Before reading, please make sure you hold your phone firmly to avoid laughing. Everything can be a "cat", but we can only laugh and become a "dog" - Instagram user @koty_vezde likes photoshop and has become a digital content creation "master" just because of his hobby;

The picture in this article comes from Instagram user: @koty_vezde. It is published on this platform with the permission of the author. Reprinting without permission is strictly prohibited.

Before reading,

please make sure you hold the phone firmly to avoid laughing.

This is the real "Cat Star"

Everything can be a "cat",

Only we laugh like "dogs" -

A species that does not exist on the earth - Thorn Cat ↓

Harp Sea Cat

Crab Cat

Rabbit cat

Chicken cat

Instagram User @koty_vezde (real name Galina Bugaevskaya) likes photoshop, and has become a digital content creation "master" just by virtue of her hobby; after several years of hard work, she created her own " "Cat Universe" (the author himself is also a senior "shit shovel officer"); the editor of this article accidentally "walked in" to visit and couldn't help but linger. even discovered that many works of " National Geographic " were also included in the works created by her Magnificent World -

A Sichuan golden monkey in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Province, China.

Photography: CYRIL RUOSO

The above picture was published in the February 2011 issue, China golden monkey selected picture; after joining the "Cat Universe", it transformed into -

Sichuan golden cat

A hippopotamus in the Botswana National Park in Africa

Photography :Gusjer. CC BY 2.0

The picture above is a hippopotamus-themed picture published on the official website of National Geographic in June 2016. After being added to the "Cat Universe", it became -

River Cat

But @koty_vezde's "Cat Universe" "More than that,

will take you to explore together -

Have you ever experienced the feeling of your vision being dominated by a cat?

It is inevitable to linger.

In the world of snow and ice -

Arctic fox cat↓

Antarctic little imperial cat↓

mink cat

seal cat↓

snow leopard cat↓

snow owl cat↓

bantam cat↓

arctic panda ↓

in The spring grass and green fields -

↓Camel cat

↓Rabbit cat

↓Snake cat

↓Elephant cat

↓African wild water cat

↓Long-necked cat

↓Furry cat

↓Butterfly cat

↓Moth cat

↓Spider Cat

Deep in the deep forest -

Red-haired big cat ↓

Mountain big cat ↓

Giant panda cat ↓

Flying in the sky -

Bat cat ↓

Cocktail cat ↓

Bee cat ↓

Cat head cat ↓

hole cat↓

swims in water -

salmon cat ↓

jellyfish cat ↓

cat duck ↓

climbs trees -

test cat ↓

loose cat ↓

lazy cat ↓

cat even invaded art World -

Kanagawa Surf Cat ↓

Of course, cats will not let go of the food world -

Cat Ren ↓

Small cage cat ↓

The "cat universe" created by @koty_vezde is surprisingly huge,

but our space is limited -

Besides, I have already seen so much.

It is very easy to have the illusion that everything you look at is a cat.

Let’s go back to Earth as soon as possible.

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" Classic of Mountains and Seas " (hardcover version)

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