In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs "cry" at night? In fact, there is a reason, don’t ignore it! 1. Not feeling well. In the middle of the night, the dog suddenly feels very uncomfortable. It urgently needs its owner to hel

2024/06/3008:55:32 housepet 1531

In the process of raising dogs, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs make "crying sounds" at night? In fact, there is a reason, don’t ignore it!

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

1. Not feeling well

In the middle of the night, the dog suddenly felt very uncomfortable. It urgently needed its owner to help it. At this time, everyone was sleeping and no one noticed it, so the dog would make unusual sounds. to remind the owner.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

2. Short lifespan

I heard that dogs can predict their own lifespan. When they know that they may die and leave their owners, they will be reluctant to leave and make a "wuwuwu" sound.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

3, estrus period

When dogs are in estrus, they will make a cry-like sound at night, which is actually to attract the attention of the opposite sex nearby. Spring is a period of high incidence of dog attacks. Dog owners should pay more attention because some dogs will sneak out and the owners must close the doors and windows to prevent the dog from getting lost.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

4. There are strange noises at home

Dogs’ hearing is very developed. When it is quiet at night and suddenly hears some unusual noises, the dog may make a cry-like sound to alert you.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

5. Gastrointestinal discomfort

Sometimes in the middle of the night, when your dog has an upset stomach and wants to poop, he will make a cry-like sound beside your bed to signal to you that his stomach is uncomfortable.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

6. Being ignored by the owner

Dogs are very dependent on their own dog owners. If the dog owner is very busy and often ignores the dog, and the dog cannot be accompanied by the person for a long time, it will be very sad and make a sound like crying.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

recommends that dog owners interact with their dogs every day, so that the dogs will be in a happy mood. During the interaction, you can feed some snacks to increase the relationship between you and the dog.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

7. Hungry

Some dogs digest very quickly and may be hungry in the middle of the night. In this case, they will also cry to tell you that they are hungry.

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

Dogs that have been hungry for a long time will be very thin and suffer from malnutrition and other problems. Therefore, it is recommended that owners should provide their dogs with nutritional supplements in time. In terms of diet, you should choose some nutritious dog food to meet the daily nutritional needs of your dog.

If pet owners don’t know how to choose, you can take a look at the following pictures~

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

Conclusion: Have you ever heard a dog cry? Under what circumstances?

In the process of raising a dog, we often hear dogs making cries like crying. So why do dogs

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