It is reported that fast fashion e-commerce platform Shein will be listed in New York in 2022 | Blue Shark Consumer Morning News January 26 ▍Short video + live broadcast, new consumer news 1, Douyin e-commerce open letter: Over 860 merchants will have a cumulative GMV of over 100

news said that fast fashion e-commerce platform Shein will be listed in New York in 2022 | Blue Shark Consumer Morning News January 26

▍Short video + live broadcast, new consumer news 1, Douyin e-commerce open letter: Over 860 merchants accumulated GMV in 2021 Breaking 100 million 2, Hydrogen Xiaoqi received nearly 10 million angel round financing from Hanpan Venture Capital 3, DTC strategy and technology service provider "Shuxin Technology" completed tens of millions of Series A financing 4, and the British infant food company "Mamamade" completed 1.5 million pounds in seed round financing 5, Flying Embers received 20 million US dollars in Series C financing 6, Kering Group plans to sell two of its watch brands 7, it is reported that fast fashion e-commerce platform Shein will be listed in New York in 2022 8, Xiaohongshu merges communities E-commerce business, said to be the natural iteration of the organization 9, Dingdong grocery shopping plan To B supply prepared dishes 10, Lai Yifen: pre-profit of 28 million yuan in 2021, year-on-year loss 11, Unilever will eliminate 15% of senior management positions , speed up decision-making and reorganize the business 12, the number of lululemon stores in mainland China has exceeded 70 13, a company was fined 21.72 million yuan for selling counterfeit "Starbucks" coffee 14, Jia Guolong said that Xibei is determined to go public for financing 15, rural foundation in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Submit listing application 16, Ministry of Commerce: my country’s total trade in goods has ranked first in the world for five consecutive years For details, please see:▍Good article recommendation [From Xie Fuchun to Perfect Diary, domestic beauty products Centennial Pains] In a competition involving more than 30 countries in 1914, Chinese products won 57 medals, especially Chinese liquor, which conquered the judges. Moutai, which is "hard to find in a bottle," became famous here. . Of course, there are also domestic beauty brands that have become famous here. This year, Xie Zhenzhai, the fourth-generation head of the domestic brand Xie Fuchun, who has been in business for 84 years, embarked on a ship to the United States with the Xie family's three unique products: duck egg powder, ice musk oil, and oriental solid perfume. Three products of won two silver medals at the Panama International Fair. This is something that Xie Fuchun and the Chinese are still proud of. After Xie Fuchun became famous, domestic beauty products found a place among the international high-end brands. For a long time, people came to Yangzhou Xie Fuchun to buy fragrance powders and fragrances in an endless stream. Xie Fuchun's fame even spread to Southeast Asian countries. . However, times have changed, and the past can only be the past. Today, if we look at the number of fans of Xie Fuchun's Taobao flagship store, it is only 1.09 million. The number of fans of Perfect Diary and Huaxizi stores, which were established and very popular in recent years, are 10 times higher. The rise of perfect diaries does not mean that domestic beauty products have found a second former Xie Fuchun, because in the ranking of the world's top ten high-end cosmetics brands in 2021, none is from China, and domestic beauty products have always been stuck in China. In the throes of low-end. Please view the full text: This is our 376th morning report