Do you believe there is a "Phoenix" in the world? As far as we know, the Phoenix only exists in ancient myths and legends. Recently, an old man claimed that he had raised a phoenix and had raised it for four years. The old man was so confident in his words that he did not seem to

2024/05/2609:48:33 housepet 1508

Do you believe there is a "Phoenix" in the world?

As far as we know, the Phoenix only exists in ancient myths and legends. Recently, an old man claimed that he had raised a phoenix and had raised it for four years. The old man was so confident in his words that he did not seem to be lying. Is there really a "phoenix" in the world?

Do you believe there is a

The old man who raised "Phoenix" comes from Liuhe Village, Pinglu County, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. He is an authentic and simple farmer.

Zhang Wuji fell into a cave and met a white ape, picked up martial arts secrets from his belly and practiced the "Nine Yang Magic". Yang Guo met the divine eagle with a broken arm and became the heroic eagle. The characters in martial arts novels have various adventures and become famous for their generation. What adventure caused such an old man to meet the "Phoenix"?

That day was no different from the past. Guo Cunsuo went up the mountain to herd sheep as usual. Just as he was lying on the grass to rest, a bright red color suddenly caught his eye. He stared closely at the dazzling figure. But they discovered that they were two beautiful birds that they had never seen before.

Do you believe there is a

The bird's feathers were colorful and its tail was extremely long. Guo Cunsuo stared at the bird and fell into deep thought. Could this be the legendary "Phoenix"?

This bird was exactly the same as the phoenix he saw on TV. The old man concluded that he had met the divine bird "Phoenix". What a lucky thing it was to meet the divine bird. The old man fell into excitement.

The next day, he began to try to feed "Phoenix" with food. He found that "Phoenix" ate the food he brought, and he gradually became familiar with Guo Cunsuo. The divine bird was so understanding of human nature that Guo Cunsuo was even more convinced that this was "Phoenix". ".

Do you believe there is a

In this way, the old man has been feeding these magical birds "Phoenix" for four years without stopping. After spending countless time and effort, the size of the "Phoenix" is getting bigger and bigger, even more than 40 birds. The "Phoenix" in Liuhe Village The old man's fame is growing and attracting more and more attention. Local residents, tourists, and even bird experts are very curious about Guo Cunsuo's phoenix.

Bird experts came all the way to investigate, but they were shocked. Why is this?

It turns out that this is not a sacred bird "Phoenix", but Golden Pheasant , which is not only a protected animal, but also an endangered species.

Do you believe there is a

After hearing the expert's explanation, Lao Guo was not disappointed, but could not hide his joy. He was happy that he had protected the country's endangered animals and contributed to the ecological environment.

experts did not take them away rashly. Firstly, it is suitable for the survival of Golden Pheasant. Secondly, Golden Pheasant and Lao Guo already have a deep relationship. Taking them away rashly is not conducive to their growth. The enthusiastic and kind-hearted Lao Guo also took the initiative to ask experts for knowledge about birds, and took the initiative to apply to become a "bird protector".

Do you believe there is a

The golden pheasant, also known as " golden pheasant ", is a unique bird species in my country and is more common in Gansu, Shaanxi and other places. Its feathers are gorgeous and dazzling, and its appearance is particularly beautiful. It usually moves in groups, especially in autumn and winter. This kind of bird is timid and highly vigilant. Its hearing and vision are very sharp. Once it hears any sound, it will run away immediately.

They often walk in the woods looking for food, mainly feeding on plants, crops and beetles worms.

The golden pheasant once became a keen target of poachers because of its beautiful appearance and medical value. Illegal hunting is the biggest threat to the wild population of the golden pheasant. The golden pheasant has even been given the nickname "Golden Pheasant" by netizens. Sitting on the bottom of the cell and wearing a chicken.”

Do you believe there is a

Due to illegal hunting, the number of golden pheasants is rare. Golden pheasants are already a second-level protected animal in my country. The state has always severely punished illegal hunting, acquisition, and killing of protected animals.

For example, in 2017, a man in Shaanxi Province was sentenced to one year and eight months in prison for illegally hunting Golden Pheasant.; in the same year, three people in Shanxi illegally purchased Golden Pheasant were sentenced to two years in prison and fined.

In 2020, a man in Hunan illegally hunted golden pheasants and other protected animals and was sentenced to five years in prison and fined.

Some people are curious. It is illegal to catch wild protected animals and you will be sentenced. So is Lao Guo's behavior illegal?

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We need to explain here that Lao Guo did not capture the golden pheasants and raise them, but allowed them to grow freely in the wild and even protected this group of birds, so there was nothing inappropriate about Lao Guo's behavior.

It is worth mentioning that the number of endangered birds has grown thanks to Lao Guo’s efforts. Isn’t this the best proof of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature?

Finally, I would like to mention that indiscriminate hunting, endangered animals, ecological destruction... these words are so heartbreaking. The rapid development of our human economy must not be at the expense of ecological environment destruction.

Do you believe there is a

The earth is the place where we humans live. It is not only the place where we live, but also the place where many biological plants rely on to survive. The protection of the ecological environment cannot rely on just one person. We humans live in In the natural ecological environment of the earth, caring for the environment, protecting animals, and maintaining ecological harmony require the efforts of each of us.

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