What is the first sip of water to drink after the pigeon race?

2021/10/0622:39:02 housepet 453

Many fanciers will consider a question, which is the first sip of water the pigeons should drink when they come back? In fact, there are quite a lot of arguments, and some fanciers are convinced that their own approach is right, and the different approaches of others are wrong. In fact, there are many choices about what to drink in the first sip of water after a pigeon race, and they are not fixed.

What is the first sip of water to drink after the pigeon race? - DayDayNews

First, in fact, the first sip of water the pigeons come back can also drink clean water, especially when the distance of the race is close, there is no problem with drinking some clean water when you get home, just avoid the pigeons. I drink too much water.

Secondly, many fanciers feel that there is not enough water, so they will add glucose, sugar and other substances in the drinking water to supplement the water and energy of the pigeons. This is actually possible.

What is the first sip of water to drink after the pigeon race? - DayDayNews

Third, give electrolyte water . This practice is actually a practice of most fanciers. Electrolyzed water can help pigeons replenish some nutrients, and replenish water to help pigeons recover. But pay attention to the concentration. Some fanciers think that the higher the concentration, the better, which is not the case.

What is the first sip of water to drink after the pigeon race? - DayDayNews

Fourth, some other things are specially used for drinking water after pigeons return. Now pigeon racing is developing very well, so many things have emerged. In fact, many of the drinks mixed with water are mainly electrolytes. On the one hand, they supplement drinking water and on the other hand they add energy to promote the recovery of pigeons. Of course, no matter which one you use, you think you can use it, just be careful to avoid overeating at once.


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