Today I would like to share with you the 4 most "human" dogs in the dog world. If you treat them well, they will stay with you for a lifetime! The Chinese Garden Dog is a dog native to our country. This kind of dog can be seen everywhere in the countryside, in almost every househ

People often say that dogs are very smart, loyal, and humane animals, and many people like to keep dogs in life! Today I would like to share with you the 4 most "human" dogs in the dog world. If you treat them well, they will stay with you for a lifetime!

Chinese Garden Dog

Chinese Garden Dog is a dog native to our country. This kind of dog can be seen everywhere in the countryside. Almost every household will keep one to look after the house and help the owner drive away thieves. Even if the owner is in danger, It will protect its owner at all costs. Moreover, pastoral dogs know how to repay kindness. They know who treats them well. If you have fed them food before, they will remember you and wag their tails at you next time.


Labrador Although Labrador is one of the non-aggressive dog breeds, although it was a naughty dog ​​when it was a child, it was just for fun and would rather get hit twice than attack others. As a small animal, it can be seen that Labrador has a really good personality. At the same time, they trust and rely on their owners very much, and they can also read their owners' thoughts. When their owners are depressed, they will choose to guard them silently.

Akita dog

People who have watched "Hachiko" should have a deep memory of the Akita dog, the protagonist in it. Akita dogs are very wary of strangers, but they are very loyal to their owners. As long as you treat them well, they will follow you until death. "Hachiko" is a good example. Because he doesn't know when his master will come home, he waits for his master to come home day after day, year after year, rain or shine, at the exit of the train station.


Teddy's IQ ranks second in the dog rankings. He is famous as a "human spirit" in the dog world. In addition, Teddy is definitely one of the best in observing words and colors. Whoever treats him well will be right. It's not good, it knows it better than anyone else. Teddy is really a very understanding dog.