The fawn dog comes from Germany and is a mixture of Italian greyhound and dachshund genes. Because it is friendly, active and affectionate, it is a popular companion and ornamental dog. So why are fawn dogs becoming more and more popular?

Fawn Dog comes from Germany and is a mixture of Italian Greyhound and Dachshund genes. Because it is friendly, active and affectionate, it is a popular companion dog and ornamental dog .

So why are fawn dogs becoming more and more popular? Some netizens even said: After raising them, they don’t want to change them.

There are several reasons.

Fawn dogs are highly vigilant

Fawn dogs were once used as working dogs such as rat hunting dogs and alert dogs. They have extremely strong vigilance. When they see strangers or It will emit a high-pitched cry and can be a good guardian of the home.

. Fawn dogs are friendly and lively

Fawn dogs are friendly to people. Once they get to know you, they will be very enthusiastic and follow you step by step. You can feel the passion of Fawn dogs for a long time.

. The Fawn Dog is cute and compact.

The Fawn Dog has big eyes and a small body. It looks like a combination of Chihuahua and Doberman . It is very small and cute, and can be easily carried.

. Little requirements for the environment

The Fawn Dog is too small and does not require much space in the environment, and its adaptability is relatively strong. It can adapt to a variety of environments and does not have large requirements for the living environment.

. The Fawn Dog is smarter

The Fawn Dog has a higher IQ. It can understand the owner's meaning and learn the owner's instructions easily, so it is very easy for the owner to teach.

Just use some dog snacks to encourage the fawn dog, and it will immediately devote its energy to learning. After several times of learning, it will be able to understand and carry out the owner's instructions.

6. Fawn dogs eat less.

Fawn dogs are small in size, so their food intake is also relatively small. However, its small size also has a disadvantage, that is, its short gastrointestinal tract can easily cause indigestion problems, especially if it eats some difficult-to-digest food, and may even cause diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, it is recommended that owners adjust the diet structure of their fawn dogs. Choose a dog food that helps digestion as the main food for your dog. After all, dog food is scientifically prepared and is more suitable for the dog’s stomach.


After reading this, do you want to raise a fawn dog?