Mayfly in Dengzhou, Henan-Mayfly is living and dying, having fun. What exactly is a mayfly?

2021/8/17 8 pm, Dengzhou, Henan , Jitan Town .

There were a lot of flying insects, some said they were moths, some said they were small dragonflies, and some said it was ancient extinct bugs. Rumors arose and chaos continued.

There are so-called masters who say that something big is going to happen. It is a precursor of a major earthquake and a warning of a major disaster.

So what exactly is this? How many bugs are there? Look at it.

is densely packed with bugs. intensive phobia , please don't click to open it.

According to experts' judgment, these are mayfly .

Mayfly has been there since ancient times.

Mayfly is described in "The Book of Songs Cao Feng Mayfly". Mayfly has been in existence since the pre-Qin Dynasty.

Mayfly feathers, beautiful clothes.
The worries of the heart belong to me.
Mayfly wings, picking clothes.
The worries of the heart return to me.
Mayfly digs and reads, sackcloth is like snow.
The worries of the heart are my fault.

Mayfly is considered to be the shortest living creature in the world. Generally born at the turn of spring and summer, that is, late spring and early summer. To say that it is dying in the future means that it has a short lifespan. Generally, it is only a few hours, and the longer one is up to three days.

" Huainanzi " says: "Mayfly does not eat or drink,Died in three days. "Compared the life of the mayfly with the long-lived crane : "The crane is a thousand years old and swims extremely well. Mayfly is living and dying at night, making the most of it. "

Cao Cao said in " the tortoise ": " the tortoise has a life span, but there is still a time, but it will eventually become dust. There are thousands of creatures in the world, and each has a lifespan. No matter how long they can live, they will eventually turn into dust and drift away with the wind.

Mayfly flying in marriage

It is the first time I know that mayfly is living and dying because of its short life. Mayfly mating and childbirth are all completed within one day. Generally, starting from the afternoon, groups of mayflies begin to marry and fly, flying in the pond, each looking for a lover, completing the mating, and then laying eggs in the water. When it's over, it's life. The end of, waiting quietly, waiting without regret, the passing of life.

I suddenly feel sorry for it. Why did it die in only one day? Then what is the meaning of its birth?

I can't understand , With sentimentality. Such a illusory and blurred feeling, it is difficult to penetrate, only the immortal world will appear, right?

Su Shi said in " Chibi Fu": "Send mayfly in the sky, a drop in the ocean. I mourn the need of my life, and envy the infinity of the Yangtze River. "

He also lamented that life is short, and it's gone in a few seconds. What's the difference between this and mayfly's life and death? Compared with Tiandi Yangtze River, life is as short as mayfly's life.

Someone Say: A moment is a thought, twenty thoughts are a moment, twenty moments are a flick, twenty flicks are a premonition, and twenty premonitions are a moment.

Is your time long or short? Yes People live like years, and some people feel that time is passing by, and the years are in a hurry. Zhuangzi’s "Journey to the North" said: "Between the world of life, like a white horse,Suddenly. " So there is the idiom white horse crossing the gap . How to live and how to live depends on the attitude of the person.

People must be happy when they are alive, without regrets. Cao Cao said: "To drink a song, life is geometric." Li Bai said : You must be happy in life. Don’t make the golden bottle empty to the moon. The ancestors have understood life and realized the true meaning of life.

Then if you were like a mayfly with only one day's life, what would you do?

Everyone is welcome to share their views and feelings.
