The world is a place where light and darkness coexist. For pets, under the sun, there are kind-hearted people who love their furry children; in the darkness, there are abusers who abuse their furry children. The following infuriating story takes place in Romania. There was a coup

The world is a place where light and darkness coexist. For pets, under the sun, there are kind-hearted people who love their furry children; in the darkness, there are abusers who abuse their furry children.

The following infuriating story happened in Romania.

There was a couple who were driving out and planned to throw away garbage along the way. When the man was throwing away garbage, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a slightly open garbage bag next to the garbage container, and inside was a dirty white dog.

At first, the man thought it was the body of a dog. Unable to bear to see it rot like this, the man planned to bury it hastily. But upon closer inspection, he found that the dog was still breathing weakly!

Now the man was not calm anymore. He immediately took out his mobile phone and contacted the local animal protection organization.

When the staff and veterinarians arrived, everyone was shocked by the initial inspection results: all the dog’s claws were broken, and there were still insects crawling in the wounds.

The dog was immediately sent to the hospital. After diagnosis, it was found that the exhausted dog also suffered from closed head injury .

After research, experts concluded that the dog may have been abused.

The poor dog lay on the operating table for more than two hours. Doctors first removed the tumor from the dog's brain, then removed the bug from the wound and treated it.

The rescuers gave the dog a name when it was sleeping after the operation. It was called Anola, which means "light" and symbolizes the dog's persistence in living.

The shelter staff then posted the dog's experience online, and the story was seen by a family in the UK.

They were shocked by what the dog had suffered and were moved by the dog's spirit of persisting in living. They took the dog back home before it fully recovered.

Today, the once dying puppy has become lively and strong, thanks to its loving new owner family. Dogs are very docile and caring people, and it’s hard to imagine why they were cruelly attacked before.

is also a life, and pets have the same right to live as people. However, in fact, their life and death largely depend on the choices of their owners.

Some people may say that maybe the dog in the above article has done something wrong and bit someone before, or maybe the perpetrator hates dogs, so he was cruel.

But veterinarian Xiao Ming feels that a kind and principled person will not abuse a small life casually. The identity of a dog is just a shield for some mentally distorted people to vent their emotions.

Xiao Ming hopes that in the future, the light of the law will shine more on this barren land of animal protection, so that the darkness will have no place to hide.

pictures come from the Internet. If you have any questions, please contact veterinarian Xiao Ming.

If you have questions about pet health and pet care, please follow veterinarian Xiao Ming for consultation.