Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the "killing operation" you want

2021/10/0918:55:02 housepet 1216

Since the red fire ant invaded, the red fire ant may be seen on the ridge, in the vegetable field, and on the roadside. Don't look at its small body, but it is extremely aggressive.

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

What is RIFA? The Latin scientific name of the red fire ant means "invincible ant". It is native to South America, Brazil, , Paraguay and Argentina. It is an authentic alien invasive creature, and is recognized as by IUCN "One of the 100 dangerous invasive species."

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

There are 2 abdomen stalk knots at the junction of the chest and abdomen of RIFA, and 1 for ordinary ants.

The red fire ant has a red scorpion color, and its appearance is similar to that of common ants. It is between 3 mm and 6 mm in length. Red fire ant Mature ant nests will form obvious raised sand pile-like ant mounds , which are easy to identify, but relatively hidden when the nest is just built, making it difficult to be noticed.

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

A nest of red fire ants hidden in the lawn of the plot.

In order to improve the people's ability to identify and control RIFA, on October 8, Qingxin towns successively carried out on-site training on RIFA prevention and control technology.

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

On the same day, Taihe Town , Shantang Town , and Sankeng Township took part in a joint operation and organized training staff to observe the on-site demonstration of RIFA control. Professional prevention and control personnel introduced in detail the dangers of red fire ants, prevention and control agents, prevention and control techniques, and treatment methods after being bitten.And made a live demonstration of prevention and control. According to statistics, the three towns carried out a total of 13 training sessions for the prevention and control of RIFA in the fall of 2021, and on-site training on RIFA prevention and control technology in other towns will be carried out in the next few days.

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

It is understood that the 2021 autumn red fire ant prevention, control and annihilation training course in Qingyuan’s Qingxin District was organized by the Qingxin District Agriculture and Rural Bureau, and all towns and villages in the district and related units participated in the joint cooperation. The prevention and control will continue until October 12. The distribution of RIFA prevention and control knowledge leaflets and the method of "sending classes to the countryside" will be used to impart RIFA prevention and control knowledge to the masses. 72 training sessions are planned to effectively increase the prosperity of the region. Ant control effect.

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

The reporter learned from the District Agriculture and Rural Bureau that according to the statistics of September 2021, the area of ​​red fire ant occurrence in our district is 25,600 mu. Next, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will purchase a batch of RIFA prevention and control drugs and distribute them to each natural village. At that time, the drugs will be uniformly used for unified prevention and control.

April, May, September, and October each year, due to rising temperatures and high humidity, it is generally the peak period of RIFA activity. So, how to prevent being bitten? What should I do if I am bitten... Let’s learn with the editor~ What are the hazards of the red fire ant? Specifically, the hazards of RIFA can be summarized in the following four aspects:

First, it threatens people’s health and even lives. After being disturbed, the RIFA will not only not escape, but will also have a strong group aggression. The venom is injected into the victim's skin through stings, causing blushing, hives, and even breathing difficulties and other symptoms in people who are prone to allergies. Those with severe reactions will have symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness and shock. If they cannot be treated in time, they may be life-threatening.

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

Schematic diagram of red fire ant biting

The second is a threat to public safety.Because red fire ants often invade electrical equipment outdoors and near homes, such as electric meters, telephone main cases, traffic signal cases, etc., they may cause short circuits or facility failures, which may lead to public safety accidents.

The third is to reduce crop production. Red fire ants directly feed on crop seeds, fruits, sprouts, shoots, rhizomes, etc., transport and graze aphids, scales and other pests that secrete honeydew , and spread plant diseases and insect pests. These directly caused heavy losses to local agricultural production.

Fourth is to destroy the local ecological structure. Red fire ants are highly adaptable. After invading a place, they often quickly develop into a dominant population. They not only "drive out and kill" other types of ants in the area, but also eliminate beneficial insects such as spiders, causing huge damage to the original ecological structure and serious ecological problems. Imbalance.

How to prevent red fire ants from being bitten?

The red fire ant reproduces at an amazing speed , which increases the difficulty of killing. In a certain area, the RIFA can even propagate and reproduce naturally in a three-dimensional manner in water, land, and air.

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

RIFA generally live in warm and humid places, so there are more in the south, and is the active period of RIFA in spring and autumn , which is also the best time to carry out centralized prevention and control actions.

RIFA is aggressive towards people and has the ability to sting repeatedly. We need to avoid staying in moist and mosquito places such as grass and trees. If you encounter a large swarm of red fire ants, do not step on the nest with your feet or touch it with your hands. Once they are alerted, immediately stay away.

What should I do if I am bitten by a red fire ant?

After being bitten by red fire ants,There will be erythema, blisters, hard swelling , and pain like burning . If the blisters burst, it may cause bacterial infections. People with allergies may have allergic reactions. can cause shock or death in severe cases.

After being bitten, you should:

1. Wash the bitten area with soapy water

2. Do not scratch the wound and keep it clean

3. ice application

4 , If you have a severe reaction after being bitten, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible

Red fire ants invade, you may encounter them in parks, grasslands and woodlands! Here comes the

Here, the editor reminds! Don't kick, don't touch, stay away! If you are accidentally bitten, please consult a doctor if you have any discomfort!

Part of the source: Guangzhou Daily

Reporter: Zhong Shenxi Yuan Ziting

Editor: Yuan Ziting


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