“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience!

2024/05/2618:33:33 housepet 1648

"When I wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn't believe it, but I got one anyway.

Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It's a full experience!"

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

If you want to raise a dog but don’t know what to raise, it is recommended that you raise a Bichon Frize. The main reasons are as follows:

Reason 1: There is a cute little baby at home who cares about you.

After raising a Bichon Frize, Every time I go out, I think about whether it is good at home alone and whether it is well-behaved. When I get off work, I just want to rush back. Because you know there is such a cute little girl waiting for you at home.

Before I raised him, I always felt deserted when I came home. Now I have more joy. When I open the door, I can feel the joy brought by Bichon Frize.

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Reason 2: Bichon Frize’s smile is very healing and makes you forget your worries

Bichon Frize’s smile is universally recognized as sweet and very healing. Even if you encounter many unpleasant things outside, you will come home and see this little fool humming at you. Laugh and all your worries will be swept away. Although

is only a temporary escape, it is also satisfying. It has such a magical power.

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Reason 3: After raising a Bichon Frize, you will no longer feel lonely.

The Bichon Frize is very clingy. It makes its owner feel needed all the time. After raising it, I will be busy feeding it, playing with it, and petting it when I get home every day. Between them, you won't feel lonely anymore.

Many people suffer "severe beatings" from society after leaving society, and their hearts will become sensitive and fragile. Raising a clingy dog ​​can effectively eliminate these broken emotions.

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Reason 4: Bichon Frize does not exercise much and is easy to walk.

Bichon Frize is a small dog and does not exercise much. It is enough to take 20 minutes to go out and walk it every day. It is very suitable for office workers. Usually prepare some toys for it at home, and it can also tire itself out by playing with it.

There is no need to worry about how Bichon Frize can tear apart a house. Its size can only tear paper apart.

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Reason 5: There are always passers-by praising my dog ​​for looking good.

Bichon Frize is a dog that needs regular grooming. Although this expense is painful, I have to admit that if you meet a professional pet beautician, the hair will be trimmed better than before. The bear is so cute!

You attract a lot of attention when you walk on the road. Everyone praises how beautiful your dog is!

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Reason 6: Looks silly, but actually very smart

Bichon looks silly and cute. Many people say it looks very similar to Teddy , but its IQ is not half that of Teddy. In fact, Bichon Frize is not as smart as Teddy, but his IQ is still quite online.

It can pick up common small skills after learning it a few times. It can also understand what it can and cannot do when told. It is not too difficult to teach it a Bichon as long as you have more patience.

Of course, you need to be careful when training, and you can prepare some snacks to lure it.

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Reason 7: Although it is intolerant to dirt, it sheds little hair and has no body odor

Although Bichon’s white hair is quite intolerant to dirt, it is not a big problem as long as you bathe it regularly and wipe it when it is dirty. . The important thing is that the fur that feels so good actually sheds very little hair, so you can brush it casually without worrying about getting hair all over your body.

Moreover, Bichon Frize's body odor is very light, and the fragrant shower gel scent can be retained for several days after taking a bath. It's just that the Bichon Frize's ears are covered, which makes it easy to breed ear mites and make them smell bad. They need to clean their ears regularly.

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

In addition, Bichons are naturally prone to tear stains, which will affect their appearance and smell. You need to control them more and wipe the area around their eyes regularly. You should also pay attention to a light diet. Eating too greasy food can easily lead to internal heat. More severe tear stains.

In terms of diet, you can choose a light dog food containing fire-reducing ingredients as a staple food for Bichon Frize, such as the ones in the picture below.

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Such a cute little Bichon Frize, it’s really hard not to love it~ But I hope that those who like it and want to raise it can accompany it to the end. The Bichon Frize’s lifespan is very short. If you abandon it halfway, it will It’s hard to live!

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

Conclusion: Do you like Bichon Frize? Do you know what its advantages are?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

“When I first wanted to raise a dog, many people recommended raising a Bichon Frize, saying it was very good. I didn’t believe it, but I got it anyway. Now I unilaterally declare that raising a Bichon Frize is really great! It’s a great experience! - DayDayNews

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