Two years ago, I moved with the construction team from Jinan to Anhui. When we were in Jinan, the team had two dogs, Heihei and Huanghuang. They were both puppies wandering in the wilderness. Under the careful care of his father-in-law and friends, he gradually grew up. In order

Two years ago, I moved with the construction team from Jinan to Anhui. When we were in Jinan, the team had two dogs, Heihei and Huanghuang. They were both puppies wandering in the wilderness. Under the careful care of his father-in-law and friends, he gradually grew up. In order not to let them "end up in the world", we decided to take them with us. So Heihei and Huanghuang boarded the special car heading south with us. These are two dogs that are very common in rural areas. They have been inseparable since they came to the construction team, one walking on the front legs and the other on the heels. Heihei is a taciturn type with a calm appearance, but he has a large body and bright fur, especially his black eyes that always radiate a calm and powerful light. Huang Huang seems to be a gentle and virtuous housewife. She follows Hei Hei wherever he goes. At night, as long as there are footsteps or movement around, they will bark non-stop. Until everything quiets down, they put their ears to the ground, stretch their necks, close their eyes and fall asleep.

After a bumpy journey day and night, the tractor trailer finally arrived at the construction site of Anqing . The black and yellow people in the motor truck compartment of the tractor-trailer were a little confused and looked confused. From the north to the south, the two guys didn't eat for two or three days, either because they were acclimatized or because they were homesick. From time to time, Heihei looked at the mountains in the north in a daze, then curled up, turned his neck behind him, rested his mouth on his hind legs, and began to "think about life."

As time went by, the two guys started to get into trouble again. Chef Lao Chen, who is also my father-in-law, poured the leftover rice, steamed buns and vegetable soup in the canteen as usual every day, and the day's meals were provided. Sometimes my father-in-law would go out for a walk when he was bored, holding his hands behind his back and listening to the radio. He walked in front, followed by two boys. This is a dog raised by my father-in-law in Jinan, so it is naturally affectionate. Under the setting sun, the father-in-law is sitting on a mound in a foreign land filled with the fragrance of rapeseed flowers. Heihei and Huanghuang are also leaning against his father-in-law obediently. The warm scene seems to have stepped into the oil painting frame in an instant.

As the construction site life progressed, the two guys gradually became one with the land. They often wandered around and made some canine friends. Dogs, like people, will inevitably experience friction after being together for a long time. Either because his companion snatches one of his bones, or when he is provoked for no reason, Heihei will always roar a warning to his opponent, while Huang and Huang will stretch their necks and bark at each other. When the other party saw this formation, they calmed down their prestige and stopped making mistakes. However, despite being "forcefully intimidated" by Heihei and Huanghuang, the little brown poodle still followed Huanghuang reluctantly. From time to time, it would lick it with its wet tongue or press its neck with its mouth. Seeing that it didn't take him seriously and dared to take away his love, Heihei attacked the little poodle. The little poodle seemed to have been on guard for a long time, and opened its stance, looking like it wanted to fight Hei Hei to the death. This is so similar to us humans, no one wants to give in when it comes to emotional issues.

ultimately chose tolerance. The two "love rivals" glared at each other for a while, both losing their authority. Heihei turned around and walked towards the yard without saying a word, Huang Huang followed him habitually. The little poodle didn't leave for a long time, and there was more lingering and reluctance in his eyes. Later we discovered that this little poodle had been homeless for many days. As time went by, Heihei and Huanghuang took it home naturally. From then on, we named it according to the color of its hair and called it "Brown". Brown is lively, cheerful and lovable. He never grabs food or is picky about food. His fluffy tail shakes from time to time. He almost forgot that he was once a tired stray dog. I often think about how it survived the long night when its playmates asked its owner to call them home one by one. Is its loneliness the same as that of humans, who find an exit at dawn?

and the dogs The fate doesn't stop there. At dusk, when the sound of waves lapping the shores of the Wanjiang River and the sound of fishing boats rocking oars sounded, homesickness suddenly arose. That day, I was walking back along Wanjiang West Road, watching the clouds in the western sky gradually darken, and my heart seemed to be hollowed out. This indescribable feeling may be nostalgia. I habitually climbed onto the loader and sat down against the back of the car. Just as I was about to start it, I heard a squeaking sound from underneath the car. I quickly got out of the car and saw two fluffy puppies cuddling together under the engine, one gray and the other black and white.I thought these two little guys were either lost or abandoned. I got out of the car, gestured to them, and called them softly, and the two puppies came swaying over. They were so small that I could hold them in my hands. It looked like they were just a full moon.

I carefully carried them back to the yard. As soon as the two puppies slipped from my hands, they ran straight towards Huanghuang and swayed under Huanghuang's body, which made Huanghuang at a loss. It seems that they regard Huanghuang as their mother. We also named the two puppies: Huihui and Huahua.

fell in love with a group of homeless dogs, and his innate loneliness was somewhat relieved, which can be regarded as "sympathy for the same disease". Every time I finish work after sunset and wander alone by the Wanjiang River after dinner, the dogs will always be by my side. Their sensitive eyes and gentle expressions instantly infected me. When I sit down, the naughty brown will suddenly jump on my knees and look at me with a pair of sensitive eyes. Heihei sat curled up for a while, then walked away, and then Huanghuang followed suit. It really seemed like he would never leave. Hui Hui and Hua Hua were like a pair of "childhood sweethearts", lying head to head with their chin resting on their two front feet, motionless as they looked at the flow of people coming and going on the embankment. The only person who can live an ordinary life so comfortably and calmly is probably a dog. People will never know what they are thinking.

In the romantic world of dogs, there is not only a peaceful life, but also joys and sorrows, and the love between children. As Heihei and Huanghuang have been on a long-distance love journey in recent months, they finally gave birth to a baby boy and gave birth to eight puppies in one go. It's just that the eight little dogs were born at the wrong time, just in time for a heavy snowfall that has not happened in Anqing for a century. Due to the cold, lack of milk and our poor care, four of the dogs died on the third day after they were born. Huang Huang used his mouth. Picking them up together, breathing heavily and circling them back and forth, the anxiety, restlessness, sadness and helplessness are so sad to see. Hei Hei also became irritable and restless, refusing to let people approach him. Hei Hei kept barking even when we fed the puppies. Brown squatted on the ground with his two front legs, his melancholy eyes not moving away for a long time. Hui Hui and Hua Hua couldn't help but nudge each other with their noses... Like humans, they have their own way of expressing pain and despair.

Brown can't stand loneliness by nature, so he brought home a "Snow White" a few days ago. This is a cross poodle , lively and active, with white and clean hair standing straight up one by one, Gulu There always seemed to be unexpected surprises hidden in Gulu's eyes. Friends particularly like this maverick dog and affectionately call it "Bai Bai". From then on, Brown no longer provoked Huang Huang, and often dug holes and built caves in the sand with Bai Bai, foraged for food in the wild, swam together, and took naps in the sun together...

Misfortunes never come singly, and Huang Huang had just recovered from the loss of his son. Not long after emerging from the shadow of pain, two of the remaining four puppies died inexplicably. This made Huang Huang very sad. Every day after dusk, he led his two remaining children across the embankment, barking in a hoarse voice. Its only two children, Brown Brown and Spotted, also expressed their longing for their dead companions with childish cries. This mournful wailing actually attracted an unprovoked provocation from a ferocious dog. It was bigger than Huang Huang, and it waggled its tail and rushed towards Huang Huang. Huanghuang was unprepared, and was staggered as soon as he stood upright. Brown and Spot were a little overwhelmed and instinctively jumped to the side, then stood upright and barked at the dog. Huang Huang immediately turned around and attacked the dog, biting its neck. At this time, Brown and Baibai appeared out of nowhere, like a pair of male and female swords pointing directly at the belly of a fierce dog. The fierce dog was completely irritated, pulled away, turned around and bit Huang Huang's thigh, Huang Huang screamed instinctively. Fortunately, Hei Hei arrived in time. When the fierce dog saw Hei Hei's calm and powerful eyes, his prestige was instantly gone, and he found an opening to escape in embarrassment among the dogs.

Huang Huang was injured, and the blood and hair on his legs were stuck together. We bandaged its wound and applied medicine. But for several days, the wound did not heal, but became severely infected. What puzzled me even more was that it seemed to be avoiding us on purpose, lying in a corner and licking its wounds with its tongue from time to time. Heihei was lying down not far from it, looking at it with his eyes constantly, as if to protect and comfort him.There seemed to be an ominous premonition hidden in the dark, deep and gloomy eyes.

Huanghuang finally left us. Poor Brown and Spot, they couldn't get any water for several days. Because they couldn't find their home, they circled around the yard until they got tired, then slowly fell asleep next to their brown bodies. And Hei Hei, this "macho" dog was also very sad. For several days in a row, he would go to the embankment where Huang Huang and Lie Dog fought and look around for a long time. You can never guess what they have in mind. The construction period of

is coming to an end, and we are planning to retreat. Due to the difficulty of long-distance transportation, we plan to give away the dogs. Firstly, the dogs will have good owners, and secondly, they will not wander around with us. Although there is a lot of reluctance in my heart, I can only reluctantly give up my love. The day after we sent the dogs away, we rushed back to Jinan. When I got in the car, the rapeseed flowers on both sides of the road flashed through the car window, and the roar of the waves of the Wanjiang River stopped. Only the lovely shadows of the dogs flashed in front of my eyes again and again. When I think of them, I burst into tears again. ......

I turned my head and through the rear window, I could vaguely see two shadows, one white and one black, rushing forward, taking small steps and swinging their bodies like oars to catch up. I rubbed my eyes, yes, brown and white! I couldn’t let go of them, and they couldn’t let us go! The driver stopped the car, and I jumped out of the car, crying with joy. Brown and white were still chasing me hard, and I I leaned down and stretched out my arms, waiting for them to jump into my arms.

They finally jumped into my arms, panting heavily, licking my cheeks with their wet tongues, propping my chin with their furry heads, and looking into my heart with their dark eyes. Looking at the pitiful appearance of this young couple in front of me, I have no reason to leave them behind...

In my life, you have been here before.

Anchor/post-editor: Zhai Haojun (internship)

Editor: Zhu Ruotong

Chief editor on duty: Wang Juan