Popularity Quick Ranking - E-commerce system developer, focusing on the development and operation of e-commerce industry service systems. The first choice for e-commerce entrepreneurial projects. Popularity Quick Ranking system, focusing on TB, JD, DY, KS, XHS, PDD popularity ran

Popularity Quick Ranking - E-commerce system developer, focusing on the development and operation of e-commerce industry service systems

The first choice for e-commerce entrepreneurial projects, Popularity Quick Ranking System, focusing on TB, JD, DY, KS, XHS, PDD popularity ranking and data optimization platform

The tasks supported by the current version are divided into: e-commerce and short video series The e-commerce tasks include: manual traffic, collection and purchase, Weitao likes, live broadcast, expert fans, follow The short video tasks include: fans , likes, comments, live interaction, fan lights, real-person follow-up, etc. Project Applicable People: Training institutions, S orders, gift packages, agency operations, short video shooting, MCN institutions, store sales and other companies or studios, In addition, the same applies to individuals who hope to earn their first pot of gold through the e-commerce service industry! Low investment! High returns! Low risk!

Applicable scenarios: New store opening: The new store has just opened, the product is not ranked Low ranking: The product is not ranked, the ranking is lagging and has no exposure Diluted conversion: dilute the conversion rate of orders to increase visitor traffic New product launch: low weight, no display, Add to favorites and purchase Popular recommendations: popular recommendations on videos detonate short video
