If you have a cat, you must observe the cat more often so that you can understand the meaning behind the cat's behavior. Today we will talk about these 5 behaviors of cats before going to bed. They are actually saying good night to you. Don’t be stupid and don’t know. 1. When som

If you have a cat, you must observe the cat more often so that you can understand the meaning behind the cat's behavior. Today we will talk about these 5 behaviors of cats before going to bed. They are actually saying good night to you. Don’t be stupid and don’t know.

1. When some cats want to sleep, they will climb onto their owner’s bed or their own cat nest, and then meow at their owner. In fact, when cats do this, they are saying, "I'm going to sleep" or "Master, sleep with me." The cat is saying "good night" to you, so don't be so stupid that you don't know and disturb it.

2. If you get along with your cat for a long time, it will slowly accept you, fall in love with you, and even treat you as its mother. If a cat loves you very much, then it will rub its body against you and sniff you before going to bed. Just like a child acting coquettishly with its mother, it will say "good night" to you gently.

3. The cat is not bored when he walks around the house. It may be a preparation before going to bed. Because cats need to find a comfortable and safe place before sleeping. After the cat finds a place that it is satisfied with, it will lie there and adjust to a comfortable position. It is obvious that it wants to sleep. This is saying "good night" to you, and the owner should not disturb it.

4. Cats will also drink a little water before going to bed to prevent them from waking up due to thirst in the middle of the night. So if your cat drinks a little water at night and then lies still, it means that it is ready to sleep. , this is to say good night to you. If you still disturb it, the cat will be angry.

5. Cats usually lick their fur before going to bed. This is for cleaning and is also their bedtime ritual. If the cat licks its fur very seriously at night and does not miss any part of its body, it means that it is getting ready to sleep. This is also the cat's way of saying good night to you. Don't be stupid and understand.

Cats usually lick their fur. If this happens for a long time, it is easy for the hair to be sucked into the body and form hair balls. Therefore, pet owners should regularly feed their cats cat grass or hair removal cream. They should also pay attention to their daily diet. It is recommended to choose a cat food rich in dietary fiber as the main food.

Conclusion: What does your cat like to do before going to bed?

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