I remember that every year when the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, my father would make mooncakes in advance, stuffed with five kernels, lotus seed paste, and my favorite bean paste filling. The prepared mooncakes are wrapped in oil paper and left to rest for two days until

I remember that every year when the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, my father would make mooncakes in advance, five-nut filling , lotus seed filling, and my favorite bean paste filling. The prepared mooncakes are wrapped in oil paper and left to rest for two days until the oil is completely recovered. They are now soft and delicious authentic Cantonese-style mooncakes. Every time I look eagerly at the finished mooncakes being wrapped in a layer of white and red oil paper, I can smell the strong fragrance through the packaging.

Finally I couldn't help but drool. Even if I didn't soften, I would dig out my favorite bean paste filling and sit on the small bench to enjoy it. The aroma of bean paste sandwiched between the fragrant cake crust leaves an endless aftertaste in the mouth. Cantonese-style mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival are the taste of childhood. Later, I learned how to make mooncakes, and I would give some to my relatives and friends every year. The best one is of course the Cantonese bean paste flavor. The secret to the delicious bean paste mooncakes lies in the delicate and soft handmade bean paste filling. The homemade bean paste filling is fragrant and milky, has more flavor, and is low in sugar and oil, making it healthier to eat. Today I will share with you how to make it. If you like it, follow it.

[Classic Cantonese bean paste mooncake ]

150 grams of all-purpose flour, 105 grams of syrup, 6 grams of alkaline water, 25 grams of corn oil, 1 egg yolk

250 grams of red beans, 125 grams of white sugar, 100 grams of Anchor butter, Maltose 100g

[Production steps]

. Soak the red beans overnight in advance, put them in a pressure cooker, add water and cook the red beans. The quality of the red beans determines the quality of the red bean paste. Buy fresh ones to make them delicious.

. Put the red beans and water into the wall-breaking machine and stir into red bean paste.

. Pour it into the pot. Put the butter or corn oil into the red bean paste in 3 times. Stir fry each time. Pour next time when absorbed completely.

, add maltose and white sugar and continue to stir-fry until it can be set and a delicate luster appears. After cooling, form into 52g dumplings each and set aside.

5, mix the syrup and corn oil evenly, then pour in alkaline water. Mix thoroughly, pour in low-gluten flour and , mix into a ball, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

6. Take 22 grams of mooncake skin and wrap it in a piece of red bean paste. Tighten it with a tiger's mouth.

7. Put the mooncake mold into the mooncake mold. Press out the mooncake embryo in the baking pan. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Put the mooncake into the middle layer of the oven and bake it first. Set in 5 minutes.

8, take out and brush with a layer of egg wash, put it in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.

The mooncakes can be enjoyed after two days of cooking. If stored in a sealed container, they can be stored for about 10 days. Because the bean paste filling is fried by yourself, it is low in sugar and oil, so it cannot be stored for too long! When packaging, remember to put in a pack of desiccant to make the mooncakes last longer. Have you learned it? Give it a try to your family. You are welcome to submit your homework in the message area~