Source: China Physician Su Weishuo (right) was accused by the health and welfare department of violating the Food Safety Act for making anti-pig remarks, and the police have sent a summons notice. Su said on the 16th, “Checking the water meter cannot shut my mouth.”

Source: China

Physician Su Weishuo (right) was accused by the health and welfare department of violating the "Food Safety Act" because of his anti-pig remarks. The police have sent a summons notice. Su said on the 16th, “Checking the water meter cannot shut my mouth.” ( China Times Electronic News file photo)

Taiwanese physician Su Weishuo, who opposes the import of "Laizhu", recently published on the Internet that "Laizhu promotes the activity (toxicity) of TAAR1, which may be 250 times that of ecstasy" and "It is not impossible." "It's fine if you eat, but you might inhale it just by breathing" and other comments were reported by the health and welfare department as violating the "Food Safety Law". Kaohsiung police notified Su Weishuo to come to the case at 10 pm on the 25th to explain.

"Check the water meter" to scare others

It is understood that Su Weishuo has been concerned about the import of Laiji meat products for 12 years. From Lai Niu to Lai pig, Su Weishuo has repeatedly advocated the toxicity of Laiji and its impact on the human body. After it was reported that he was "investigated" by the police Water meter" news shocked the whole Taiwan.

The police pointed out that the health and welfare department reported Su Weishuo for spreading rumors or false information about food safety in accordance with the Food Safety Act. Xue Ruiyuan, deputy director of the health and welfare department, pointed out that "either those who dare to speak out are experts, and they must provide theoretical basis." He believed that Su Weishuo's remarks such as "lethal pills can cause autism" and "spread in the air" are lacking. According to this, he filed a lawsuit and said arrogantly that if he encounters similar remarks again in the future, he will still file a lawsuit. The Food and Drug Administration also stated that Su Weishuo's remarks were unfounded and alarmist.

Regarding this, Su Weishuo emphasized that he expressed his views based on professional scientific literature, papers and evidence. Every sentence was based on relevant medical literature, but he was said to be spreading rumors, which puzzled him and felt unreasonable. In the field of science, There may be many different opinions, but we cannot say that any remarks that are different from those of the Taiwan authorities are just rumors.

Su Weishuo said frankly that he was very angry when he received the notice, angry that the DPP authorities could be so tyrannical. Su emphasized that although his water meter was checked, he still could not silence his mouth. However, there may have been many doctors who had different opinions and wanted to express them. They may have been afraid of having to go to the police station all the time and chose to remain silent. The Taiwanese authorities should not use this method to suppress them. People's freedom of speech.

The "shameless Democratic Progressive Party" deserves its name.

Kuomintang "legislator" Lin Weizhou said that Su Weishuo only mentioned on the 15th that "in the current environment, you must have great courage to tell the truth, unless there is no water meter at home, but I have children." Unexpectedly, I was about to be interviewed. It was really infuriating. He also pointed out that the DPP will interview Dr. Su on December 25, when the review period for the Laizhu administrative order expires? "This is ridiculous!"

Tainan City Councilor Xie Longjie questioned, what are the DPP authorities afraid of? What's the rush? Xie Longjie said that the Tsai administration's administrative team is busy stroking the "Laizhu", only caring about official positions and not caring about the life and death of the people. Such a "ruling party" has made people's lives miserable. He emphasized that the problem behind the problem is the real problem. Taiwanese pigs cannot eat Laiji, but Taiwanese people can eat Lai pig. Do we really treat Taiwanese as our plates?

Netizens on the island also exploded, leaving a message saying, "Dongchang feeds the Poison Department! Even talking about the impact of 'Lai Zhu' will be questioned. It is still at 10 o'clock on a holiday. The evil deeds of the Kaohsiung Police Department and the Pseudo Welfare Department should be Let the world know! This shameless government has gone so low to please the American pig. It’s outrageous."

Taiwan's "United Daily News" also commented on this matter, saying that from Tsai Ing-wen's refusal to debate and Su Zhenchang's refusal to admit his mistakes to the police "checking the water meter" "This one-stop escort "Laizhu" group is determined to open the import of "Laizhu" as scheduled. How can the public not be disappointed? (Zuo Qiuzi)