Yesterday, a fan sent me a private message saying that he had just bought a few mandrakes. One of them died every day after being in the tank for three days. He asked me if he could add yellow powder and what was the reason for this. Arowana is easy to raise and is a tropical fis

Yesterday, a fan sent me a private message, saying that he had just bought a few Manlon fish . They had been in the tank for three days, and one of them was dying every day. He asked me if he could add yellow powder, and what was the reason for this.

Manlong fish are easy to raise and are a tropical fish for novices to practice with. It seemed that the temperature was wrong. I asked him what the water temperature was and he said 16 degrees.

Sure enough, he continued to ask me if he could give me yellow powder.

This is a common problem among novice fish keepers. Ornamental fish want to take medicine whenever they are sick. Most of the diseases that occur in ornamental fish are related to temperature, environment, and feeding.

Prevention is better than cure.

Today I will mainly talk about temperature.

Whether it is tropical fish or not, it is best to use heating rod , especially when the seasons change.

Some people argue, saying: Goldfish is a cold water fish , so there is no need for a heating rod, as using it will affect your physical condition.

Let me say something here, when it comes to ornamental fish, there is no such thing as cold-water fish. Goldfish or koi are wide-temperature fish. Koi's disease resistance and adaptability are stronger than goldfish.

What is a wide-temperature fish? It means a fish that can survive as long as it does not freeze and does not exceed 32 degrees. Many experienced fish keepers, even if they keep goldfish, use heating rods to keep the temperature constant, so as to reduce the risk of ornamental fish getting sick. possibility.

Don't worry about the electricity bill. Since you have taken care of it, take good care of it, or don't take care of it. It's that simple.