It is not unusual for Yu Jian to write about Kunming, Jianshui, Paris, and even India. These are cities, the land under the sky, the places where the moonlight can shine.

Source: Read Special

Sansu Temple in Meishan, Sichuan Yu Jian Photography

It is not unusual for Yu Jian to write about Kunming, Jianshui, Paris, and even India. Kunming is his hometown, Jianshui is the place where he expresses his classical nostalgia, Paris is the art capital of the world that he visits again and again, and India is the destination of his divine journey.

These are cities, the land under the sky, the places where the moonlight can shine.

but writes about people, Yu Jian only writes and Su Shi .

In Yu Jian's eyes, Su Shi is similar to Dante , standing on the yin and yang line in the history of civilization. He called Su Shi the last great literati in China and a saint who had already entered "Mount Olympus".

900 years later, poets and poets meet each other

Yu Jian starts with a crow. In many cases, crows symbolize death, fear and misfortune. "Sha Qiusi " makes people feel sad, poor and desolate. But in ancient times, the crow was an auspicious bird, a heralding bird, and was considered a bird associated with the sun. It can be seen from the title of the Yuefu song " Crow's Night Cry". It is said that Southern Dynasties Liu Yiqing was punished for offending Emperor Wen. His concubine heard the crow crow at night and thought it was a good omen. Sure enough, Liu Yiqing was punished the next day. Pardon. Tang Dynasty Zhang Ji's Yuefu poem "The Crow Cries at Night" extended this allusion, "...when the young woman heard the crow crying at night, she knew that the official had a letter of pardon. "

Until the Southern Song Dynasty , Xin Qiji mentioned in " Yong Yu Le·Jingkou Beigu Pavilion Nostalgia for the Past": "It is worth looking back, the Buddha Temple , there is a sacred crow shrine drum. "About this time, the image of the crow began to be associated with Song temple sacrifices and ancestral property.

A corner of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival"

But in Su Shi's era, the crow may have been called a sacred bird. The poet Yu Jian used a The lens language of crows flying across the clouds and flying towards the horizon takes us back to Kaifeng more than 900 years ago. He is going to see the poet Su Shi in Kaifeng, "Peace lasts for a long time, and there are many people." "The surrounding countryside is like a market place, where cups and plates are often arranged under the fragrant trees or among the gardens to encourage each other." "Thousands of streets and lanes are all prosperous and noisy." "It is not difficult to see from the excerpts quoted from " Tokyo Menghualu " in the book that Yu Jian still has to start from the city, starting from the place where civilization adheres, Kaifeng, the capital of the Song Dynasty that flourished for a long time.

“The sky, the earth, and life are all in harmony. Living, living, and living are the only purposes of this world. People's love and creation of life have reached the extreme. From now on, life in China will be based on this example. "

Kaifeng old photos

The context suddenly changed, and Yu Jian said that the crow came from Kaifeng's Yushitai, also called "Wutai". On August 18, the second year of Yuanfeng (1079), Su Shi was imprisoned here. So It seems that the "Disaster of Wutai" greatly changed the image of crows in later generations.

htmlAfter 0900, when Yu Jian came to Kaifeng, Wutai had long been reduced to dust. Kaifeng city was being demolished, "China's tangible hometown." Has become abstract nostalgia. "The bustle is still there, but the scenery of Tokyo is missing, and the sad but heroic poet is missing.

I went to Meishan and went to Su Shi's hometown to pay homage to

Su Shi. I have been to too many places throughout my life. Jiayou In the second year (1057), he and his younger brother Tongzhong Jinshi left Meishan for Kyoto. During the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, he worked in Fengxiang, Hangzhou, Mizhou, Xuzhou, Huzhou and other places. He was imprisoned for 103 days in the "Wutai Poetry Case" , was demoted to Huangzhou Tuanlian Deputy Envoy, and wrote " Chibi Fu ", " Post Chibi Fu " and "Nian Nujiao Chibi Nostalgia". He was demoted from Huangzhou to Ruzhou Tuanlian Deputy Envoy, and wrote when he passed Jiujiang "Ti Xilinbi". After Song Zhezong came to the throne, he served as a bachelor of Hanlin, a bachelor of rites, and a minister of the Ministry of Rites. He also went to Hangzhou, Yingzhou, Yangzhou, Dingzhou and other places. In his later years, he was demoted to Huizhou and Danzhou because of the new party's rule. . Zong Huizong was pardoned and returned to the north. He died of illness in Changzhou on the way and was later buried in Ruzhou. He realized his wish to reunite with his younger brother Su Che, and Ruzhou looked like his hometown Meishan to express his homesickness.

Su Shi's life was full of ups and downs. He was either demoted or on the way to being demoted. All official positions were restored 27 years after his death. When Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, he was posthumously awarded the title of Grand Master, and when Emperor Xiaozong of the Song Dynasty, he was posthumously given the posthumous title of "Wenzhong".

Meishan, Sichuan , Photographed by Yu Jian, Su Shi's hometown

"I can't bear to write the poems left, and the paper and pen are stained with tears." (Su Shi's "Daybreak to Bahekou to Welcome the Child")

This is probably one of the few sorrows left by Su Shi work. Even so, he still turned the mediocre life in the eyes of the world into the "distant place" we yearn for.

"One night the east wind blew the rocks apart, and half of them were blown across the mountain with the snow." (Su Shi's "Plum Blossoms"); "Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not scream and walk slowly." (Su Shi's "Ding Fengbo"); "Life is full of knowledge. How similar, it should be like a flying dragon stepping on snow and mud." (Su Shi's "Reminiscences of Hezi from Mianchi")

Sansu Temple Qiuzhu Yujian Photography

The poet Yu Jian decided to go to a distant place. He wanted to make a pilgrimage to Meishan, Su Shi's hometown. He called this wish his long-cherished wish. The pilgrimage road "is winding firmly on the earth, whether it is Jerusalem, Mecca, Vatican, Varanasi, or Qufu, Zigui, Jiangyou... People We must cross rivers, hills, trees, villages, orchards, market towns, and cities, and finally arrive at a certain address."

Yu Jian used the language of a poet to describe the hometown in Su Shi's works, "Perhaps that holy land will remain for thousands of generations. It is beyond recognition, and the original site is gone with the wind, but the land is still there, the sky is still there, and the salt is still there; the weather, atmosphere, earth color, taste, sunlight, and starlight that gave birth to the saint are still there;...'Bright Moon Night. , "Short Matsuoka" (Su Shi's " Jiangchengzi ")" is still there; "The Spring River Water Warm Duck Prophet" (Su Shi's "Huichong Spring River Evening Scene") is still there; "Short Laurel and Sparse Tung" (Su Shi's "Bu Suanzi") is still there ..."

Photography by Yu Jian, Su Shi's hometown.

The Minjiang River is still flowing, and the seeds are still sprouting. "When I go back, there will be neither wind, rain nor sunshine. "(Su Shi's " Ding Feng Bao ")

The poet Yu Jian was moved by the hometown of the saint. He saw the Sansu Temple separated by a wall. The neighbors of the Su family were lying on wicker chairs to cool off, playing mahjong, drinking tea, and drinking bean curd. The nearby restaurant sells Dongpo Meat . Maybe this is life. Su Shi's article makes people realize that they remember the origin of the world and the meaning of life. At that time, they were always grateful and in love with life. There is also joy in suffering, and at this time, his descendants are still enjoying it, as if they are living in a scroll.

All of these were captured by Yu Jian's camera and integrated into the book, which is what he has been working on in recent years. A kind of modern "article" that uses photography instead of painting, and advocates that modern writing should return to "literature", and Su Shi is a great example of a "article" that can cover everything from poetry, prose, calligraphy, and painting, and writes about everything. , regardless of form, taking shape according to things. This is Yu Jian's alternative understanding of the word "literati": using articles as a tattoo of the world

A sincere relationship through thousands of years

Before the birth of "Beyond Dongpo: The Story of Su Shi". After browsing the articles, biographies and anecdotes about Su Shi over the past thousand years, "History has tried to create a legend of Su Shi, an exile, a direct remonstrator, a loyal husband, a kind brother, etc., and I have a deep understanding of how Su Shi acted." The last scholar of medieval China was more interested. "

Because they are both poets and literati, Yu Jian has more empathy. No matter which dynasty he is in, his mood is the same, transcending time and space, and transcending national boundaries.

For forty years, Yu Jian went down the river eastward and upstream again. , going to the places where Su Shi had visited. Along the way, he was familiar with Su Shi's experiences, chapters, and anecdotes, and with the piety of worshiping the saint's homeland, he completed the work that was completely different from previous writers.

In the eyes of Lin Yutang , Su Shi was "a hopeless optimist, a great humanitarian, a friend of the people, a great writer, a great calligrapher, an innovative painter, a wine-making experimenter, a Engineer, a hater of Puritanism, a yogi Buddhist, a great statesman, an emperor's secretary, a drunkard, a kind judge, a political naysayer, a moonlit night wanderer, a poet , a clown." (Lin Yutang's "The Biography of Su Dongpo")

Unlike Lin Yutang, Yu Jian pointed out a certain "classical liberalism" tendency in Su Shi's worldview. In his writing, Su Shi is a modern poet. This is an alternative reflection on the anti-tradition that has prevailed since the May 4th Movement and the negative understanding of tradition.

Meishan, Sichuan, Su Shi's hometown, Yu Jian's photography

"The boat passed away from now on, and the river and the sea left it for the rest of my life." (Su Shi's " Linjiang Immortal·Drinking at Dongpo at Night and Wake Up Drunk ")

Set foot in every place, meet friends, meet Dongpo Village, Dongpo Well, Dongpo Field, Dongpo Road, Dongpo Bridge, Dongpo Park, drink with friends and enjoy Dongpo meat, Dongpo fish , Dongpo elbow and Dongpo tofu.

Su Shi loved life, was at home and forgotten things, believed in the unity of knowledge and action, and the natural way of writing and teaching. Wherever he goes, he makes friends with poetry and uses the earth as a place to paint. This kind of thought influenced later generations and also influenced the current poet Yu Jian.

Meishan, Sichuan, Su Shi's hometown, photography by Yu Jian

Yu Jian wrote: "Today's interactions between poets are more or less the same. Writing poems is like making friends, and they immediately treat each other with sincerity. Every time we talk about Su Shi, everyone seems to have a different tone. It’s like making a cross when mentioning the names of the Father and the Son, but it’s just not done. Fang Xianhai, a poet who lives in Hangzhou, also traveled across Hangzhou to see me... During the long conversation in the bar, Su Shi was not mentioned. "

Su Shi was not mentioned, but Su Shi lived in everyone's heart.

Poet and writer Yu Jian

stayed up all night, and Fang Xianhai gave him a notebook. It was bound with the kind of butterfly binding invented in the Song Dynasty. It was as thick as a brick, and like the friendship between poets, it could travel through time. For thousands of years, we have reached Hangzhou, Kaifeng, Huzhou, Yangzhou, Kunming... and reached every land under the sky, where the moonlight can shine.

"Beyond Dongpo: Su Shi's Records"

Yu Jian Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House html Published in April 54

[Content introduction]

"Beyond Dongpo: Su Shi's Records" is a famous Chinese poet and winner of the Chinese Literature Media Award. "Outstanding Writer of the Year" Yu Jian's new collection of prose and photography works is the poet's admiration and worship for the poet. Yu Jian spent more than 40 years making pilgrimages to Su Shi's hometown, Meishan, Sichuan, using words and images to record modern people's admiration for Song poetry . Through the dust and smoke of thousands of years, he felt the waves crashing on the shore in Su Shi's poems. . The whole book takes the important events in Su Shi's life and the author's pilgrimage as the main line, tracing the legacy of the eternal sages and experiencing the ultimate Song Dynasty aesthetics. The pen and ink reproduces a great golden age and a transcendent poetic life.

[About the author]

Yu Jian, the word is white. A native of Kunming, he began writing in the early 1970s and published many collections of poems. In 2005, I started writing the "Jianji" series of articles, returning to the tradition of "wen" in Chinese writing, trying to introduce image works into the articles, opening up a new modern language space, and giving the articles a three-dimensional presentation from multiple angles. . He is the author of "River of the Gods: From Lancang to Mekong", "Kunming Chronicles: My Hometown, My City", " Jianshui Chronicles ", "Paris Chronicles", "Behind Plato - Greek Chronicles", etc. He has won various literary awards such as the Lu Xun Literature Award, the Zhu Ziqing Prose Award, the Chinese Literature Media Award "Outstanding Writer of the Year", etc.

(Original title "Yu Jian writes about Su Shi: A sincere and sincere relationship across thousands of years")

(Author: Sun Yan)

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