Do you think dogs treat family members equally?

2021/04/2222:42:12 housepet 313

Many families have dogs. When dogs face a large family, can they be evenly exposed to rain and dew? If you are careful, you will find that dogs have different attitudes towards each family member. Because dogs evolved from wolves, even though it has now been tamed, their strict hierarchy has been retained, so dogs will also sort the status of family members and select the alpha wolf. What exactly is

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

that affects your status in a dog's heart, you know?

1, attention to dogs

In fact, dogs are like children. Generally speaking, children will be closer to their mothers who pay more attention to them, rather than their fathers who can only see each other all day.

The same is true for dogs. If you pay more attention to dogs, you will have a higher status in the dog's mind. On the contrary, the lower your attention to dogs, then you will be in the dog's mind. The lower the middle position. So if you want to improve your status, you need to pay more attention to dogs.

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

2. Look at the effect on dogs

In the eyes of the dog, your effect on the dog can be divided into: "the person who feeds me", "the person who takes me for a walk", "the person who takes me to play", "A little scared" and so on. When the dog judges you as a trustworthy person, it means that you have the highest status in the dog's mind.

If you want to improve your dog's trust in yourself, you should spend more time with your dog and interact with your dog more.

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

3. Look at your attitude towards dogs.

You can also look at your attitude towards dogs. If the first thing you do when you go home is to hold the dog, play with it and give it snacks, this is actually an act of lowering your status. Because in the wolf pack, the wolves who go out hunting will go back to please the leader when they get the trophy, and if you please the dog as soon as you get home, it is equivalent to treating the dog as the leader.

The owner himself has to hold back his excitement when he comes home to see his beloved dog. Keep calm and let the dog fully express his excitement when he sees you, and then you can interact with the dog.

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

4, the best ranking

The dog is actually very smart. It will listen to whoever is best based on who treats it best and who can give it the most benefits, and whoever has the highest status in its mind. When the dog is doing well and being well behaved, don't be stingy with your compliments and rewards.

Prepare more snacks for dogs, such as chicken jerky, duck jerky, goat cheese, etc. You can reward the dog at any time, so you are NO.1 in the dog's mind!

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

But don’t over-indulge the dog in order to make the dog closer to you. Dogs who are over-indulged will often confuse the relationship with the owner and challenge the owner’s leadership. Unlike humans, dogs cannot negotiate conditions with them. Mistakes must be stopped immediately and by clear means; punishments must also be timely. Dogs must be punished immediately when they are making mistakes.

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

Different family members have to have the same attitude towards dogs so that they can meet our expectations. Sometimes they can, sometimes they can't, when they are young, but not when they grow up. Such discipline methods will make dogs feel at a loss.

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

It doesn't really matter what the ranking is, because the family's love for dogs has different expressions, and dogs can feel it. Owners create a good living environment for dogs, choose a safe and trustworthy dog ​​food for dogs, and live a healthy life, which is enough to become the number one in their hearts.

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

Conclusion: Where do you think you rank in the dog's heart?

Give it a try in the comments!

Do you think dogs treat family members equally? - DayDayNews

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