Dazhong Newspaper·Dazhong Daily Client 2022-06-28 18:02:54 On June 26, the Linyi Municipal Government and Beijing Kuaishou Technology Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement and the launching ceremony of the "Quick Like Linyi Consumer Season" event was held in Linyi, S

Dazhong Newspaper·Dazhong Daily Client 2022-06-28 18:02:54

On June 26, the Linyi Municipal Government and Beijing Kuaishou Technology Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement and the launching ceremony of the "Quick Like Linyi Consumer Season" event was held in Shandong Held in Linyi.

Linyi, Shandong Province, borders Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei to the north and the Yangtze River Delta to the south. In recent years, relying on its solid business foundation, Linyi has vigorously developed new economies and new business formats, gradually becoming the largest short video live broadcast e-commerce base in the north.

It is reported that as early as 2019, Kuaishou’s first apparel industry belt in the country landed in Linyi, attracting more than 600 professional Kuaishou e-commerce anchors to participate; in October 2021, at the first RCEP Regional (Shandong) Imported Goods Expo, Kuaishou anchors and Thai consuls carried goods live, creating a single GMV of 30 million yuan.

Currently, there are more than 15,000 professional e-commerce anchors active in Linyi on the Kuaishou live broadcast platform alone. Among them, there are more than 300 anchors with more than one million followers, and more than 150,000 e-commerce practitioners. In recent years, Linyi's Kuaishou sales volume has ranked first in the country, and the number of goods sold every day has even exceeded that of Hangzhou and Guangzhou.

In the overall situation of new market commerce, Linyi Municipal Government joins hands with e-commerce live broadcast platforms to extend private domain traffic and brand value; strengthen the trust relationship between users and merchants, reduce users’ consumption decision-making costs, and achieve success in public and private domains, product-efficiency sales, etc. Explore marketing advantages in various aspects and continue to deepen regional e-commerce business; leverage the platform's traffic advantages and trust foundation to accelerate the creation of "fast brands" to help local brands and the e-commerce industry achieve new development.

(reported by Dazhong Daily client reporter Zhang Zhaoxing and Liu Fei and correspondent Li Rufeng)