This cat can predict the time of death, which is more accurate than medical experts. It has predicted 50 cases in 5 years.

On a sunny afternoon, a cat fell from the roof of the nursing home. It gently pushed open the door and curled up on the only hospital bed in the room. There was an old lady lying on the hospital bed. She was 80 years old and was taking a lunch break, but her complexion didn't look very peaceful.

The medical staff spotted the cat during the rounds. She showed a panicked look and reported the situation to it as soon as possible, and then the nursing home called the patient’s family. Urgently notify the patient of the imminent death.

This is a nursing home named steered in Rhode Island, USA. Why does it see a cat and determine that the patient is going to die? It turns out that it is not a simple cat. Its name is Oscar. It is a magical cat that can accurately predict the death of human beings.

Oscar was taken in by a nursing home in 2005. Its black and white fur often attracts attention. Oscar, who is only 6 months old as a cat, has many unusual performances since he came to the nursing home. He always enjoys the sun and food alone, neither closes to the staff nor mingle with other cats. The lonely Oscar behaves like a cold lone traveler in the nursing home.

The staff in the nursing home was surprised to find that this seemingly out-of-fit cat always appeared in the patient’s room who was about to die, curled up on the bed or chair, waiting for the patient’s breath of life to disappear completely , Left the house alone.

Surprisingly,Oscars predicted deaths are not alone. According to recorded data, in 5 years, Oscar has predicted the death of 50 patients. It always appears silently, waiting quietly for the death of life. Moreover, even in the ward with the door locked, Oscar would ask the staff to open the door for it by scratching the door, and then sneak into the room, waiting for the death of the patient's life.

Sometimes, Oscar predicts the life and death of patients more accurately than medical experts. Brown University Professor of Medicine David Dossa gave an example. Once, after medical staff confirmed that a patient was about to die, 8 hours later, Okas was still not in the ward.

At this time, the patient's breathing has reached a very difficult point, and obviously it will not last long. Everyone began to question the name of the death god Oscar. Suddenly, the sound of paws scratching the door came from outside the door, and Oscar appeared. Two hours later, the patient stopped breathing.

This result proves that Oscar's prediction of death is more accurate than that of medical experts.

People call Oscar the "reaper cat" or "reaper with four legs". It always appears when the patient is dead and is the last visitor in many patients' lives. Like the god of death in myths, Oscar represents the approach of death, but only those who can face life from the beginning to the end will accept the Oscar calmly, and those who are unwilling to face death will hate Oscar, even Feel scared.

In the Middle Ages,Cats are regarded as witches’ pets and are a symbol of evil, and Oscar is a cat who "brings" death, and it may bear a lot of malice from humans.

But surprisingly, Oscar was not discriminated against. It was treated equally. People accepted Oscar and used its ability to predict death, so as to inform the families of the deceased, whenever the Oscar notices. After death, the staff in the nursing home will become busy. Not only did the patient's family not hate Oscar because of this weird and slightly terrifying ability, but they were grateful for it to accompany the patient through the last time.

Today, the reason why Oscar is waiting for human death in the ward is still a mystery. Spiritual enthusiasts believe that Oscar is by no means good. It is collecting human souls. This supernatural view is believed by a small number of people. More people believe in science and speculate that Oscars can capture the smell or pheromones emitted by human beings when they are about to die. They believe that these special smells are very attractive to Oscars.

American medical professor Dossa believes that Oscar's ability is not weird. "I don't think Oscar is so unique. It's just in a special environment. Animals can see things we can't see. For example, dogs can smell cancer and fish can predict earthquakes. Animals know when people are the most They are needed."

text|Jiang Ming pictures|Web editor|Qiwen
