However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner.

2024/05/2213:45:32 housepet 1167

Cats are naturally afraid of water, so they donā€™t like bathing. However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. Now is the time when the seasons change. It is the season for cats to change their hair. It is also a good time to give cats a bath. Letā€™s choose a sunny day to give the cat a bath. Today, the editor will tell you about cat bathing.

1. Preparation before bathing

Cat-specific Shower gel : Be sure to use cat-specific shower gel, never use human shower gel. Since catsā€™ skin structure, pH, etc. are different from those of humans, using human body wash will not only fail to achieve the corresponding effect, but will also damage the health of the catā€™s hair and skin. The same goes for baby shower gel. Although it is less irritating, it can still cause some harm to cats. In addition, cats have the habit of licking their hair and often like to lick and comb their hair. During the licking process, the cat will lick these chemicals in, which is also detrimental to the cat's health in the long term.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

Towels for drying: You can prepare a few more towels. If you wipe them dryer, it will be easier to blow dry. If possible, you can use special absorbent towels for better results.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

hair dryer: used to dry the catā€™s back hair. If possible, it is best to choose a silent heater, which makes very little noise and is acceptable to most cats.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

Hot water: The water temperature is about 38-40 degrees Celsius. It can be washed in a basin or rinsed with a nozzle (but the water flow should not be too fast).

2. Precautions during bathing

Do not bathe cats under three months old, because they are prone to colds or diarrhea due to bathing, and in severe cases, they may die from this. (If a cat under three months old is dirty, please wipe it with a hot towel that has been wrung out.)

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

Do not rinse the head directly with a nozzle, and do not wash the head with water, otherwise the water will flow into the cat's ears, which is very serious. It is easy to cause otitis media in and . It is recommended to clean the head directly with a hot towel that has been wrung out. It will be cleaner after wiping it a few times.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

When taking a bath, you can put cotton balls in their ears, or completely cover the catsā€™ ears with a towel to prevent water from entering their ears, which may cause infection. This is also a good treatment for their ears. certain protective effect.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

When blowing, use hot air and turn it on at the lowest air volume to avoid scaring the cat. And pay attention to step by step. When the hair dryer is turned on, it should be far away from the cat. After the cat is slightly stable, gradually approach it. You can gradually increase the air volume after the cat adapts, but be careful not to burn the cat.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

After drying, it is best to brush the hair carefully with a brush (especially long-haired cats ), so that the hair that falls off in the bath will not be licked by the cat and form hair balls in the stomach, which will seriously affect the digestive system.

3. How to bathe a cat

Soak the fur below the neck. Hold the cat's neck gently with your left hand so that the cat will not jump out casually. Water with your right hand, or use a nozzle to soak the coat below the neck.

Pour an appropriate amount of cat bath solution on the cat's coat, and rub it into the fur with your hands to create foam. Carefully rub the hair on the paws, lower abdomen and tail. After sufficient foaming, rinse thoroughly with warm water until no more Foam.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

Take the cat out, gently and quickly rub off some of the water on the cat with your hands, then wipe it with a dry towel and try to dry it as much as possible.

Use the lowest heat setting of the hair dryer to blow the cat's fur, and use one hand to continuously pull the area where the hair dryer blows (just like we blow hair). If the cat is more accustomed to the sound of the hair dryer, you can gradually increase the air volume of the hair dryer, but Be careful not to let the hot air burn the cat.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

When the cat's hair is 70% to 80% dry, you can brush it once with a brush. At this time, part of the fallen hair will be combed out (the cat will not lick it into the stomach to form hair balls that affect gastrointestinal function). If your cat has hair knots, you can carefully use scissors to cut off the obvious parts with the help of someone (be careful not to cut the skin). Donā€™t rush for success. You will have time to do this slowly and safely in the future. thing.

However, after all, they live with humans. If they don't take a bath for a long time, they will be oily, dirty, and some even smelly, which will cause a lot of trouble to the owner. - DayDayNews

Finally, remember to dry the cat completely. After washing, you can give the cat some sunshine. The poop scrapers can also give the cat a small reward, so that it may be more cooperative with bathing in the future.

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