There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of "light scie

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There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Text/Li Houqiang

(Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Committee and Provincial Government Decision-making Advisory Committee,

Chairman of the Chengdu Federation of Social Sciences, Professor of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, and doctoral supervisor)

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it, It will happen sooner or later, bamboo shoots are the future staple food of mankind! This is a high-probability event based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy from the perspective of "light science fiction". It is also the best way to fundamentally solve human body diseases such as "three highs" (, high blood pressure, , hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia). Path is a wise choice for mankind to follow the development trend of the earth.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The first giant panda is a special species in China

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Giant pandas have far more say in the vicissitudes of the earth than humans. Giant pandas have been living and multiplying on the earth more than 8 million years ago. Later, it experienced the evolution from a small species of giant panda to the giant panda subspecies Batterygium, and then evolved into a small giant panda, which is today's giant panda. She is one of the oldest living creatures in the world and is hailed as a "living fossil" by scientists. The giant panda family was widely distributed in ancient times, covering the three major river basins of China's Yangtze River, Pearl River and Yellow River. It also visited places such as Thailand, Myanmar and Laos . Now, there are hundreds of fossil excavated locations in my country alone. It is a typical representative of the "Giant Panda-Stegodon Fauna" in the South China region of my country's ancient times (middle and late Pleistocene). However, with changes in the geological crust and climate environment, the rise of humans, and the influence of factors such as natural enemies and diseases, the giant panda's habitat has gradually been reduced, divided, and fragmented. To this day, giant pandas are only distributed in the alpine valleys transitioning eastward from the Tibetan Plateau . Their main existing habitats are the mountainous areas of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu. Their numbers are very small and they are a rare species unique to China.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The giant panda is black and white in color, with round cheeks, big dark circles under the eyes, a chubby body, and a walking style of . She is China's national treasure, the image ambassador of WWF , the flagship species of the world's biodiversity protection, and one of the cutest animals in the world. Giant pandas belong to the order Carnivora and the family Ursidae. They were carnivores in ancient times. Their bodies were smaller than today, with pointed teeth and sharp claws. After fierce competition for survival, giant pandas gradually gave up fighting, eating meat, and eating grass, and finally started eating bamboo . Almost all the animals of her generation have become extinct, but she still exists today. Giant pandas are a special species that have given us so much inspiration in life, such as adapting to the environment, replacing food, compromising with competition, and being kind to friends. She used to travel all over the world, but now she only lives in Sichuan and surrounding areas. The place where giant pandas live is also a place for human health. The Sichuan Basin is a refuge for creatures and the last home of giant pandas, indicating the future direction of food and shelter for humans. It is said that human beings originated in the Himalayas, and will eventually return to their roots, around the Sichuan Basin, where they were born. In the animal kingdom, the lifespan of an individual giant panda is between 18 and 38 years, which is equivalent to 70 to 110 years for humans. But the giant panda as a species is the oldest animal, predating humans by more than 4.4 million years. If humans want to preserve their own species forever, they must change their lifestyle and food structure. Living in deep mountains and dense forests and eating more bamboo shoots may be the best choice. This is an important revelation given to us by the giant panda philosophy!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The second largest panda is China's cultural symbol

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The giant panda is a very gentle animal with the connotation of "unity and peace", which reflects China's history and culture and represents the character of the Chinese nation. Legend has it that in ancient times, the giant panda was the mount of Chi You. Folks have many nicknames for giant pandas, such as "Pi", "Pi Xiu", "Pi", "Tapir", "Iron-Eating Beast" and "White Leopard".Giant pandas live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, adhering to harmony and tranquility with the virtue of "harmony without fighting". The secret to pandas avoiding extinction is to gradually switch from carnivores to vegetarians!

Giant panda culture contains the concepts of "Tao" and "Easy". The rise and fall of the giant panda group is connected with the "Tao" and "Yi". Traditional Chinese culture advocates looking at all things in the universe from the perspective of movement and change. In the long period of 8 million years, the giant panda has changed from a huge branch to only one today, from a wide distribution to Sichuan and surrounding areas, from the original carnivorous beasts to today's vegetarians, all this shows that Things are not set in stone. Only by looking at giant pandas from the perspective of development and change can we understand the survival wisdom of giant pandas, find the key factors that affect the survival and reproduction of giant pandas, and successfully protect giant pandas. When the living environment changes, the living things themselves must change to achieve the state of "the right time, right place, and right people". This is the point of view of "Tao" and "Yi", the principle of "survival of the fittest", and human beings are no exception.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Giant panda culture includes the concept of "moderate peace". The appearance and temperament shown to the world by giant pandas are "messengers of peace" and can be very naive. According to historical documents, during the Western Jin Dynasty more than 1,700 years ago, two armies were fighting. One side raised the "Zouyu Banner" (giant panda flag), and the battle came to an abrupt end. This is the earliest record of the giant panda as a symbol of "peace". As a symbol of "peace", the giant panda has obvious diplomatic results. During the Tang Dynasty, China presented giant pandas to Japan as a national gift. Since the 1950s, the Chinese government has carried out " panda diplomacy", and has given more than 20 giant pandas as national gifts to the Soviet Union, North Korea, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, and Mexico in the name of the government and people. Multiple countries. In 1972, when U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China, the Chinese government presented two giant pandas to the United States, successfully breaking the ice in Sino-U.S. relations and creating a great story in the history of "panda diplomacy," whose concepts and methods have been followed to this day. Since the diplomatic form of gifting giant pandas was changed to conducting cooperative research on giant pandas, our country has developed friendly cooperative relations with more than 10 countries around the world, demonstrating the charm of China's "harmonious culture". As our country's diplomatic envoys, giant pandas convey a China that loves peace and does not want to see war; a China that is becoming increasingly powerful and carries a rich culture; a China that does not want to fight but is not afraid of fighting!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Giant panda culture includes the concept of "national totem". In ancient times, people of different ethnic groups and regions had different totems. We often say that we are the descendants of the dragon, and "dragon" is the symbol of the Chinese nation. But "dragon" does not exist in the real world. It is a collection of various animals. Regarding the qualities of Chinese people, can we find a specific object in the real world that is highly identifiable and widely representative? Giant pandas are probably the best candidates. The quality of Chinese people and the quality of giant pandas are highly consistent. In other words, the giant panda's own culture is the representative of Chinese traditional culture, and the quality of the giant panda is the quality of the Chinese people - peace-loving and never seeking hegemony!

We should dig deeper into the cultural connotation of giant pandas and fully demonstrate their international charm. uses the "peaceful" characteristics of the giant panda as a vivid cultural element and integrates it into major activities such as national diplomacy, the Olympic Games, the APEC Summit, and the "One Belt, One Road" initiative. Make full use of activities such as the International Panda Festival, Giant Panda Summer (Winter) Camp, Global Giant Panda Live Broadcast, Giant Panda Scientific Research Cooperation and Exchanges, etc., to let the cultural concepts of the Chinese nation go abroad and become a peaceful exchange among different languages, different regions, and different countries. It is a medium of communication that conveys to the world the precious qualities of the Chinese people's "virtue and virtue" and demonstrates that "there is no gene in the blood of the Chinese nation to invade others and dominate the world; the Chinese people do not accept the logic that 'a strong country must seek hegemony'; they are willing to cooperate with The people of all countries in the world live in harmony, develop harmoniously, seek peace together, protect peace together, and share peace", thereby creating a good international atmosphere for China's development.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The third giant panda is a manifestation of Chinese philosophy

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The value pursuit of human individuals is to realize the genetic wish-"survival and reproduction". Giant panda philosophy is a specialized discipline that studies the survival and reproduction wisdom of giant pandas. This is profound knowledge.

One is the "fickle wisdom" of the giant panda. Giant pandas use their "changing wisdom" to conquer a world and leave behind precious species. "Poverty leads to change, change leads to generalization, and generality leads to long-term success." If you cannot change the environment, you must change yourself. Complaining about the world is denying yourself. The self-transformation of giant pandas is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, in terms of living environment. When the Quaternary Great Ice Age came, the living environment changed dramatically. The giant pandas chose to "take a step back and the world is wide". Survive and reproduce in the mountains and valleys; Second, in terms of food acquisition, When the source of meat was no longer enough to support the need for survival, the giant panda chose to "become a Buddha immediately" and changed from a carnivorous beast to a bamboo-eating vegetarian. ; Thirdly, in terms of their own physiological structure, in order to better climb trees to avoid natural enemies and enhance their ability to eat bamboo, giant pandas have evolved a unique skill - "pseudo thumb". Although these three points cannot fully summarize the "fickle wisdom" of giant pandas, they can already explain why other species were almost completely extinct during the same period, but giant pandas can still survive until today. That is to find the right time, innovate themselves, and Survival! This also reflects the quality of the Chinese people - "advance with the times and strive for self-improvement"!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The second is the "self-denying wisdom" of the giant panda. "Hermit in the Bamboo Forest" is the nickname given to giant pandas. When it comes to giant pandas, people often hear their voices and smell their smells, but never see them. As soon as they sense an unfamiliar species approaching, giant pandas will quickly move away. Giant pandas are solitary species. Adult giant pandas have a strong sense of territory. As long as the territory is defined, they will live in their own territory and will not infringe on the territories of other giant pandas. Giant pandas still retain the digestive system of carnivores. Their intestines are very short and they have no cecum. Their claws and fangs are still sharp. They are strong, powerful and have a strong bite force. They can run and climb trees at top speeds and have no natural enemies as adults. , it can be said that if you want to dominate the world, there is almost no difficulty. However, giant pandas have always upheld their kind-hearted temperament and good moral character. They stick to their own ecological niche in nature and live in harmony with many species. They do not compete or compete with each other, and they are quite like everyone. The giant panda is a wise man, and he is as wise as a fool. This is consistent with the Chinese people’s qualities of “valuing harmony” and “harmony without fighting”, and is consistent with the Chinese people’s philosophy of life.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The third is the "ecological wisdom" of the giant panda. The giant panda lives in seclusion in the forest, using the tolerance of "benefiting all things" to realize the unity of nature and man. Giant pandas have their own circle of friends, food circle, geographical circle, especially microbiome. Wherever giant pandas are found, there are relatively complete forest ecosystems. Such an ecosystem is of great significance to both the giant panda's companion animals and plants and to human health. Since the World Wildlife Fund adopted it as its emblem in 1861, the giant panda has become the "flagship species" and "umbrella species" in biological conservation. Protecting giant pandas means protecting wildlife around the world. Protecting the living environment of giant pandas means protecting the global ecological environment. The bamboo that giant pandas eat is not a rare plant, let alone cordyceps and matsutake mushrooms. It is abundant and cheap and does not affect the ecological environment. The giant panda itself is an ecological product!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The fourth is the "body color wisdom" of the giant panda. Strictly speaking, the world is made of black and white. Black and white have special meaning to China, symbolizing the yin and yang. From the yin and yang Tai Chi fish to the Hetu Luoshu arranged with black and white dots and lines; from the black and white Go game to the Chinese painting created with black ink and white paper, all reflect the Chinese Yin and Yang philosophy.The white color of the giant panda symbolizes Yang, and the black color symbolizes Yin. There is yang within yin, and yin within yang. Yin and yang interact and hide each other, and yin and yang generate and use each other. Whether it is a giant panda curled up or two giant pandas hugging each other, the black and white colors of yin and yang complement each other, forming a picture of me in you and you in me, embracing each other and interdependence, which is consistent with the "No. 1 Picture in the World" "The Tai Chi diagram is very similar, and the idea of ​​ the unity of opposites in all things in the world is vividly reflected. The outer circle of Tai Chi diagram is a circle, similar to the chubby shape of a giant panda. It is a whole body that is constantly rotating and moving, pregnant with the ever-changing laws of things. Inside the circle of the Tai Chi diagram is an S-curve dividing black and white. The left side of the curve is white, masculine, and the right side is black, feminine. Everything has two sides, and nothing is pure yang or pure yin. When looking at problems, we need to see both yin and yang. The principle of yin and yang is an exquisite dialectical philosophy. As a human being, you must live in sorrow, die in happiness, and be prepared for danger in times of peace. It is necessary to have a blessing in disguise for disaster, but it is not a blessing, and blessings and disasters are dependent on each other. Only by transforming opposite things into each other and taking advantage of the situation can we achieve good results. The giant panda is 3D Tai Chi !

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Five is the "aesthetic wisdom" of the giant panda. The distribution of black and white body colors of the giant panda is full of the beauty of balance and symmetry. The black muzzle corresponds to the white tail, the black ears correspond to the white head parts on the front and back, and the black eye circles correspond to the white cheeks. From a visual comparison, the black and white areas of the giant panda's appearance are almost exactly the same. The boundaries between the two are clear, both opposite and unified, both contradictory and harmonious. None of the colors goes to extremes, implying the interdependence and inclusion of philosophical principles between things. It is a perfect display of the essence of the "doctrine of the mean" of traditional Chinese culture. If you connect the black and white points into circles of different sizes and expand them according to the radius of the concentric circles, the distance between the intersection points satisfies the "Fibonacci series" rule, showing the golden ratio! This is why giant pandas attract attention and look so beautiful. The essence is the "Riemann Hypothesis" of the distribution of prime numbers!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Six is ​​the "wisdom of the surrounding area" of the giant panda. Giant pandas look honest and approachable on the outside. They have a chubby body and walk with a bumpy gait, without any threat. But in fact, the bite force of giant pandas is about twice that of tigers. The running speed of giant pandas can exceed the speed of ordinary sprinters. Wild giant pandas have almost no natural enemies. However, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them. The saber-toothed tiger , the contemporary of the giant panda, was so majestic and domineering at the time, but it is now extinct. Living is the greatest capital. Circle on the outside and square on the inside is the survival philosophy of the giant panda, so it does not suffer the same situation as the saber-toothed tiger. Giant pandas eat bamboo and can climb trees, and they still retain their meat-eating teeth and digestive system. Going after other animals means more fighting and even bloodshed. What is even more frightening is that they will be killed by humans. Many wild animals are killed because they steal the cattle and sheep of farmers and herdsmen. Chasing prey also consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, smart giant pandas choose to spend a lot of time eating bamboo, digesting bamboo, and sleeping to avoid fighting with other animals. They also choose to climb trees when they encounter danger. Adult giant pandas are very capable of climbing trees. They can climb more than 20 meters high without any problem. Their opponents underground can only look at the trees and sigh. Climbing trees does not mean that giant pandas are afraid. On the contrary, it is a sign of friendship and a sign of strength. This is also a profound metaphor for the giant panda as a national treasure and diplomatic envoy!

The fourth is that species in the world are constantly disappearing

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Human meat comes from nature, mainly from domesticated animals. If there are fewer wild animals in nature, there will be fewer animals available for domestication, and the scope and sources of meat will also be reduced. Therefore, eating animal meat is becoming less and less likely in the future. According to literature reports, 75 species become extinct every day around the world, and three species are labeled dead every hour. Many species have disappeared from the earth before they have been described and named by scientists.According to statistics from the world's " red book ", 110 species and subspecies of mammals and 139 species and subspecies of birds disappeared from the earth in the 20th century. Currently, 593 species of birds, more than 400 species of animals, 209 species of amphibians and reptiles, and more than 20,000 species of higher plants are on the verge of extinction in the world. With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the types and numbers of wild animals are decreasing at an alarming rate. It is estimated that the current extinction rate of wildlife is 1,000 times faster than the natural state and 1 million times faster than the speciation rate .

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Since life appeared on the earth 3.5 billion years ago, 500 million species of living things have survived, and most of them have long since disappeared. Species extinction is a natural phenomenon in the evolutionary history of life on earth. It is a normal event. For example, the trilobites 250 million years ago and the dinosaurs 65 million years ago were all wiped out. However, since humans entered industrial society and interfered with nature in a reckless manner, the timetable for biological extinction has been greatly advanced. In the geological era (the era before the ice age), the rate of species extinction was extremely slow. On average, one species of birds became extinct every 300 years, and one species of mammals became extinct every 8,000 years. By 1600 to 1700, one species became extinct every 10 years; from 1850 to 1950, the average extinction rate of birds and animals was one species per year, that is, more than 100 species of animals became extinct, and this extinction is still accelerating. The recorded animal extinction data since 1600 is staggering: 120 species of mammals and 250 species of birds no longer exist. According to a report by the United Nations Environment Program : Currently, one plant species becomes extinct every minute and one animal species becomes extinct every day in the world.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of 627PolandThe aurochs became extinct in 1780, the Pacific starling became extinct in 1876, the Fukushima jackal became extinct in 1860, the South African quagga became extinct in 1860, the North American passenger pigeon became extinct in 1914, the Australian thylacine became extinct in 1948, and the Caribbean 1952 The monk seal became extinct, and the Asian hooded shelduck became extinct in 1964... A United Nations official joked: If Darwin had lived today, his work might have focused on obituaries of species rather than their origins. . With the number of animals reduced or even extinct, humans' meat diet has shrunk, and humans can only eat vegetarian food - bamboo food!

The fifth is that microorganisms in nature are constantly being discovered

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The scope of human meat consumption has shrunk, and we have to ask for food from smaller microscopic worlds. Microorganisms are a collective term for all tiny organisms that are difficult to observe with the naked eye. It is tiny in size but closely related to human beings. It is widely involved in many fields such as food, medicine, industry and agriculture, and environmental protection. The total number of microorganisms is about 500,000 to 6 million, of which about 200,000 have been recorded (in 1995), including 83,500 species of prokaryotes, 4,000 species of viruses, 90,000 species of fungi, and 8.1 million species of protozoa and algae. In addition, there are classifications such as underground microorganisms, marine microorganisms, and space microorganisms.

Microorganisms are mankind’s indispensable good friends. There are generally more than 500 kinds of bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract, most of which are beneficial bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus , and Bifidobacterium can extend human life. Our body is a microbial factory, producing between 100 billion and 100 billion bacteria every day. There are 10 billion microorganisms living on every 5 square centimeters of intestinal surface, and 10 million bacteria living on every square centimeter of skin surface. The largest number of bacteria is found in human teeth, throat and digestive tract, with the number being a thousand times greater than on the surface of the skin. Microorganisms have many characteristics, such as small body size and large surface area. Microorganisms are small in size but have a large surface area. This feature also gives microorganisms fast metabolism and other properties. The second is strong transformation ability. Microorganisms often have very efficient biochemical transformation capabilities. According to research, lactobacillus can decompose lactose 1,000-10,000 times its own weight within 1 hour. The third is rapid growth and reproduction. Compared with large animals, microorganisms have extremely high growth and reproduction rates. E. coli can reproduce once in 12.5-20 minutes. The exponential growth characteristics of microorganisms make them widely used in industry, such as fermentation engineering.Our understanding of microorganisms is still superficial, and 95% of microorganisms have not been clearly studied. They may be of great value in adjusting the structure of human food. Microorganisms have a special role in the digestion of bamboo. For humans to eat bamboo, they must have the help of microorganisms.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Giant pandas have carnivorous teeth and intestines, but they only like to eat bamboo. This problem was once called a "million-year mystery." Gene sequencing shows that giant pandas lost a gene called T1R1 during their evolution and have since become Buddhas by eating bamboo. 99% of the food of wild giant pandas is "low-calorie and high-fiber" bamboo, which has little nutrition, but they still grow into fat, round shapes and look "cute" every day. What exactly is this matter about? Academician Wei Fuwen of the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and others found that the intestinal flora of giant pandas helps them to "grow fat", and "Clostridium butyricum" plays an important role and can overcome Trouble with bamboo, a special food. The metabolite butyric acid of Clostridium butyricum can upregulate the expression of the circadian rhythm gene Per2, thereby promoting lipid synthesis and storage. The gut microbiome of giant pandas lacks diversity and lacks the cellulose-degrading bacteria common in herbivores, but Clostridia species play an important role. Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and other universities have found that the intestinal microorganisms of giant pandas are not good at decomposing plant fibers in food such as bamboo, because the intestinal microorganisms of giant pandas are closer to carnivores than herbivores. Giant pandas added bamboo to their diet about 7 million years ago, and only began to use bamboo as a staple food 2.4-2 million years ago. In order to assist in eating plants, specialized feeds on bamboo. Giant pandas have evolved powerful jaws and a "false thumb". In addition to digesting more than 90% of the nutrients such as protein and fat in bamboo, they can also use About 8% cellulose and 27% hemicellulose. Recently, experts from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, were studying the evolution of the giant panda's sixth finger, the "false thumb" and found that the giant panda's habit of eating bamboo began at least 7 to 6 million years ago. Originated. Zhang Wenping, a researcher at at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, found that giant pandas cannot digest cellulose to obtain energy like herbivores, but they can digest starch better than carnivores - choosing the most starch-rich part of bamboo to eat . Giant pandas do not live on cellulose, but on hemicellulose. A new study by US researchers shows that bacteria in giant panda feces may help create new biofuels. They isolated 40 species of bacteria from giant panda feces. These microorganisms can efficiently decompose plant fiber materials into simple sugars, which are then fermented by other bacteria to produce substances that can be used as alternative energy sources. Mississippi State University researcher Ashley Brown explains that bacteria in giant pandas produce efficient enzymes to break down difficult-to-digest woody material. "For research on sustainable new energy, the bacteria we discovered on giant pandas may really be a solution," said Brown, who has submitted the research results to the American Chemical Society.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The sixth is the cultural and economic value of bamboo.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Bamboo is a large family of grasses. There are about 70 genera and more than 1,200 species in the world. They are mainly produced in tropical Asia. The Southeast Asian monsoon region is the world's bamboo distribution center, which accounts for It accounts for 90% of the world's bamboo forest area and 80% of the world's total bamboo species, followed by Africa and even less in Latin America. There are only two native bamboo species in Australia, only one species in the United States, and no bamboo in the entire European continent. Some bamboos are as low as grass, and some are as tall as trees. It generally grows in patches through underground creeping rhizomes, and can also reproduce through flowering and seeding, making it a perennial plant .

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Bamboo is tall and graceful, whirling gracefully, not afraid of frost and snow, evergreen all year round, and "it has knots before it is unearthed, and it is still modest when it reaches the clouds", and has the style of a gentleman. Chinese traditional culture attaches great importance to the four gentlemen of "bamboo, orchid, plum and chrysanthemum". Throughout the ages, many literati like to compare their noble character to strong bamboo.Bamboo symbolizes the elasticity of life, longevity, happiness and energy. Bamboo, graceful and charming, slender and soft, evergreen, symbolizes eternal youth. In spring, bamboo is tall and straight, elegant and graceful, and has the demeanor of a gentleman. The bamboo is hollow, symbolizing humility and open-minded character. The characteristics of bamboo are that it is bent but not broken, and it keeps breaking, which symbolizes the principle of being soft yet strong. The bamboo joints will be exposed and the bamboo tips will be raised high, which is a metaphor for high integrity and integrity. Born with integrity, it is regarded as a symbol of integrity. Zheng Banqiao especially liked painting orchids, bamboos and stones. Because: Orchids never fade at all times, bamboos stay green for a hundred years, and stones stay forever. The meaning of bamboo: Bamboo means integrity, and integrity means trust! Therefore, bamboo represents the importance of integrity and trust!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

In Japan, bamboo is a symbol of truth and devotion. In South America, indigenous tribes used bamboo as knives and axes, to cut other items, and to make musical instruments for playing sacred music. In Africa, bamboo also has a very sacred symbolic status. Some tall bamboos are highly worshiped by people and are regarded as the tree of life.

Bamboo originates from China and has many types, strong adaptability and wide distribution. China is one of the countries that produces the most bamboo in the world. There are many types of bamboo, including about 40 genera and more than 300 species. They are distributed throughout the country, with the Yangtze River Basin and Pearl River Basin being the most populous. They are mainly distributed in Sichuan, Hunan, Zhejiang and other places. Bamboo forests are distributed from Qinling Mountains and Han River in the north to Hainan Island in the south, Taiwan in the east and Tibet in the west. North of the Qinling Mountains, there is little rainfall and low temperatures, and only a few dwarf bamboos grow. Bamboo is distributed in the world, mainly in some countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. There are no naturally distributed bamboo species in Europe, and there are only a few types of bamboo native to North America. In the past century, European countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands, as well as the United States, Canada, and other countries have introduced a large number of bamboo species from some bamboo-producing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The geographical distribution of bamboo in the world can be divided into three major bamboo regions, namely the Asia-Pacific Bamboo Region, the American Bamboo Region and the African Bamboo Region. Some scholars also separately list "European and North American introduction regions". The Asia-Pacific Bamboo Region is the largest bamboo region in the world. There are more than 50 genera and more than 900 species of bamboo, of which about 100 species have economic value. The main bamboo-producing countries include China, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia , Malaysia, Philippines , South Korea, Sri Lanka, etc. There are 136 species of bamboo in 19 genera in India. China has the most bamboo, and Sichuan has the best bamboo!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The seventh is the food and medicine function of Chinese bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are the young seedlings of Bamboo subfamily plants of the Gramineae family, Bamboo subfamily, Bamboo subfamily, Phyllostachys sibiricum, Phyllostachys japonicus, Phyllostachys japonicus, Luohan bamboo, etc., also known as bamboo sprouts and bamboo buds. According to the harvesting season, they are divided into winter bamboo shoots, spring bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots, etc. Sichuan Leibo Luohan bamboo shoots are known as "the bear's paw among vegetables" and "the king of vegetarian food". According to analysis, raw bamboo shoots contain protein, amino acids, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and other ingredients. Bamboo shoots are a traditional delicacy in my country. They are fragrant and crispy and have a long history of consumption and cultivation. In the " Book of Songs ", there are poems such as "Add beans to make bamboo shoots and fish glutinous rice", "Qilai Yihe, only bamboo shoots and cattails", indicating that eating bamboo shoots has a history of 2,500 to 3,000 years. Bamboo shoots are not only tender in texture, crisp and refreshing, delicious in taste, rich in a variety of nutrients, but also have high medicinal value. They have a long history as medicinal dietary resources in my country, such as "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Compendium of Materia Medica", It is recorded in classical classics such as "Dietotherapeutic Materia Medica", "Shi Jing", "Essentials for Qi Min", and "Tang Materia Medica". For example, "Compendium of Materia Medica": Bamboo shoots are sweet, non-toxic, mainly quenching thirst, benefiting water and replenishing qi, and can be eaten for a long time. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bamboo shoots are slightly bitter and cold in nature. They can reduce phlegm and reduce qi, clear away heat and troubles, and facilitate defecation.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Bamboo shoots have the characteristics of low fat, low carbohydrate, and high fiber. Every 100 grams of bamboo shoots contains about 2.6 grams of protein, 1.9 grams of dietary fiber, 378 mg of potassium, and 1.14 grams of manganese. It contains a variety of amino acids, so it is delicious.Because it has more fiber, eating it can promote intestinal peristalsis, promote food fermentation, help digestion, prevent constipation, and reduce excess fat, which is beneficial to weight loss, lowering blood sugar, and preventing cancer, especially digestive tract cancer and breast cancer. The occurrence is very beneficial.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Table 1 Nutritional components of bamboo shoots: Nutritional elements per 100 grams of spring bamboo shoots (according to the Internet)

Nutritional elements

content (per 100 grams)

nutritional elements

content (per 100 grams)


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of 0 kcal


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of 00mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of 6 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of 0 mcg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of mg


8 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .1 g

vitamin C

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of mg

Vitamins A

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of micrograms

Dietary fiber

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .8 grams


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .4 grams


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .4 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .78 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .66 mcg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .43 mg

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of 3


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .4 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .15 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .1 g

Vitamin B1

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .05 mg

Vitamin B2

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of . 04 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .05 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .04 mg


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of .40 mg

Bamboo shoots are available all year round, but only spring bamboo shoots and winter bamboo shoots have the best taste. The bamboo shoots picked after the beginning of spring are known as the "King of Vegetables" because of their plump bodies, white as jade, fresh and tender meat, and delicious taste. When cooking, whether it is cold, stir-fried or soup, it is fresh and fragrant, which is loved by people. There are many types of bamboo shoots, such as moso bamboo, early bamboo , dianthus, light bamboo, spiny bamboo, green bamboo, cork bamboo, Ma bamboo, etc. They can be meat or vegetarian, with different cooking methods and different flavors. Stir-fried, stewed, boiled, braised, simmered, etc. are all delicious dishes. There are many famous bamboo shoots in all parts of the country, such as: "Spring Bamboo Shoots and Braised Anchovies", "Spring Bamboo Shoots with White Chicken", "Southern Meat Spring Bamboo Shoots" and "Braised Spring Bamboo Shoots" , "Wenzheng Mountain Bamboo Shoots", "Wolfberry Spring Bamboo Shoots" in Shanghai cuisine, "Spring Bamboo Shoots with Braised Pork" in Shaanxi cuisine, etc.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

Bamboo fungus is also a food medicine. It refers to a fungus that grows in bamboo forests, such as bamboo fungus. Its medicinal effects are recorded in medical works such as "Dietotherapeutic Materia Medica", "Compendium of Materia Medica", and "Compendium of Materia Medica". Dictyophora has a long history as an edible fungus. In the past, it could only be collected from the wild in very limited quantities and was usually used as tribute to emperors. Now it has been cultivated artificially, and its yield and quality have been significantly improved.

Giant pandas’ favorite food is bamboo shoots, young bamboo leaves and twigs that are rich in starch and hemicellulose. When adult giant pandas eat bamboo shoots as their main food, their weight generally increases every day, and this is also the breeding season for giant pandas in spring and summer. In the winter when they can only feed on bamboo poles, giant pandas generally lose a certain amount of weight every day. The reasons why giant pandas choose bamboo as their main food: First of all, compared to other foods, bamboo is widely distributed and easy to obtain, and there are few competitors for giant pandas to compete for food. Secondly, compared to other woody plants, bamboo contains a relatively high concentration of starch. Furthermore, the starch content of different parts of bamboo changes with the changes of the seasons. Giant pandas always choose to feed on the parts of bamboo with high starch content. The highest content of starch and hemicellulose in bamboo is bamboo shoots. At the same time, bamboo grows very fast, with two seasons every year. Whenever bamboo shoots occur, it is also the season when giant pandas are in estrus and have babies. At this time, giant pandas give priority to eating bamboo shoots. The high content of starch and hemicellulose in bamboo shoots can supplement giant pandas' physical strength and increase their weight during estrus and childbirth. In the absence of bamboo shoots and young bamboo leaves in winter, the starch content and soluble sugar content in the bamboo poles will reach the highest point of the year, and giant pandas will begin to eat bamboo poles at this time. Giant pandas consume very little energy every day, which is one of the reasons why they are able to live solely on low-calorie food such as bamboo while still maintaining a large body weight.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of


There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The Tibetan Plateau, the roof of the world, is the tallest and largest "fresh water tower" in the world. It brings eight major rivers to the eastern part of the plateau, forming the world's largest "natural fermentation tank" - the Sichuan Basin. The climate here is the mildest, the altitude is the most reasonable, the animals and plants are the most abundant, the microorganisms are the most active, and the giant pandas are the most livable. From a development perspective, the extinction of animals on the earth is accelerating, and microorganisms are increasing. China's bamboo is number one in the world, and Sichuan's bamboo is the best in the world. "Bamboo eaters" are elegant, while "meat eaters" are vulgar. Bamboo shoots are food, medicine, poetry, integrity, and life. Keep fit and eat bamboo shoots. Eating bamboo shoots can help you live a healthy and long life, and your career will improve steadily. To eliminate physical diseases, we must start by changing the food structure, and eating bamboo is the best choice.

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

The giant panda is "Esperanto", "International", Sichuan's special "biological heritage", with Sichuan characteristics, Sichuan taste, Sichuan style and Sichuan temperament. The development of the giant panda bamboo shoot food industry in Sichuan is to occupy the commanding heights of human food. It is in line with international practices, national guidance, Sichuan policies, and people's needs. It is of great significance to promoting rural revitalization and common prosperity. It must be firm in confidence, careful planning, highlighting the focus, and keeping in mind The original intention and ambition are to build and strengthen the industrial chain, supply chain, innovation chain, value chain, spatial chain, and enterprise connection as soon as possible, so that giant pandas can bring Sichuan cuisine to the world. The giant panda is the topological transformation of the Tai Chi diagram. It changes according to the opportunity, is strong but not domineering, and survives many disasters. It is a precious biological "living fossil" and fully proves the simple principle of "survival of the fittest". The giant panda is a "philosopher" and a "life mentor". It has its own circle of friends, food circle, microbiome and geography circle (altitude, temperature, humidity, sunshine, etc.). . We should learn survival wisdom from giant pandas. The enlightenment of the giant panda philosophy is: observe the general trend, take a long-term view, do not care, be able to compromise, make friends, choose a suitable place to live, and eat bamboo food. From the perspective of "light science fiction", bamboos in the future will also include "radish bamboo" and "ginseng bamboo", which can be eaten raw or cooked. Humans in the future will all be bamboo eaters.Otherwise, it will be difficult to live a long and healthy life and thrive!

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

(Li Houqiang, deputy director of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, chairman of the Chengdu Social Science Federation, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, on June 25, 2022, at the "Giant Panda Bamboo Culture Research Institute" of Sichuan Fansaoguang Food Group "Speech at the preparatory meeting)

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

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There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

There is a cruel fact, whether you agree or like it or not, it will happen sooner or later. Bamboo shoots will be the staple food of mankind in the future! This is based on the inspiration of the giant panda philosophy, a high probability event from the perspective of

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