Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability.

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Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability. - DayDayNews

As a model of virtue, nobility and elegance, and the embodiment of benevolence, the metal dragon is regarded by humans as a mythical creature comparable to gods because of its power and majesty comparable to the gods. Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability.

Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability. - DayDayNews

Brass Dragon: One of the five chaotic good metal dragons. It lives in the sand sea. Its breath is fire. It is talkative by nature. Brass dragons are extremely talkative and eloquent. They can sometimes provide some useful information, but usually it takes a long time. After hours of chatting and hinting at gifts, the news was revealed. Brass dragons prefer dry heat and spend most of their time basking in the hot desert sun. They give off a strong metallic or sandy smell. They like to build their nests in high burrows. Brass dragons can eat almost anything, but they eat very little, getting their nutrients from the morning dew. Since the habitats of brass dragons and blue dragons are the same, for brass dragons, blue dragons are the most dangerous enemies. If the two sides are in a one-on-one conflict, the larger blue dragon will have the upper hand. Therefore, the brass dragon usually avoids its opponent first, and then attacks after gathering its surrounding companions. Talking to adventurers is more appealing to a brass dragon than fighting. When faced with danger, younger brass dragons will fly out of sight of their enemies and hide in the sand, while older brass dragons try to gain an advantage in combat. Brass Dragon is a whimsical magician who likes humor and fun. They particularly enjoy interacting with humans and other civilized humanoids, reveling in the innocent customs of these exquisite races without appearing arrogant or contemptuous. Although they may appear to be simply curious, the purpose of Brass Dragons participating in conversations is to learn about the latest political developments in the region in order to anticipate possible future conflicts. In the process, they create a vast network of information, starting with their own allies and extending to all classes of humanoid society - a network that the brass dragons use to skillfully aid the communities near their lairs. Unlike the machinations and manipulations of blue dragons, brass dragons use their network of information to ensure fairness and justice. These carefree dragons value autonomy and believe that any living creature should live a life of their own choosing as long as they do no harm to others. They are emotional creatures, can only sustain their attention spans briefly, and sometimes suffer from depression later in life. To prevent this, some brass dragons take constant care of pets and plants. Although their curiosity about worldly matters is that of an innocent child, a brass dragon's prowess in battle is no child's play. When their territory or allies are threatened, brass dragons become formidable foes who quickly shed their innocence and unleash their wrath on those who do wrong. Brass dragon's pupils will gradually darken with age, until they resemble molten metal balls. Brass dragons of teenagers and above can move sand to dig ruins or hide treasures, and brass dragons of teenagers and above can call upon the desert winds to serve them. Older and older brass dragons are surrounded by auras of intense heat. Beginning with ancient dragons, a brass dragon can create a desert storm as a full-round action once per day.

Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability. - DayDayNews

Bronze dragon: One of the five metal dragons of lawful good. They live underwater. Their dragon breath is lightning. They are curious by nature. Bronze dragons are very curious. They often turn into small friendly animals to observe adventurers who enter their territory. . They are fascinated by war, and often eager to join the army in order to exercise justice and get good rewards. Bronze dragons are very good at swimming. Their feet are webbed and their scales are smooth and smooth. In their oldest stage, their eyes resemble glowing green orbs. Bronze dragons like to stay near deeper freshwater or seawater. They often dive deep into the water to cool down or search for pearls and sunken treasures.Bronze dragons prefer to live in caves that can only be accessed by water, but the interior of the lair will always remain dry. The bodies of bronze dragons exude the smell of sea water. They feed on aquatic animals and plants, especially shark meat. Bronze dragons don't like killing, and they use "detection thoughts" to detect the intentions of intelligent creatures. When fighting, the bronze dragon will first use "cloud and mist" to obscure the enemy's sight, and then sprint. When dealing with sea-going enemies, they summon storms or smite ships with their tails. They are natural scholars who would rather stay in their nest and delve into profound knowledge than venture into the wild. These aloof and self-denying dragons also act as guardians, guarding the repositories of ancient knowledge from destruction and corruption. Bronze dragons are principled and protective. While their silver dragon brethren are impatient to fight for justice, bronze dragons prefer to find an important location worthy of their defense to protect it from attack and invasion. Bronze dragons' mastery of water and affinity for electricity mean they are a boon to sailors caught in thunderstorms . Enemies of the bronze dragons will soon discover that neither clouded skies nor rough seas can provide them with some protection from their wrath. Bronze dragons nest along the coastline, often in sea-eroded caves that are partially submerged by the sea. While all dragons collect treasure, a bronze dragon's hoard is more like a vast library—with bookshelves carefully placed above the waterline, of course. In addition to collecting esoteric knowledge, bronze dragons also collect treasures related to the sea, such as beautiful shells, flawless pearls, and equipment inlaid with mother-of-pearl and cassia. A bronze dragon can breathe water and can use its breath weapon, spells, and special abilities normally underwater. A bronze dragon can carry creatures or vessels alone within 50 feet, moving at double its normal speed in water, up to a maximum of 10 minutes per day per age. Starting from old age, bronze dragons gain lightning aura. Bronze dragons starting from ancient age can use a standard action to create a vortex, which can be maintained for one round per age level.

Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability. - DayDayNews

Copper Dragon : One of the five chaotic good metal dragons, it lives in barren mountains. The dragon's breath is poisonous mist. It has a bad taste and is the most cunning. The copper dragon likes to do the most, including playing pranks, telling jokes and solving puzzles. Come and test others. Most copper dragons are kind, but they also have a tendency to be greedy and stingy. Their legs and shoulders are fairly strong, suitable for climbing and jumping. Copper dragons prefer to live in dry, rocky highlands or mountains. They build their nests in long, narrow burrows and cover the entrance. Copper dragons will build complex mazes inside their lairs, with entrances and exits at the top. Copper dragons are determined hunters who consider proper exercise to be as important as food. Copper dragons will eat anything, including metal ores. However, their favorite food is mutant scorpions and other large poisonous creatures. A copper dragon's digestive system can safely remove toxins, but toxins injected into the bloodstream from outside the body can still affect them. Since copper dragons often inhabit the hills adjacent to red dragons' lairs, conflict between the two is inevitable. Bronze dragons appreciate wit and humor, and they usually do not harm a creature that can tell a joke, amusing story, or riddle they have never heard before. And those who don't appreciate their jokes, or can't accept their humor, quickly become irritated. They will tease these guys and force them to surrender. Copper dragons always do whatever they want and always smile, but this will never hinder their destiny to spread freedom in a land of oppression. Copper dragons are hedonists, and even small pleasures can satisfy them. But they also maintain empathy with other living things, don't rush to judgment, and always look at an issue carefully from as many angles as possible. However, this philosophy is also particularly flawed, making copper dragons highly susceptible to negative influences and prone to forgiving less serious evil committed by their fellow chromatic dragons or other cruel creatures. However, once provoked, it is difficult for copper dragons to maintain their good temper.Copper dragons like to nest in warm mountains, and due to their nature, they will move to a new home every few years. They sometimes live with other people, especially dwarves who live nearby. Some copper dragons even worship good deities usually worshiped only by humanoids. Among them, Caiden Kelian is the most popular among these dragons, because his love for freedom and intoxication with alcohol simply hit the hearts of most copper dragons. A copper dragon's combat tactics are as eccentric as his sense of humor, and they are more likely to use taunting and subterfuge than outright force to win a battle. As he grows older, a copper dragon's perfect joke can make even its enemies laugh until they can't stop laughing.

Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability. - DayDayNews

Golden Dragon: One of the five metal dragons of lawful good. It lives in Dragon City. The dragon's breath is fire and lightning. It is arrogant by nature. The movements of the golden dragon are gentle and elegant, and its mind is very flexible. Possessing unparalleled strength and wisdom, Jin Longzheng can be said to be the metal dragon among metal dragons. Other metallic dragons steadfastly revere the gold dragons as their leaders and mentors. The raw power of golden dragons rivals even those of red dragons, much to the chagrin of their red dragon cousins, and the two races often view each other as mortal enemies. They hate all injustice and crime and like to punish evil and promote good. Golden dragons often take the form of humans or animals. In the adult stage, the scales of golden dragons completely turn golden yellow, and their faces have long beards, making them look knowledgeable. Their pupils will gradually fade with age, and in the end they will look like a ball of molten gold. The golden dragon exudes a scent of mixed incense. Golden dragons can live anywhere, and their lairs are quite secluded and made of stone: they may be caves or castles. Gold dragons usually have a group of loyal guards: animals adapted to the local environment, storm giants, or cloud giants. Giants often sign mutual defense pacts with gold dragons. Golden dragons are usually found in temperate zones and savannahs, where they can remain in meditation for long periods of time while flying without being disturbed by enemies. They tend to sleep in remote, barren, empty places, or build nests in secluded and fortified locations, such as forgotten sinkholes and maze-like caves. Gold dragons may recruit trusted servants and allies to guard their lairs, but more truly solitary gold dragons prefer to protect their lairs with non-lethal traps and magical guards. The Golden Dragon usually starts negotiations before going to war. They use "Detect Lies" when talking to intelligent creatures. Once in combat, they use Blessing and Luck, as well as a host of offensive and trapping spells.

Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability. - DayDayNews

Silver Dragon: One of the five lawful good metal dragons, they live in Dragon City. Their dragon breath is frost and they are passionate in nature. Silver Dragons have a solemn and elegant appearance. They are very willing to assist those kind creatures who really need help. When silver dragons interact with humans, they often turn into kind old men or beautiful girls. Silver dragons like to build their lairs in high locations, such as on isolated mountain peaks or surrounded by clouds and mist. They always smell slightly of rain. Silver dragons seem to have a strong preference for the human form, and they often make friends with mortals, and even develop deep friendships. Silver dragons like to eat human food, and they can always live on this food. Since silver dragons and red dragons nest in similar environments, the two often come into conflict. The duels between them are often extremely fierce and deadly. Silver dragons are not violent in character and will not easily go to war unless they are faced with an extremely evil or rudely provocative enemy. Before attacking, they will use "cloud and fog" to make the opponent invisible, and they will also use "anti-gravity" to make the enemy fly helplessly into the air. As it grows older, the scales of a silver dragon will become brighter and the color of its pupils will become lighter and lighter. At its oldest stage, the eyes look like balls of mercury. Silver dragons are the most chivalrous of all dragons. They walk on the clouds, wield ice and snow as swords, and dance with frost as blades. They live in the snow-capped peaks and in the secluded foggy valleys.Although silver dragons usually nest in the highlands, their pursuit of justice takes them far and wide, often deep into the heart of places where evil rages. These messengers of justice are moving forward and never stopping on the road of helping the weak, spreading honor and eradicating evil. Starting as a young dragon, a silver dragon can walk on clouds and mist as if it were on the ground. Starting from a young age, the Silver Dragon's flight maneuverability increases by one level compared to normal. Starting in adolescence, silver dragons can see perfectly in clouds and mist. At the beginning of old age, the silver dragon is surrounded by a cold aura. The great dragon's damage increase can suppress or activate this aura as a free action at will. Any spell targeting an ancient or above silver dragon that fails to penetrate spell resistance may be reflected. The ancient silver dragon can fight beyond pain and death.

Metal Dragons In the beginning of this world, the magic power of Order created metal dragons. However, as time went by, Order and Chaos intertwined, and the Metal Dragons could no longer be born from the magic power, but they also obtained natural reproduction. Ability. - DayDayNews

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