(This article is compiled by the public account Yuesheng Investment Research (yslcwh). It is for reference only and does not constitute operational advice. If you operate by yourself, pay attention to position control and take risks at your own risk.) If you want to maintain prof

(This article is compiled by the public account Yuesheng Investment Research (yslcwh). It is for reference only and does not constitute operation advice. If you operate on your own, pay attention to position control and take risks at your own risk.)

If you want to maintain profitability in stock trading, you must keep these 5 tips in mind Key points:

1. Don’t buy if you don’t know the value:

The secret of investing is to find out the value of the subject matter, and then pay a cost far lower than that value to obtain the subject matter. If you decide to invest without knowing how much the underlying asset is worth, your chances of success are slim.

How much is a company’s stock worth? It’s actually not difficult to calculate, but professional investors and scholars make it too complicated.

How much interest will a company allocate to you? This is not difficult to calculate.

2. Do not buy investment products that cannot be compared or do not understand:

If you do not understand the industry or the products and services provided by the company, do not buy its stocks. In the investment market, no one forces you to buy any stock. You have thousands of companies to choose from.

3. Don’t follow institutions and legal persons in and out

No matter what strategy you adopt, “fighting head-on” is probably the wrong choice. If you want luck to be on your side, you must change the rules of the game and look for stocks that large investment institutions have not touched. .

4. Don’t buy products that are too complex (such as mutual funds):

The performance of fund managers only represents the present and does not guarantee the future; and the fund’s method of investing in good stocks and bad stocks together cannot pursue maximum profits at all.

5. When emotions come, don’t deal with them!

The market is very emotional and is usually overly optimistic or overly pessimistic. Therefore, stocks tend to fluctuate violently in the short term. Only investors who focus on “value” can stay away from this kind of behavior. Emotional swings. Currently, "almost" all funds are as emotional as the market.

What stocks to buy in the current A-share stage

Below I will share with you the general outline of the stock market map, K-line, moving average basics, tangents, indicator analysis, stock selection, sector rotation and various knowledge points in the stock market. I hope it can be useful to everyone. A comprehensive review of personal stock knowledge.

1, General outline of the stock market map

2, K-line basics

3, Moving average basics

4, Tangential basics

5, Indicator analysis

6, Statistical analysis

7, Stock selection methods

8, Sector rotation

9, Various aspects of the stock market Confused

Short-term stock trading tips

Tip 1: Don’t sell if you don’t rush high, don’t buy if you don’t dive, and don’t trade sideways.

When should you start buying and selling? This trick reveals a secret! This trick seems simple, but in fact it is not easy to do. Most people lose money in stocks because they cannot do this simplest thing.

Tip 2: Buy yin but not yang, sell yang but not yin.

means to choose to buy when the daily K-line of closes as negative, and to sell when the daily K-line closes as positive.

Tip 3: Consolidate horizontally and wait a moment.

When a stock continues to rise or fall, it will enter a sideways trading state. At this time, there is no need to sell the entire position at a high level or buy a full position at a low level, because the market will definitely change after consolidation. If it changes from a high position to a downward trend, it will be cleared in time; if it changes from a low position to a high position, it will be pursued in a timely manner.

Tip 4: If the high level goes sideways and then surges higher, seize the opportunity to sell quickly; if the low level goes sideways and returns to a new low, it is a good time to buy a full position.

The stock price often reaches a new high after consolidating at a high level, and a new low after consolidating at a low level. Therefore, you must wait for the direction of the market change to become clear before operating. If the high price goes sideways and then breaks upward to reach a new high, this is the best time to sell; if the low price goes sideways and then changes downward, this will be the best time to buy heavily.

Tip 5: A clever plan to build positions in batches, the lower the price, the more you buy the pyramid.

This is how funds are allocated and used. Once the buying target is determined, the entry point problem needs to be solved. Even what you think is the safest intervention point may reach new lows. After being trapped, you should buy more as the price drops and increase your position as planned at low levels instead of cutting losses. Building a position according to the "pyramid buying method" is the only eternal truth of value investment.

Tip 6: It won’t rise after one recommendation and two recommendations, so it has to go down and then shake the position.

A stock has been correcting for a long time. After the platform was in a state of consolidation, institutions began to recommend it one after another. The fundamentals were indeed good, but the stock price did not rise. One day, it suddenly broke down. Its daily K-line was doing After forming a pit, it continued to rise, and easily broke through the original platform, and disappeared.

If you want to know more about the operating techniques and formula codes of the current A-share stage, or if you have any questions, you can follow the public account Yuesheng Investment Research (yslcwh) to get the most important investment information and original stock technical analysis methods as soon as possible. There’s a constant supply of dry goods!

What is the thinking of a top trader?

A person's ideas and way of thinking can be learned and imitated. Successful traders may be different in terms of technical operations, but they have many similarities in trading concepts. We can even draw the conclusion that first there is a correct trading concept, and then there is a way to adapt and differentiate it. Trading techniques.

1. Pay attention to the system trading method

Successful traders are using the trading system to trade intentionally or unintentionally, and use clear trading rules to constrain their trading behavior. They may not have system instructions in black and white, but the system trading method is internalized and implemented throughout for every operation in their trading career.

2. Focus on expected advantages

Expected value can measure the quality of a trading system from an overall perspective. A system with positive expectations means that the more times you trade, the more profits you make. A system with negative expectations means that you The more times you trade, the more you lose. Expected value can help traders evaluate their trading abilities from an overall perspective, ignore the success or failure of a single transaction, and allow traders to still adhere to their trading rules during the inevitable capital drawdown period.

3. Pay attention to the risk of bankruptcy

A stable trader must reduce the risk of bankruptcy to 0 for each transaction. Instead of focusing on how other traders succeeded, it may be more useful to focus on how failed traders failed. As a wise man said: Tell me where I will die, and I will not go there.

Most failed traders died in heavy positions, making the risk of bankruptcy greater than 0.

4. Pay attention to entry, exit and fund management

Transactions are implemented based on one entry, one exit and how many positions are entered and exited, so if you do not study the entry position, exit position and fund management methods , then you are on the wrong track. You need to think and summarize what entry methods can be used, what exit methods can be used, and what fund management methods can be used, and then creatively extract and combine these methods into a complete trading system.

5. Pay attention to matching the trading system with your personal personality

If the trading system does not integrate your own personal characteristics, then there will be greater resistance during use. If your trading system has clear rules but cannot always execute them consistently, you can take a look at the system rules. Is there any part in it that goes against your character?

6. Pay attention to physical health

A trader who is sick will definitely not be able to trade well for a long time. Trading is a career that requires the integration of body and mind. From a scientific point of view, because diseases will consume a lot of a person's willpower, There will thus be very little willpower allocated to trading.

Modern people attach great importance to work efficiency. In fact, going to bed early, eating well, and exercising well are the biggest shortcuts to increase work efficiency. This is true for transactions, and so is life. Livermore is a typical representative. Look at his According to the biography, we know that he went to bed early all year round and paid attention to rest.

7. Pay attention to self-reflection

When there are problems in our own transactions, we cannot blame anyone else, nor the external environment. Learn to learn from your mistakes, don’t pretend that you have not made mistakes, and then find ways to avoid making the same mistakes again. You like to shirk responsibility for transactions. Members will undoubtedly fail

(The above content is for reference only and does not constitute operation advice. If you operate by yourself, pay attention to position control and take risks at your own risk.)

Statement: This content is provided by the public account Yuesheng Investment Research (yslcwh) and does not represent investment express Endorse its investment views.