If you pay attention, you will find that dogs have many different postures for excretion, and some of them are even weird. But the dog’s excretion postures have different meanings. You will understand after reading the following. Dogs with the "looking everywhere" type always lik

If you pay attention, you will find that there are many kinds of excretion postures for dogs, and some of them are even very weird. But the dog’s excretion postures have different meanings. You will understand after reading the following.

"Looking everywhere" type

When dogs are defecating outdoors, they always like to look around and look a little nervous, which is actually a sign of high vigilance.

Dogs are relatively relaxed when excreting, and they may not react if attacked, so looking around is to detect the situation and ensure their own safety. I have to say that dogs are still very smart.

"Human standing" type

Dogs have seen humans excreting in a standing state, so they follow the same example, and it is not easy to soil themselves when standing.

Smart dogs can also go to the toilet on their own, drain directly into the toilet, and flush. They have really strong learning abilities.

"circle observation" type

Many dogs will spin in circles before excreting. This is because they want to flatten the surrounding haystacks to avoid getting stuck in their butts.

Some people say that dogs turn in circles to find the best magnetic field, but more people believe that dogs have obsessive-compulsive disorder and have to find a position they like in order to poop safely, which is really weird.

"One foot raised" type

Some dogs will lift one foot when excreting, standing on one foot and pulling like this. Some people say that dogs can urinate farther and radiate a wider range when they pee like this. This way, the marking range will be wider.

This type of dog has a domineering personality, is possessive, and is prone to fights with other dogs.

"Pull while walking" type

Some dogs excrete while walking, and the owner can only pick up feces behind them. This habit of dogs is not very good. It is best for owners to train their dogs to eliminate in a fixed place.

At the beginning of the training, you can use snack rewards to guide the dog to cooperate with the instructions. Later, when the dog gets used to it, it will no longer pull while walking.

Dog’s poop is an important observation indicator of their health. Poop Officer can usually observe the dog’s poop to judge its health.

Healthy poop is smooth, slightly moist, in strips, and not sticky when picked up. If the color and shape are abnormal, it means that the dog has a health problem.

If your dog has soft stools, you should make adjustments to your diet and try to choose dog food that is easy to digest.

Conclusion: Does your dog have a weird excrement posture?