Regarding icon websites, other icon websites have been introduced before, but those sites tend to collect various icons. If you don’t want to download and convert the format, I have also prepared some icon resources for you: the total number should be 10,000: for your convenience

Regarding icon websites, other icon websites have been introduced before, but those sites tend to be a collection of various icons. Although there are many, there are not necessarily many e-commerce icons.

Today I recommend a website with icon materials under Alibaba. It should be very helpful to friends who are doing PPT in e-commerce! Mainly because the icons are really great!

This is a small design website under Alibaba. It mainly produces some excellent icon materials for the convenience of designers or e-commerce practitioners! Currently, there are 7,769,044 icon materials on the website!

Follow me and send a private message with the keyword [PPT icon] to get 10,000 editable PPT icons!

has super rich materials and is constantly being updated! This is really great. Only Alibaba can do this. Many icon websites have a lot of materials, but the updates are very slow, which will cause some icons to be very old. In Alibaba’s icon library, you can always find the latest icons you want!

For example, the Spring Festival is coming soon. You can see the latest Spring Festival icons:

At the top of the web page, you can also select icons:

Choose colors and selections:

It is very convenient and can quickly help us find unified icons!

and after clicking on each icon, you can edit and adjust the color:

You can easily change the color, (just operate it) like this:

It’s super convenient! After adjusting the color, it can also support downloading in 4 formats!

can always find the format you want! After downloading the icon at will and putting it into the PPT page, you can make an awesome visual page, like this:

Musk’s PPT type is also used:

PPT pages at major domestic conferences:

They are all very good oh! This website produced by Ali will definitely help you solve a big icon problem!

If you don’t want to download and convert the format, I have also prepared some icon resources for you: the total number should be 10,000:

For your convenience, I have also made some classifications according to different usage scenarios and industries of the icons. Divide, for example, color industrial icons:

Almost all industries are covered, education, technology, life, business, mobile phones, home appliances, etc.

All icons support editing, you can easily change their size, color modification, etc. .

If you need it, I can share it with you directly!

Follow me and send a private message with the keyword [PPT icon] to get 10,000 editable PPT icons!

worked hard to organize it, don’t forget to like it~