Recently, the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau directed and organized the relevant departments of the Fuling District Public Security Bureau to conduct careful investigations and follow up the lines. In the special action of cracking

Recently, the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau directed and organized the relevant departments of the Fuling District Public Security Bureau to conduct careful investigations and follow up the lines. In the special action of cracking down on pension fraud and "Clean Network 2022", more than 300 police officers were organized to go to Hunan and Hubei. Cross-provincial arrests successfully eliminated a large fraud group that specifically targeted the elderly and other groups to sell "senior care products" and threatened them with various "adverse consequences" if they continued to be deceived. Five dens involved in the case were destroyed and 339 suspects were captured. The total amount involved in the case reached more than 290 million yuan, and there were tens of thousands of victims across the country. The largest single person's loss exceeded 1 million yuan.

68-year-old man spent nearly 100,000 to buy a "weight loss and health care package"

In May 2022, Fuling District 68-year-old Aunt Hu reported to the Fuling police, saying that she had suffered a telecommunications fraud.. Thinking of what she had experienced over the past month, Aunt Hu was exhausted both physically and mentally: "I originally thought I could lose weight and keep fit, but I never thought that this would be a bottomless pit. Not only did I not lose weight, but I was also frightened into becoming neurotic by them. ..."

Aunt Hu said that in early April this year, when she was playing on her mobile phone at home, she was attracted by a weight loss advertisement that said "lose 3 pounds of meat once a day" and added a website through the QR code on the advertisement. WeChat account named "A Dietary Body Fiber Official Customer Service Xiaolan", and under the introduction of the other party, I purchased a 799 yuan "Standard Body Fiber Tea" weight loss package. After receiving the product, Aunt Hu started taking it. Only one day later, customer service Xiaolan suggested that Aunt Hu receive professional evaluation guidance and choose a product package suitable for her constitution because the product she purchased lacked specificity and asked her to add " Tong Ren Tang dietary fiber health manager Mr. Huang” WeChat.

After that, Mr. Huang, a health manager, used the excuses of "product upgrading", "body metabolism needs to take next-stage products", "not taking it as planned will lead to the risk of amputation", and under his "professional" guidance and recommendation, he deceived Aunt Hu purchased and used a variety of weight loss nutrition package products.

In just one month, Aunt Hu spent a total of 94,979 yuan. Although she lost some weight, the reason for the weight loss was due to the huge amount of dieting every day and the huge physical and mental pressure of worrying that if she did not continue taking it, she would have big problems. Now Aunt Hu even suffered from anorexia.

The "miracle medicine" company is hidden in the city

After receiving the report from Aunt Hu, the Fuling police conducted a comprehensive analysis of similar police cases across the city and found that Mr. Zhang from Fuling and Ms. He from Wulong had been arrested from February to April this year. During the month, I received products mailed from the same shipping place, which was a similar experience to Aunt Hu. They all started to come into contact with the above-mentioned weight loss and health care products after receiving promotional advertisements, and then were subjected to layers of "routines" to spend heavily.

After extensive investigation work, the police discovered that from the beginning of this year to the incident alone, there were more than 21,000 express delivery messages for the same product sent to all over the country. After reporting to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Criminal Investigation Corps and the Fuling District Bureau quickly set up a joint task force and immediately launched a thorough investigation. It was quickly confirmed that behind the deception of Aunt Hu and other victims was a corporate operation, strong professionalism, and a chain. Complete and large-scale fraud gang.

All clues point to Hunan Shanti Fiber E-Commerce Co., Ltd. and Hubei Shankangli Health Technology Co., Ltd. One of these two companies is located in a high-end office building in a prosperous local area, and the other is located in a science and technology industrial park, but the actual operators are both Why and Gui.

investigation found that the doors of the two companies are usually closed and the windows are basically not opened. They implement access control management and are equipped with full-time door security guards. Non-company personnel are never allowed to enter. The new employees it recruits are all relatives, friends, and fellow villagers of old employees, and they are never strangers. Employees implement performance management and step-by-step sharing. The average monthly income of the "sales king" can reach more than 300,000 yuan.

"Words" lure people step by step

"These weight loss packages are actually a combination of ordinary low-priced food, nutritional powder, and solid drinks, with minimal weight loss effect." According to the police on the project, the use of extremely low-cost ordinary food and Health food is touted as a weight loss product that can achieve miraculous effects and make it "hard to gain weight". The company's illegal profits can reach 10 times or even 30 times more than the cost.

’s investigation revealed that the fraud gang is well-organized and consists of business department, technical department, after-sales department and other professional departments. The departments have clear division of labor and mutual cooperation. The gang members first attract customers who are interested in losing weight and keeping fit through advertising, telemarketing, etc., and then the customer service staff induce the customers to add so-called "senior nutritionists", "physical planners" and "health managers" on WeChat, and through bragging Health and weight loss products have strange effects, fabricated health care success stories and other methods are used to deceive customers' trust and induce customers to purchase products that cost hundreds to tens of thousands of yuan. Most of their customer groups are the elderly and women.

When the customer's first product treatment has not been completed, the "health manager" claims to customize it and immediately recommends the next series of products, and falsely claims that not taking the product as planned will cause physical damage and other "risky" methods. , exerting psychological control on customers, and continuing to trick them into buying high-priced products that the company has increased over time. After the fraud was successful, the customer service staff used the excuse of metabolizing harmful substances in the body to continue to formulate health care plans for customers and provide later products and services, in order to continue to defraud customers of money.

Police from many places cooperated closely and successfully shut down the network

After more than 20 days of rigorous investigation, the task force fully grasped the criminal facts, evidence and related circumstances of the case, and the conditions for shutting down the network were basically mature.

html On June 10, the task force mobilized more than 300 police officers. With the support and cooperation of police in many places, they carried out simultaneous network closing operations in many places. In one fell swoop, they arrested 339 key members and members of the company, headed by He, Gui, and others, and seized the suspects who committed the crime. There are more than 1,150 mobile phones and computers, as well as a large number of scam "speech" scripts.

After interrogation, the criminal suspects such as He and Gui successively confessed the facts of their crimes. At present, the Fuling District Public Security Bureau has taken criminal coercive measures against 218 criminal suspects in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation.