The gallbladder has the functions of storing bile, secreting mucus, and concentrating bile to help digest food. If we often stay up late or have long-term mental tension, excessive pressure, or emotional instability, the body's immune system will decline, which can easily lead to

The gallbladder is located behind the liver and is shaped like a pear-shaped pouch. The gallbladder has the functions of storing bile, secreting mucus, and concentrating bile to help digest food.

In daily life, if we often stay up late or suffer from long-term mental stress, excessive pressure, or emotional instability, the body's immune system will decline, which can easily lead to gallbladder infection or obstruction of bile excretion. cholecystitis . At the same time, if we often eat irregularly, such as often overeating, eating unclean food, often skipping breakfast, etc., it is easy to cause cholecystitis. Because bile is not discharged often if breakfast is not eaten, the gallbladder will swell and be filled with concentrated bile. The high concentration of bile salts has a strong inflammatory effect and may induce cholecystitis over time.

Patients with acute cholecystitis are prone to the following symptoms

1. Sudden paroxysmal cramps in the right upper abdomen, often after a heavy meal or greasy food, or at night. In some cases, the pain often radiates to the right shoulder, scapula and Back

2. May be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, anorexia and other symptoms.

3. Often accompanied by mild fever, such as obvious chills and high fever.

4. There may be varying degrees and ranges of tenderness, rebound tenderness, and muscle tension in the right upper quadrant.

The gallbladder is also an important organ of the human body. Cholecystitis often induces gallbladder stones, and this disease often occurs in middle-aged people aged 35-55, especially female friends. There is an old saying that "the liver and the gallbladder are in harmony with each other", which means that the liver and gallbladder are closely related, and the gallbladder is an accessory organ of the liver. When the gallbladder is inflamed, gallstones are also prone to occur. If gallstones occur, it will easily cause bile duct obstruction, causing cholestasis and affecting liver function. Or bile refluxes back to the liver, and the pathogen can easily transfer to the liver, causing damage to liver function. Therefore, we should protect the liver and promote gallbladder, stay up late as little as possible, live a regular life, do more outdoor activities, and improve our own immunity to prevent the occurrence of cholecystitis. At the same time, the occurrence of cholecystitis is closely related to our diet, so dietary prevention is of great significance. Here are some suggestions for protecting the liver and promoting gallbladder in the diet.

1. Light diet: eat less or preferably not at all. Fried foods should avoid excessive contraction of the gallbladder and increase bile secretion . Drinking a lot of water: Drinking a lot of water can not only dilute the bile to make it less likely to form gallstones, but also cause an imbalance in bile metabolism, that is, in the early stages of gallstone formation, pre-gallstone substances or small Gallstones are flushed into the gastrointestinal tract and excreted, preventing the occurrence of gallstones

3. Eat meals at regular intervals: Eat as few snacks as possible between meals to prevent the gallbladder from being constantly stimulated and increasing gallbladder contraction and bile secretion

4. Food should be easy to digest: easy to digest Food can reduce the burden on the gallbladder and other digestive organs.

5. Don’t eat too much: to avoid excessive contraction of the gallbladder and increase bile secretion.

I recommend 4 kinds of foods that are beneficial to liver protection and gallbladder.

1. Dandelion

Dandelion is very rich in nutrients. Not only does it contain a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, niacin, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. It also contains dandelion alcohol, dandelion pigment, choline, total flavonoids and other medicinal ingredients. In particular, dandelion alcohol has a good choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. Moreover, caffeic acid , ferulic acid , chlorogenic acid and other organic acids contained in dandelion can play a certain role in sterilization and anti-inflammatory.

2. Andrographis paniculata

Andrographis paniculata has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and reducing swelling, purging fire, antibacterial and antiviral, and can be used as both medicine and food. Modern medical research shows that Andrographis paniculata has certain anti-inflammatory effects, including traumatic infections and acute and chronic gastroenteritis, and has varying degrees of auxiliary treatment effects. At the same time, the lactones in Andrographis paniculata have a significant antagonistic effect on liver damage and have a significant choleretic effect. However, it is best to eat Andrographis paniculata cold, which can maintain the taste and medicinal value of Andrographis paniculata.

3. Purslane

Purslane has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, dispersing blood and reducing swelling. Purslane is cold in nature, sweet and sour in taste, and enters the heart, liver, spleen and large intestine meridians.It has a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of various bacteria such as E. coli. It is a natural antibiotic. At the same time, purslane has a certain heat-clearing and choleretic effect, and it also has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on patients with cholecystitis.

4. Corn silk

Corn silk is also called dragon whisker in traditional Chinese medicine. It is sweet, light, neutral in nature and enters the gallbladder meridian. It has diuretic, antihypertensive, choleretic and hemostatic effects, and corn silk can promote bile excretion, which is helpful for patients with chronic cholecystitis or bile excretion disorders, cholangitis . On weekdays, we can use about 30 grams of fresh corn silk, decoct it in an appropriate amount of water, and drink it as tea, which not only promotes choleresis, but also lowers blood sugar.