When I saw the cast list before it was released, I realized that this would be a substandard but eye-catching commercial film. This rock-and-roll-looking eldest brother turned the perverted murderer movie into a genre unique to Hong Kong.

Before it was released, when I saw the list of main creators, I realized that this would be a commercial film that was not up to par but eye-catching.

director Qiu Litao has directed cult films such as "Eight Immortals Restaurant: Human Meat Barbecued Pork Buns", "Seize the Body", "Ebola Virus" and "General".

This rock-and-roll guy turned the perverted murderer movie into a genre unique to Hong Kong. Of course, his style is more crazy, swinging in the gray area, with mostly novelty elements.

Andy Lau serves as the producer and plays the male lead, which reminds people of the previous low-scoring "The Bomb Disposal Expert".

Louis Koo , Karen Lam, Miu Qiaowei , Chrissie Chau 's appearance is surprising, but it is a pity that the female characters are overshadowed in " Anti-drug 2", and they are not even given shots showing off their beautiful figures. In the end, there was almost no one left, unable to complain about screenwriter Li Min's skill.

The previous movie "Anti-Drug" with a good reputation mainly tells the story of three brothers making choices against each other in the face of drug interests, while "Anti-Drug 2" is completely separated from the structure of 1, with the police officers Lin Zhengfeng and Yizheng representing justice. The evil Justice of the Peace Yu Tianshun, and the evil drug dealer Ksitigarbha, the three-line intersecting narrative structure creates a story in which drug traffickers will never end well.

It is worth mentioning that Andy Lau, Louis Koo, and Miao Qiaowei, three actors who have nothing to do with Jin Yong's drama, are on the same stage. Netizens jokingly call it "the story of two Yang Guo and one Yang Kang."

"Anti-Drug 2" is not an action movie , is not a drama, but more like a gunfight movie mixed with a friendship drama about a middle-aged rebellious boy.

Yu Tianshun witnessed his father taking drugs and forcing his mother into prostitution since he was a child, and he hated drugs deeply. When he grew up, his illegitimate son and his beloved wife died three times due to drugs and vowed to fight the drug lords forever.

And Louis Koo was expelled from the gang and had three fingers cut off because someone was selling white powder in the place. From then on, he really started to make and sell drugs in a rage.

In terms of plot, "Anti-Drug 2" continues the consistent characteristics of Hong Kong-style gunfight movies. Although there are bugs, the process is exciting and enjoyable.

Yu Tianshun angrily scolded his girlfriend: "None of your family has ever seen the light of day." He left the club and entered the financial industry. Since then, he has risen through the ranks to become an officially certified Justice of the Peace, a famous philanthropist and the president of the Anti-Drug Association.

Ksitigarbha, who walked out of the club, also became one of the four major drug lords.

After fifteen years of separation, the two brothers can distinguish between high and low as the lyrics say.

Yu Tianshun, just like the name. I have been blessed with a smooth journey. I encountered no major setbacks in either business or politics. I also met Zou Wenfeng, a like-minded partner who can help me in my career. It can be said that I am a sure winner in life. But deep in his heart, he also harbored regret and hatred. His illegitimate son died due to drug abuse, and his wife had no children.

Ksitigarbha's drug business is getting bigger and bigger, and he is surrounded by beauties, but money and beauties cannot give him any pleasure. He still couldn't let go of the resentment of losing his finger.

Of course, there is no doubt about the acting skills of Louis Koo and Andy Lau.

's long acting experience allows them to have good control over the roles they perform. Andy Lau looks like a successful businessman when he puts on a suit, while Louis Koo looks like a drug lord when he smiles crazily at Erye Guan, who has severed his finger.

There are too many movies where brothers show their sincerity to each other, and the audience has become accustomed to solving misunderstandings, meeting each other, smiling and forgetting grudges. There are too many happy ending movies, and the audience is used to the good guys having success and the bad guys dying miserably. But "Anti-Drug 2" doesn't have that. It doesn't follow the crowd, and it's even a little gloomy.

As a gunfight movie for men, "Anti-Drug 2" is very vague in its expression of brotherhood. The plot cannot support the completeness of the plot.

Is Yu Shuntian a loyal person? I have never seen that his only aura of humanity lies in his deep hatred of "drugs" and his ruthlessness towards drug traffickers who would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

reunited with his former gang brothers fifteen years later, just to use each other to eliminate drug dealers. Even though

was clearly being used, he was still appreciated by the other party: "I have been following you since I was little, from black to white, thank you for taking care of me.

Yu Tianshun was cruel to Ksitigarbha. His only loyalty was probably to wrap his brother's finger in a bag after breaking it off, without saying a word of greeting afterwards.

On the contrary, Ksitigarbha's character is much more fleshed-out, and his ruthlessness and ruthlessness are not developed overnight.

He has experienced betrayal, so he hates betrayal.

If a woman betrays him, he can catch the adulterer and the woman together and take them to the pig slaughterhouse for execution. If the race fails, he will execute the horse.

Yu Tianshun offered a reward of 100 million to kill him, so he offered 101 million to challenge him. He does not take the initiative to attack, but he will never surrender.

Several gun battles in the drama are very exciting, and the speeding duel on the subway is even more nerve-wracking. It is said that in order to seek authenticity, the crew spent tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to restore the Hong Kong subway 1:1.

But while being dazzled, I couldn't help but fall into the director's expression of justice. Is a character like Yu Tianshun just or unjust? He pursues justice but uses illegal means. Is this right or wrong?

The police, who represent justice, did not make any meaningful choices, but ran with them the whole time.

Drug dealers cannot be caught without evidence. The safety of citizens cannot be protected, and we cannot defeat them in a fight of fire!

was manipulated by several people and applauded, and even had to provide personal protection to drug traffickers.

All positive forces in the play are weakened.

Mothers who take drugs cause their babies to be infected with drugs, young girls and teenagers go to a dead end because of drug abuse, and drug traffickers are retaliated and executed in the cruelest way.

But there are also innocent citizens and police officers who have lost their lives because of drugs.

Lin Zhengfeng’s wife died in the line of duty before she was even breastfeeding, and the female anti-narcotics police officer who had not yet had time to accept the marriage proposal also lost her life due to the pursuit. Regardless of justice or evil, everyone related to drugs in the film was stirred by fate and faced death.

Lin Zhengfeng's daughter asked her father because her friend died, "Is there no one who can help us? Did the bad guys win?"

What makes people angry is that the daughter of a police officer lost trust in order and justice and instead begged for a An entrepreneur who started out in the underworld. Because she no longer believes in the rule of law, no longer believes in her father's ability, and does not believe in the justice of hearsay.

This is the biggest black humor in this film.

The world is all about the world.

Lin Tianshun finally confronted Ksitigarbha with a gun.

At the end, Ksitigarbha said: "You never asked me if Uncle Nan made a mistake. Have you ever apologized to me?"

instantly reminded me of Zhang Ziwei's confrontation with Ma Haotian and Su Jianqiu in "Anti-Drug 1" question. All they want is an understanding.

all say that Hong Kong movies are in decline.

's themes are not novel enough and mixed with plots that have no suspense. It is normal for it to decline like this.