The giant panda is a unique animal in my country. Because its number is very rare, it is also known as our country's national treasure. The ancestor of the giant panda is called Shi Panda, who lived 8 million years ago. Since then, the panda family has continued to grow until it

The giant panda is a unique animal in my country. Because its number is very rare, it is also known as our country's national treasure. The ancestor of the giant panda is called Shi Panda, who lived 8 million years ago. Since then, the panda family has continued to grow until it reached its peak in the middle and late Pleistocene. At that time, the giant panda’s footprints were spread across 16 provinces and cities across the country, and even visited Today's Vietnam and Myanmar . However, due to climate change and human activities,

giant pandas now only live in some mountainous areas of Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu. The giant panda weighs only over 100 grams when he is born, while his distant cousin the polar bear weighs a full 700 grams when he is born. Although giant pandas are typically born prematurely, they grow very quickly and reach adulthood at the age of four to six. The weight of an adult giant panda is 1,000 times that of when it was born. It can grow to 200 kilograms, and the heaviest one even exceeds 360 kilograms. As a carnivore, why do giant pandas like to eat bamboo? This is a long story. The ancestors of the giant pandas once had very abundant food. However, with the arrival of the Ice Age more than 2 million years ago, many animals became extinct one after another, and the giant pandas ate less and less meat. In the end, only arrow bamboo and moso bamboo were left in the diet. Waiting for bamboo plants. So giant pandas have no choice but to eat bamboo. Giant pandas eat 20 kilograms of bamboo every day. In order to eat bamboo, their tail thumb is specially drawn with a soft paper pad on their bones to help them better grasp the bamboo. Although they are called giant pandas, they are actually bears, not cats. Even if the giant panda is chubby, harmless to humans and animals, chubby, and loved by everyone, don't mistake it for a bear. It will bite people when it is angry.

Look at these well-developed canine teeth. Their bite force is comparable to that of a lion, ranking fifth among all carnivores, even far surpassing the sixth-placed jaguar. No wonder there is a folk legend about giant pandas as iron-eating beasts. If one bites it, no one can bear it. And despite how fat the giant panda is, he is an expert at climbing trees. He can easily climb up to a tree ten meters high and run at an altitude of two thousand meters at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. It is said that it is very agile. The fat man is not an exaggeration at all. Due to the low reproductive capacity of giant pandas, their short estrus period, and their relatively single diet, their population growth is slow. But the primary reason why giant pandas are endangered must be attributed to humans. Due to the explosive growth of population in modern times, the living space of giant pandas has been severely compressed. In addition, early humans continued to destroy forest vegetation. Even the bamboo forests they relied on for survival were cut down, resulting in the shrinking of the giant panda's habitat. Fortunately, with their chubby body shape and cute traits, giant pandas have gradually become recognized as national treasures. Various protected areas and artificial breeding bases have been established, which has greatly improved their living environment and cub survival rate. What's the use of being cute? Can you do whatever you want just because you look cute? Giant pandas prove with their strength that being cute can really do whatever you want.