Other seagulls immediately chased to rescue their companions. One of the seagulls flew above the eagle and pecked the eagle's head hard with its beak. This is really the seagull version of the bright sword. When faced with a powerful enemy invasion, the best way to protect yourse

The eagle rushed into the seagulls group, grabbed a seagull and left quickly. Other seagulls immediately chased to rescue their companions. One of the seagulls flew above the eagle and pecked the eagle's head hard with its beak. This is really the seagull version of the bright sword. When faced with a powerful enemy invasion, the best way to protect yourself is to fight back.

Two birds are fighting for a piece of food, and neither one is willing to let go. The owner put multiple strips of the same food in their mouths, but they still turned a blind eye. If we use human thinking to explain this phenomenon, we can only say that it is for "face". Birds can also be competitive, which is really eye-opening.

The IQ of a crow is equivalent to that of a human child of about five years old. This crow was helped by the owner of the house who was on fire. When the crow saw a fire at the door of his benefactor's house, he flew over to put out the fire. The whole process was amazing. The crow first takes away the dry branches, then covers the fire with wet branches, and finally puts out the fire. Folks have a very bad impression of crows and believe that the appearance of crows represents something unlucky. In fact, the crow is not only smart, but also a grateful bird. This video justifies the crow’s name.