Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation

2020/04/1823:04:02 housepet 2819

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

The Corgis who have just come to the world are like a group of colorful mice. They close their eyes and feel the bitch's gentle licking, and its life begins!


Colostrum must be eaten

If you want your dog to grow up healthy, you must give it colostrum in time. Colostrum is the milk of a bitch within 3-5 days after giving birth, and its composition is very different from the milk at other times.

Eating colostrum is very beneficial to baby Corgi and can greatly improve the immunity of puppies. Generally, the mother of Corgi can breastfeed her puppies within a few hours after delivery. Although the eyes of the newborn puppies are tightly closed, they can find the nipples by smell and touch. For weak puppies, you should place them next to the milk-rich nipples. . Generally, female dogs have 8-10 nipples. Mother Corgi can feed about 8 puppies. If you exceed this number, you have to consider the help of the owner or foster a mother with a small litter.

The characteristics of colostrum:

1. Colostrum contains high protein, fat and rich vitamins. It has a laxative effect and can promote meconium discharge.

2. The initial lactic acid is high, which is good for digestion. Almost all the nutrients in colostrum are absorbed and utilized by the young dog, which is extremely beneficial for increasing physical strength and maintaining body temperature.

3. Colostrum contains a variety of antibodies (maternal antibodies), which is of great significance for puppies whose body's anti-disease mechanism is not yet perfect.

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews


The bitch usually takes care of the baby Corgi

Under normal circumstances, the Corgi will take good care of the baby and breastfeeding time The bitch can master the frequency without human intervention. However, for some bitches with little milk or poor motherhood, the owner should pay attention to the feeding of the baby. Generally, the number of feedings per day should be more than 5 times, below this number, the dog will face the problem of not getting enough. For bitches with weak motherhood, the owner can lightly pinch the puppies to make it "squeak" to stimulate the bitch's desire for protection, or slightly force the bitch to lie down to accept the baby's breastfeeding, usually only a week , The dog mother will become very motherly, when you want to see the dog baby, it depends on how happy people are!

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews


The method of artificially assisting to take care of Corgi's baby

When Corgi's mother has insufficient milk, the owner can help it, which can effectively reduce the mother The burden of dogs. Remember to feed the special milk powder for dog babies. It is unscientific to feed with milk. There is a big difference between the nutrients in milk and those in dog milk.

The fragile intestines of puppies cannot absorb milk, which can easily cause diarrhea. Severe diarrhea may cause dehydration and even death. Therefore, to artificially feed puppies, remember to buy special dog milk powder, which has been specially processed to meet the digestive needs of dogs.

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews


When will I start giving baby Corgi a snack?

Baby Corgi has grown to 20 days, and mother dog’s milk volume is getting less and less, it’s time to add meals to the little ones! Make a little bit of dog milk powder with warm water, then add some puppy food, soak it softly, puppies will like this kind of food very much, but be aware that the baby's stomach is still very fragile, and only feed a little at the beginning. Observe the puppies Poop, if there is no serious change, slowly increase the amount of extra meals. Appropriate early meals can exercise puppies’ digestive organs, promote intestinal development, are also good for the growth of deciduous teeth, and lay the foundation for smooth weaning of dogs.

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

Typesetting: Bean bun Mama

Text: "Welsh Corgi" edited by Xu Yongqian

Picture: Jiyou Provide

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews


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Nursing common sense | How to take care of a baby Corgi during lactation - DayDayNews

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