the seller was not willing to sell the venomous snake to Qiqi. (Because the risk of selling venomous snakes is very high, most people will not sell it to others casually)

Therefore, Qiqi lied: "You Don’t worry, I bought it to make wine.”

Although the store repeatedly emphasized that bungar snakes are very dangerous, they couldn't bear Qiqi's hard work. finally sold the snake to Qiqi.

The snake that bit Qiqi

Received the Bungarus snake and accidentally bit her

When the Bungarus snake arrived, Qiqi had never kept such a pet before and did not know how to operate it at all. As a result, I got bitten hard. So he called his mother and said he had been bitten by a snake.

Delayed the best opportunity, rescue was ineffective, and she was declared dead.

After her mother learned the news, she called Qiqi’s father, so the two hurried home and sent Qiqi to the local hospital for rescue. After Qiqi was sent to the hospital, she was reluctant to tell her parents about buying a snake online, and she was reluctant to tell the doctor what kind of snake she was bitten by. As a result, the best medical treatment was delayed. In the end, no matter how hard the doctor tried, he failed and died. Qiqi's life was regrettable.

Due to the lack of online regulatory authorities, Qiqi's stupidity and ignorance caused her to lose her young life. How regrettable...

So don't mess with bungara snakes (other venomous snakes) to avoid the tragedy happening again!

Bungarus snakes are generally more common in southern my country, but they can also be found in the north.

Bungarus snakes are distributed in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, and Yunnan. It usually likes to live near water sources and in dark and humid environments. It is mostly seen in summer. It usually comes out to look for food at night and rarely during the day.

generally forages for food such as: "small fish, shrimps, frogs, mice, insects, etc., and also preys on its own kind."

The most common places are: "fields, ravines, rivers, ponds, etc., and it often appears in some suburbs and rural roads at night."

Introduction to the bungara snake:

The bungara snake is an animal of the genus genus of the family Cobraidae. Commonly known among the people as Guojixia , Baijiehei, Money White Flower Snake , Silver Armor Belt, Silver-wrapped Iron , etc. The bungara snake has a gentle temperament, but its venom is even more powerful than the king cobra . As long as a person or animal is bitten, he or she will die before the serum can be injected. is the most venomous snake in our country.

Why is it said to be the most venomous snake in my country?

The so-called "first poisonous snake" is because its toxicity is very powerful. A dose of just 1 mg can kill someone, which is "pretty scary." The toxins contained in bungara snake venom are mainly neurotoxin . When the bungara snake bites its prey, the venom will be ejected from the roof of the mouth and two large teeth. The venom will flow along the prey's body and into the blood, causing the prey to become paralyzed, have difficulty breathing, and eventually paralyze and die.

Since he is so scary, isn’t it certain that he will die if he encounters it?

answer: "No." Bungarus snakes have a gentle temperament and are very timid. They will rarely attack people when they encounter them, but prefer to run away. Unless you "infringe" on its territory or are frightened, they generally will not Actively attack people.

If you encounter a Bungarus snake in the wild or other places, you should be careful not to tease it casually. Don't let its gorgeous appearance and docile personality deceive you into teasing or catching it. Once frightened or threatened, it will attack you. So if you need to see a Bungarus snake, don't try to mess with it, just let it go and stay away from it. Don't kill the cat out of curiosity.

What should you do if you are accidentally bitten by a bungara snake?

If you are accidentally bitten by a bungara snake, don't panic and try to avoid toxic attacks caused by excessive blood circulation caused by excessive exercise. Then use clean water to wash and rinse the wound, and locally ligate 2-3cm proximal to the wound. However, the ligation time should not be too long or the ligation time and intensity are too tight. You can relax for 5-10 minutes and then continue the inspection. At the same time, call the emergency number immediately and tell the emergency center what kind of snake you were bitten. Instruct the emergency center. , bring the snake serum. to prevent the emergency center from being negligent and missing the best opportunity for treatment.

Finally, a warm reminder: "If you encounter it, it is best to stay away from it and don't mess with it. In the end, curiosity killed the cat."