✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s

2024/05/2300:05:33 housepet 1255

✅UUB dog food

◾️38% crude eggs from

◾️20% crude fat

◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, beef

When you open it, it is full of freeze-dried

It is completely different for this dog. Picky eaters

Especially suitable for thin dogs

The palatability is really good

✅ Vetwish fish oil

Moisturizes hair and strengthens joints. The TG extraction process is better for absorption. The single capsule is not easy to oxidize and retains nutrients to the maximum extent

✅Maide Chondroitin

natural chondroitin sulfate , higher absorption rate, high content of active ingredients, relieve joint pain


✅ Feileng Cui dog food

◾️32% crude protein

◾️16% crude fat

This one is freeze-dried Quite a lot, it smells very good and has balanced nutrition. Many dogs with poor gastrointestinal problems can eat it without any problem.

✅ Mader's Trace Elements

supplements the trace elements that dogs cannot usually absorb. Their noses lack pigment or Anyone with pica can choose


✅Aifeifei dog food

◾️38% crude protein

◾️18% crude fat

has balanced nutrition and high meat content. After eating, the dog’s body is in good shape and the particles are relatively large. Suitable for big dogs, good palatability

Quail eggs yellow

It is good for the dog's hair and skin,

makes the hair more shiny.

Vitamin B2 is twice as high as egg yolk

✅ Putian probiotics

relieves constipation and diarrhea. Reduce indigestion, control enterovirus, improve immunity

✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s - DayDayNews

✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s - DayDayNews

✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s - DayDayNews

✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s - DayDayNews

✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s - DayDayNews

✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s - DayDayNews

✅UUB dog food◾️38% crude egg from ◾️20% crude fat◾️Main raw materials: fresh chicken, fresh beef bones, and beef are full of freeze-drying when opened. This dog is not picky at all, especially suitable for thin dogs. The sex is really good ✅vetwish fish oil moisturizes hair and s - DayDayNews

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