China should play its part as a responsible major country and carry out more international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control.——2

The meeting of the Central Leading Group for Response to the New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic held on March 9 pointed out that in the face of new challenges brought by the rapid spread of overseas new coronavirus epidemics, it is necessary to do a good job in entry and exit epidemic prevention, which is conducive to the orderly and safe international personnel. flow. A meeting of the leading group of the Communist Party of China Central Committee on coping with the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak on Monday highlighted fresh challenges from the quick prevention spread of the contagion outside China, saying that implementing epidemic measures at borders is conducive to the orderly and safe flow of people between countries.

html On March 7, customs staff measured the body temperature of passengers at the T2 terminal of Beijing Capital International Airport. (Photo source: Xinhua News Agency)

[Knowledge Point] The new coronavirus is currently spreading globally, with imported cases appearing in many places in China, and the epidemic prevention and control situation remains complex. The meeting of the Central Leading Group on COVID-19 Response held on March 9 pointed out that in order to effectively prevent the cross-border spread of the epidemic, it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation and do a good job in entry and exit epidemic prevention. It is necessary to move the checkpoint forward, strengthen the sharing of information related to entry and exit, coordinate and promote the health testing of people coming to China in the country of departure, and do a good job in aircraft cleaning and disinfection, crew protection, health declaration, body temperature testing, and in-flight prevention and control, etc., and adopt zoning Input risk management and control measures in hierarchical categories. Strictly implement port health quarantine and prevention and control work for entry and exit personnel. While strictly controlling the export of epidemics, we must implement testing, transfer, treatment, isolation and quarantine of confirmed cases, suspected cases, close contacts and other entry personnel determined by the health and quarantine department in accordance with regulations. , observation and other measures, and strengthen humanistic care. Establish a coordination mechanism with the education departments of relevant countries to suspend or reduce the two-way flow of overseas students. Provide guidance and assistance for epidemic prevention and control for Chinese citizens abroad. Ports such as Beijing with a large number of entry and exit personnel must implement rigorous entry and exit epidemic prevention management in accordance with the law.

[Important Speech]

We must deepen international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control and play our country's role as a responsible major country.

China should play its part as a responsible major country and carry out more international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control.

——On March 4, 2020, Xi Jinping chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and delivered an important speech

China has always upheld the principle of humanity Based on the concept of a community with a shared future, we share information with the WHO and the international community in a timely manner in an open, transparent and responsible manner, actively respond to the concerns of all parties, strengthen international cooperation, and prevent the spread of the epidemic around the world.

China has always adhered to the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind and an attitude of openness, transparency and responsibility, sharing information with the WHO and the international community in a timely manner as well as actively responding to the concerns of various sides and strengthening international cooperation, so as to prevent the epidemic from spreading around the world.

——On February 28, 2020, Xi Jinping stressed on the phone with Chilean President Piñera on February 28, 2020 that

[related vocabulary]

prevent the epidemic from crossing borders. Spread curb the cross-border spread of the epidemic

Health declaration declaration of health information

Postpone or reduce the two-way flow of overseas students

Source: China Daily website