The commonly used mathematical formulas for raising turtles are here, and the standardized operations you want are here

Mathematics has always been a basic subject, and any major we study is inseparable from mathematics. So even if you study liberal arts, there must be mathematics. Mathematics is a powerful weapon for other disciplines, and every aspect of life is inseparable from mathematics, although it is not used very deeply. The ideas of mathematics and many aspects of science are relatively mechanized and programmed. Many turtle friends hope that raising turtles can also be programmed like this. Once you master the steps, you can follow the steps step by step. You don't need to worry about it, and you don't need to think too much.

But the organism is the most uncertain, and it is greatly affected by other individuals and environmental factors. If you want the real formula operation, rigorous friends will know how huge a mathematical calculation is required, which is obviously unrealistic, and most of us are not "Wei Shen". Haha, to be honest, the editor still respects scientific figures like "Wei Shen" who don't ask about world affairs and are at ease with academics. Good cow, I don't have that ability.

But we can still use some simple formulas. In fact, everyone has learned them, but sometimes they are suddenly confused and don't know how to use them. So let's list some formulas that can be applied to turtle breeding.

The calculation of water volume is actually simple, and many turtle friends are still asking. Have you all forgotten, what is the calculation formula of the volume of the cube, length times width times height, centimeters or decimeters unit conversion is a gap of 1000. That is to say, to convert centimeters into liters, you have to multiply the calculation result by 1000. The height is naturally the height of the water level, so sometimes the editor will let you deepen the water, which will increase the water volume.If you have friends who have the bottom filter material , the volume of the filter material must also be counted. It can be estimated that the amount of water here is half of the volume occupied by the filter material.

Selection of pump data. Generally speaking, the selection of the flow rate of the pump is very important. The flow rate is too small, and it basically does not work. The flow rate is too large, which means that the water flow is too fast, which is very unfriendly to turtles. Generally speaking, the flow rate of the pump is 5-10 times the volume of the water body. For example, if the water body is 50L, then the filtered flow rate is 250-500L. Usually, this unit is of course the flow rate calculated in hours. Just choose according to your needs. I personally don't like to use pumps with too fast water flow when raising turtles. These data will be marked on the nameplate of the product.

heating rod selection of wattage. Legend has it that there is a very simple and rude way, that is, if you have heating at home, the wattage of the heating rod can be equivalent to the amount of water. If there is no heating in the home, you can choose 2 times the amount of water.

raises density. Generally speaking, Xiaobian’s personal recommendation is to raise a turtle with at least five times its own body size. But this also depends on the water pump or other accessories you add to the environment, and cannot be calculated based on the overall space. It's like your home is not big and it's full of furniture. How can you live here? The more turtles the larger the natural space needs. I don't think it's easy to come up with a formula to solve this. I still have to consider and by myself. Too crowded environment for a long time is not good. Or only one turtle is kept in a small space, which can save the mutual harm between individuals.

Feeding ratio.We often say that the stomach of a turtle is about the same size as its head, so to fill the entire stomach with food, as long as the food volume is similar to the head size, this can be used as a reference for your feeding amount. Of course, the expansion of turtle food should also be taken into account. This is not to say that eating too much is not good. If we encounter delicious food, our appetite will explode, and the food we eat is definitely bigger than our stomach. But you can't eat like this for a long time, your body can't stand it. The same is true for turtles. It does not mean that there must be a problem with excessive feeding, but the probability of such an accident in the long term is very high. When many people breed, feeding will be adopted for one to two days a week, to allow the turtle to digest and reduce the burden on the stomach. Because you raise a large area, you cannot guarantee that each turtle will eat the same amount of food.

There are still a lot of uncertainties in the feeding of living organisms, and it is still necessary to look at it comprehensively, which is also the fun and surprise. In many places, it is better not to be too formulaic. Ha, these are the formulas that Xiaobian thinks of at the moment, and there are supplementary turtle friends who can contribute your valuable experience.