As the saying goes: "August and fifteenth are full, and Mid-Autumn mooncakes are fragrant and sweet." Eating mooncakes is a traditional custom during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mooncakes also symbolize reunion and harmony.

As the saying goes: "August and fifteenth are full, and Mid-Autumn mooncakes are fragrant and sweet." Eating mooncakes is a traditional custom during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mooncakes also symbolize reunion and harmony. On the morning of September 17, the "Visit Hui Gathering" team of Jinyu Community, Yushugou Town, Changji City, Xinjiang carried out the theme activity of "National Unity and Family Celebration Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival", inviting community cadres, paired relatives and business households in market towns to make mooncakes and talk together Homely, welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival, and feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture.

At nine o'clock in the morning, community workers and members of the "Visiting Huiju" team began to prepare gloves, molds, fillings and other ingredients for making mooncakes. At 11 o'clock in the morning, community cadres and married couples came to the township canteen one after another. You make the dough, and I give out the fillings. Under the guidance of the pastry chef, everyone kneads the dough together, fills it, seals it, puts it into the mold, and presses it into shape. In the collaborative production process, people of all ethnic groups are like a family. Overflowing with happy smiles, joy and joy, the atmosphere is filled with joy. Hou Haijie, a community cadre at

, said, "This small and exquisite mooncake contains not only fillings, but also national sentiments. It makes me and my relatives closer and closer, and the national unity and friendship become stronger." "

Hou Haijie, a cadre of Jinyu Community in Yushugou Town, Changji City, Xinjiang, makes snow-skin mooncakes with a pair of relatives. Photo by Liu Yongzhuo.

Manyiguli Amantai, a Kazakh community resident in Jinyu Community, Yushugou Town. Trying to make mooncakes is not only fresh but also more fun. She happily told reporters, "It's my first time to make snowskin mooncakes. I usually make rice cakes and milk dumplings. I spent this Mid-Autumn Festival with my relatives and tried to make them." The moon cakes are round, symbolizing reunion, and my relatives and I can also be reunited during the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

The “Visiting Huiju” work team of Jinyu Community, Yushugou Town, Changji City, Xinjiang made moon cakes together with the residents. Photo by Liu Yizhuo

There are 211 households in Jinyu Community, Yushugou Town, Changji City, Xinjiang, with a total of 639 residents, including 7 ethnic groups including Han, Hui, Kazakh, Uyghur, and Tu. Changji Economic Investment Development Co., Ltd. is based in The "Visit Hui Gathering" work team of Jinyu Community in Yushugou Town focuses on the "urgent, difficult and anxious" issues surrounding the masses, and combines the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" to actively build a communication platform to promote mutual exchanges, mutual understanding, and mutual understanding among all ethnic groups. Help, promote traditional Chinese culture, and enhance exchanges and integration among various ethnic groups.

Zeng Zhi, leader of the "Visit Hui Gathering" team of Jinyu Community in Yushugou Town of Xinjiang Changji Economic Investment Development Co., Ltd., said that organizing the event is to build a platform for neighborhood communication, and he also hopes that through such activities, the residents of our community can , there will be more opportunities for exchanges, the promotion of traditional Chinese culture, and the emotional closeness between various ethnic groups will form a big family where you are among me, and you are among me, and no one can live without the other.

Zeng Zhi, leader of the "Visit Hui Gathering" team of Jinyu Community, Yushugou Town, Changji City, Xinjiang, makes mooncakes with Kazakh residents. Photo by Liu Yizhuo

(Chen Hui Suo Siya) (China Daily Xinjiang Reporter Station)