Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans?

2021/07/2721:53:09 housepet 282

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

So far, many people's understanding of estrus is still not comprehensive enough. Most people believe that estrus is just a female's desire for mating to attract males to produce a signal of copulation desire. It's estrus. In fact, it is too narrow to understand estrus in this way. The true estrus is not only when the female wants to mate, but also through some kind of signal to stimulate the male's desire to mate, which is also a kind of estrus.

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

In terms of estrus, the animal kingdom’s performance has obvious seasonality. Many animals have a relatively fixed estrus season. Only when the estrus season is reached, they will act together and begin to work hard for the succession of the lineage. , And outside the estrus season, most animals only think about survival. After all, in nature, there are dangers and there is a risk of being killed anytime and anywhere. In order to survive, they cannot think about estrus every day and must be vigilant. Be prepared to escape at any time.

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

Only after human beings live a happy life, they don't have to worry about the survival of life every day, and they want to spend more time thinking about estrus. Many people believe that humans do not have a fixed estrus season. They are in estrus anytime and anywhere, and intimate behaviors can occur anytime and anywhere. This statement has some truth, but it is not comprehensive. If inferred according to the principle of estrus, if a woman sends a signal of male sexual desire, it is considered to be estrus, then a woman will also have an estrus period.

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

The estrus of animals usually secretes some special sex hormones through the reproductive organs. Through this signal, it releases signals to the surrounding males, so that the males can detect the females in estrus around them in time, and they have always had the desire to mate. . As a human being, it is no longer necessary to release sex hormone signals to attract the opposite sex. Human beings have more ways to show their needs. Language, material, and even power status, these external objects, may become the carrier of human desires. .

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

Although human beings have evolved into a civilized society,There will be a lot of clothing covering the private parts of the body, and it is no longer necessary to attract men through sexual organs, but this animal instinct that attracts men has not been completely evolved, but still exists and is used, and the frequency of use is very obvious. , It also has an amazing effect. Many men are attracted by this special signal of women, and even break through the boundaries of morality and reason, commit shameful behaviors and mistakes.

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

What organs do women rely on to attract men? Obviously, that is the plump breasts of women. We now see many small videos on the Internet. When those beautiful women show their good-looking bodies, they are all showing their plump breasts. This is the most primitive human organ that releases sexual signals and stimulates male sexual desire. This is a typical estrus pattern. This pattern is not necessarily a female desire for sex, but arouses male sexual desire. This is also a female estrus pattern.

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

Humans’ IQ and needs are much higher than those of animals, so women’s estrus mode is by no means just for physical satisfaction. They can have higher levels of pursuits and expectations. Many women show themselves through their breasts On the side of estrus, in order to gain more men’s affection, so as to achieve other purposes besides physical satisfaction. It can be said that the form of human estrus has completely surpassed the physiological needs, but has reached the multi-level needs of material, power, honor, and even combating competitors, which also reflects the extreme complexity of human nature.

Female animals have estrus periods, what about humans? - DayDayNews

From a small estrus signal, we can see the essential difference between humans and animals. The estrus of animals is purely for the reproduction of the next generation and for the development of the race. But the estrus of humans is completely unpredictable. The signals of human estrus are often indistinguishable between good and evil, right and wrong. It may be the destination of happiness, or it may be a boundless trap. This is the estrus signal of intelligent animals, which is really letting people. I have a headache. (The picture comes from the Internet, the picture has nothing to do with the text)


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