Thai ghost movies have their own unique style. Most of them are composed of several horror stories. Of course, there are also whole movies that tell one plot. So this time, let us take a look at those wonderful Thai horror movies.

Thailand films have emerged as unique horror films in the world of film circles in recent years. From a classification point of view, Thai horror films naturally belong to oriental horror films. The difference is that Thai horror films incorporate their own religious beliefs and folk customs as the background.

Thailand is a country deeply influenced by Buddhism, and this influence involves all aspects of Thai people's lives.

Thai ghost movies have their own unique style. Most of them are composed of several horror stories. Of course, there are also whole movies that tell one plot. So this time, let us take a look at those wonderful Thai horror movies.

"The Suspicious Shadow"

This is a sad story about maternal love. Nitan's husband left home because of an affair, and she relied on selling discs to support herself and her teenage son Aden.

After her husband left home, Aton has not left his room for 5 years, nor has he said a word to his mother. The only way for mother and son to communicate is to pass notes to each other under the door, even for meals, Ni Tan can only be left at the door, and his son will eat it when he is not around.

In the past five years, no one has actually seen his son "Aton", and there are only some fragmentary rumors circulating on the streets.

Everything may be caused by the memory forcibly blocked by a fragile mother. Nida loves her son so much that no matter what he becomes, he will always be the same as before.

The fragments of memories let people know that the hidden youth may come from himself, or it may be because of his parents like Nida.

Several stories in "Ghost School Grudge"

once again prove that the truly terrible human heart is far more terrifying than ghosts. Those perverted people really should go to hell and let them endure ten times the torture inflicted on innocent victims. pain.

The previous stories tell us that people should not blaspheme ghosts. Whether you believe it or not, you must have respect. The second one is that as it says, ghosts will do unfinished things over and over again.

The last story touched me deeply. The girl was harmed by others and died miserably. In the end, she did not forget to save her good friend. The horror was not that she turned into a ghost, but those two perverted men, especially What's disgusting is that four-eyed coward, he really deserves to be damned. After watching this film, I feel different from before.

Each of the four stories has its own center and is connected at the same time. The scariest thing is not the ghost, but some people around you.

"Becoming a Ghost"

The little female ghost came back and forth several times. At first, I just thought that the unfortunate fate of the little heroine Bupa caused her painful struggles in the past and present lives.

allowed her to "review" the terrifying death over and over again, enduring isolation, loneliness, sadness and helplessness. All the unstable factors eventually turned into Bupa's anger, and revenge began.

However, it was not until I read the end of "Becoming a Ghost 3.2" that I gradually understood that Bupa's unfortunate fate was just a clue to the development of the story. The reason why she lived in Suite 609, turned into a ghost, and harmed the residents in the apartment. Guest, revenge on Aika, all because of love for Aika.

Because of Bupa's lonely character since she was a child, she was wary of even love, but in the end she lost it.

lost Aika when he was alive, and was wiped out after turning into a ghost. Ten years later, when he returned to Suite 609, he found that even after death, he could not get the freedom and happiness he yearned for from Aika.

"The Bad Place"

This drama is adapted from four real news events in Thailand.

The buses that caused accidents in the past were often the last buses at night and were not carrying people. Lingmei Hotel, be sure to think twice about staying in a budget hotel, as there may be more than one person sleeping with you at night.

In the KTV hotel, where there is no sunshine for ten thousand years, the miasma is lingering in the store. After working there for many years, it has become difficult to distinguish between human beings and ghosts.In Yin Yang Temple, the monk who prays for people is actually a murderer?

Every story and every plot is thought-provoking. Emotional matters can be divided and combined, combined and divided. When you have reached the point of "hating" the person you "love deeply", please calm down and think about it carefully, "The most beautiful person between you two in the past" Oath, have you done it? "

If you deny who you were, you are also denying who you were. Life is short, live in the moment.

Don't bring any harm to the other party. Only by never retreating from your original intention can you persevere.

《Ghost Mom》

There is nothing greater than maternal love. I would like to thank every mother in the world who works hard for their children. There are very few horror movies that are this touching and scary at the same time.

In the film, although there are some heartless villains, many of the emotions between people are still very precious and touching.

"Crazy Beauty"

is extremely bloody and disgusting at the same time. The most beautiful nurse, the cruelest way to die.

In a mysterious hospital, a doctor and seven pretty nurses collectively sell dead bodies to make huge profits. They will eventually face the bloodiest revenge.

On the first day of the seventh day, at 11:45 in the middle of the night, a revenge killing is about to begin. Seven beautiful nurses will suffer an extremely horrific death penalty.

Please believe that beauty will not exist forever. Don't be too jealous, otherwise, the cost will be to lose your beauty. Do you want to know how their beauty was destroyed?

"The Art of Demons" series

"The Art of Demons" is a series of horror movies. There have been three films released so far, and the third one is the prequel of the second one.

The film tells the story of Teacher Pan, a charming country teacher. Although she always wanted to live a normal and quiet life like others, her charming beauty not only aroused the covetousness of many men, but also the students in the school. Her male colleagues and her students all tried to win her heart through various sorcery and magical powers.

In order to cut off these endless threats, Teacher Pan had to kill the witch doctor who lowered her head, but she also became obsessed and fell under the control of the three eyes.

What is more terrifying than the "head-lowering technique" is people's love, hate, anger, obsession, greed, and madness. Therefore, the death method of the heavy-mouthed head-lowering technique is that people are so greedy that they lose their conscience.

In the second part, the seemingly gentle and lovely heroine turned out to be hateful in the end. The relationship between her and him took a new turn when everyone was unanimously optimistic and cheered that it finally had a happy ending. An unexpected ending is the highlight of a good film.

Its ending is really unexpected. .

The reincarnation of cause and effect depends on our own sins, and sins are interconnected. Don't forget, this is your own choice.

"The Crossing of Death"

The film consists of four short stories. Four short and concise stories form a complete theme, fear. Fear comes from all directions.

In the first story, a girl who had difficulty moving due to a car accident had a close relationship with a boy she had never met through text messages. She sent a selfie to the boy and asked for the photo. The phone buzzed and vibrated, and the boy sent it to her. What did the girl see in the photo?

The second story is that the boy was born introverted and cowardly, which became the best reason for his classmates to bully him. It started out as a joke, but gradually the bullying escalated. The boy couldn't bear it anymore and decided to take great risks and kill the person who bullied him through the technique of lowering his head.

Are you sure you are alive, or is everything just a humble delusion?

In the third story, a group of friends went camping at night. They were bored and told horror stories as a pastime. However, they were frightened by themselves and competed for the safest place in the middle of the bed.

The last story is that the plane was carrying the princess's body, and the mission of this flight was to escort the body back to the country for cremation.

The flight attendant felt uneasy. Unexpectedly, something terrible happened. The body disappeared mysteriously. In the closed space of the cabin, in the toilet that was supposed to be empty, there was a creepy sound.

"Three Ghosts"

"Hair is Like Blood" The two sisters Xiaomei and Xiaomi who run the wig shop have always been at odds. One night, Xiaomi brought her friends back to the store to drink and have fun. The bohemian young man not only told ghost stories, but also had fun with Xiaomi's new hair. Little did he know that the owner of the hair came from a certain deceased person, and the fearless young man set himself on fire.

"Yin Yang Coffin" A young couple who were married for only a week died unexpectedly. Their coffins were parked in a luxurious villa in the suburbs.

A young man working in a hospital was recruited to hold vigil for the deceased. The young man accidentally opened the coffin and was overwhelmed by the beauty of the hostess. The secret he accidentally discovered undoubtedly led him to the bottom line of taboos and dark terror.

"Clock End" An employee of a company works part-time during the day and rushes to work at night to get paid for overtime. In order to teach them a lesson, their bosses Kairen and Adi pretended to be ghosts and scared people.

The tricks came one after another, and finally, it was discovered that even real ghosts had joined in. .

"Human Meat Rice Noodles"

Thai version "Human Meat Barbecued Pork Buns at the Eight Immortals Restaurant".

The bloody violence is just an auxiliary material to express a deeper level. As the film says at the end, "The root of all problems comes from the turmoil within the family." It lies in this society's attitude towards women and children.

Xiaolian in the film is a complete weakling, and the ghost-like "sister" Xiaohua is not so much her child as a reflection of her childhood.

Domestic violence, contempt for women. As a result, the heroine can only use violence to protect herself. This film can actually be seen as an ethical film in the form of a horror film.

"Ghost 5"

A movie composed of five stories.

"Palm Sacrifice for Life" In order to escape legal responsibility, the mother sent her son to a remote temple to become an ascetic. The young man followed his masters to a mountain village. The master told him about the local custom of using palm altars to worship hungry ghosts.

"The Ghost Patient" A young man suffered a fracture in a car accident and was forced to be placed in a multi-person ward to recuperate. But there were only two people in the ward, and besides him there was an old man who was brain-dead.

As night falls, something terrible happens. The old man had been looking for a new body because his health was failing, and the young man happened to be next to his bed.

"Desperate Backpackers" A pair of young men and women from Japan traveled to Thailand and stopped a stuffy tank truck. Halfway through the journey, there was a continuous knocking sound from behind the carriage. .

"Revenant Used Cars" The female owner of a second-hand car dealer often refurbished cars that had been in car accidents and sold them to others for profit. One night, her son Xiaode disappeared while playing in the car dealership, and strange and terrifying things happened one after another.

A film crew of "The Ghost Studio" was filming "Siamese Yin 2". Xiao Genmei, who played the female ghost, suddenly fainted on the set. The staff rushed to send her to the hospital. Just when the film crew was worried about the progress, Xiao Genmei returned to the set.

"9 Roads to Ghost Marriage"

A car accident killed a newly married groom. In grief, the bride committed suicide. However, her death is where the story begins.

It’s very interesting to watch alone in the dead of night, and the background music and sound effects are also very appropriate. Several stories are intertwined with each other and extend to the heroine. The whole process is full of desolation and is worth savoring.

At some point, what you thought was an infatuation was just an emotional betrayal.

In fact, there are many things in this world that science cannot fully explain. All things in nature are interdependent.

In life, some people are obsessed with greed, some people are obsessed with infatuating something, and some people cannot let go of resentment and revenge.

In the end, it evolved into hurt and endless pain, wandering step by step into the dark abyss and unable to extricate itself.

How many people dare not face fear, but spend all day in fantasy, and how many people are willing to be idiots in love. .

Finally, there are seven things that are inevitable for all living beings, namely: birth, aging, illness, death, sin, blessing, and karma. They cannot be avoided even if they want to. Whenever you sow a cause, you will receive its own reward, happy cause and happy result, and painful cause and bitter result.