# wonderfulanimal# "Stop being a lover, be a cat or a dog instead of being a lover, be a pet that is at least cute and charming!" - Leo Ku's "Love and Sincerity" Recently I like walking dogs, and I may feel like going for a walk alone. That's silly. It's different with a dog. Whe

I’ve recently fallen in love with dog walking. I might think it’s silly to go for a walk alone, but it’s different with a dog. Whether I’m with the dog or the dog is with me, I won’t be too lonely.

In the past, I was not interested in raising dogs. I couldn’t say I liked them, but I could also say I hated them. Although many pets look very cute, it is still a bit resisting to let them lie on the body, lick and scratch (it seems that cats and dogs have a lot of bacteria).

Later, I met someone and she wanted to keep a dog. In order to get close to her, I had no choice but to love my house and my dog, so I became a "dog slave". From the first day of raising the dog, I have been feeding the dog food, picking up feces and wiping the urine, bathing and cleaning the dog cage, visiting the veterinarian, etc., which makes me often lament that humans are inferior to dogs. The result is that the dog is getting closer to me, while its owner is getting colder and colder towards me.

The reason why we can still keep in touch is probably because sometimes her dog needs someone to take care of her and she has to find me again. It was then that I discovered that I quite like walking dogs, and finally understood why some people like to keep dogs.

People say that dogs are very loyal, and it turns out to be true. I have heard of people abandoning dogs, but I have never heard of dogs abandoning people. If you are willing to raise it for the rest of your life, it will never leave you, but this may not be the case for people. It is controllable to invest your emotions in dogs, but it is uncontrollable to invest your emotions in people. From the day I raised it to now, it is as enthusiastic as ever every time it sees me, but its owner's attitude towards me is suddenly cold. Sudden heat.

In addition, dogs don’t mind that you are not attentive and have no requirements. It doesn’t matter how many dogs or cats you have. As long as you give it enough dog food and take it for a walk when you have time, it will wag its tail and lick you every day. Toes off.

If you are happy, it will circle around you and bark. If you are unhappy, it will be very knowledgeable and lie down next to you to be the best listener.

thought for a while that if you still can't find your ideal partner, it would be a good idea to raise a dog for the rest of your life in a few years.


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