He found that he had many friends around him, some of whom were warehouse managers of major companies, and some of whom were founders of companies. When chatting with them, I learned that they always rely on various software and hardware when managing warehouses. They always year

This is a warehousing course I studied on March 17, 2017.

The lecturer chatted with us before class. I felt that the value of the chat was better than the content:

He found that he had many friends around him, some of whom were warehouse managers of major companies, and some of whom were founders of companies. When chatting with them, I learned that they always rely on various software and hardware when conducting warehouse management and . They always yearn for those that look very advanced and have black technology. I hope that my warehouse will be ready tomorrow. It can become JD.com’s No. 1 in Asia, Amazon’s warehouse of black technology, and various robots, drones, and delivery people.

Jingdong Smart Warehouse

Amazon's Smart Warehouse

The author is not saying that it is not good to have ambitious goals. He advocates that everything should be a step-by-step process. Personally agree with it very much. In early warehouse management, don’t always think about intelligence. After managing many warehousing projects, the author of

found that our domestic warehousing business is not standardized. (The specific business specifications will be designed in the PPT)

then briefly describes the barcode technology and RFID technology used in warehouse management radio frequency identification technology . radio frequency technology Although relatively mature, it has not been popularized due to various reasons such as price. .

tells us that the human factor has been ignored in warehouse management. Warehouse managers all hope that the warehouse will be filled with artificial intelligence. The authors inform us that these technologies are essentially just a tool for us. Also mentioned is a Turing test . What is a Turing test: Guess whether the person writing the article for you is a human or a computer-generated one.

remembers a very classic saying: picking goods depends on memory, and replenishing goods depends on perception. Indeed, this phenomenon exists in the unit where I work. And the managers don’t even use software.

picks goods by memory: Grassroots employees use memory to pick goods in the warehouse.

relies on perception to replenish goods: Warehouse ordering staff are not familiar with computer operations. When ordering, they first check the inventory, and then ask grassroots employees to go to the warehouse to take inventory to confirm whether the goods are in stock.

I guess this kind of problem exists in many companies. The Guan Supermarket warehouse happens to be right next to our warehouse. I always felt that our warehouse management was in a mess. After looking at their warehouse, I was blown away! There isn't even a cargo location code.

OK, let’s get to the point:

Purpose: Warehouse management planning In order to improve the efficiency of warehouse management, we should deal with the peak orders during 6.18, Double 11 and other times.

1. The differences and characteristics between e-commerce warehousing and offline warehousing:

2. Warehousing planning

(1) Data analysis

(2) Floor plan

(3) Storage and picking mode:

Full site picking: all cargo locations They are all picking areas

Storage and picking separation: only the picking position can pick goods. When the stock in the picking position is insufficient, it must be transferred from the storage area to the picking area first.

(4) Picking line

(5) Storage location planning: I still remember that when designing the location coding, I lacked experience and set the location coding to 13 digits. I also told the boss that it would be beneficial for PDA to uniformly recognize 13 digits. What a fucking bullshit. PDA doesn't recognize English, which is fucking nonsense.

(6) Inventory optimization

(7) ABC classification:

(8) Class A products: high sales volume, fast turnover, and high monthly shipment ratio. Place this type of goods uniformly near the distribution area and compound area.

(9) Category B commodities: commodities with low shipment volume and low frequency, relatively close to the distribution and compounding areas

(10) Category C commodities: slow-moving products, placed at the back.

(11) Inventory consolidation optimization: Don’t have too many SKUs in one location.(Personally, I think there are up to 6, and they must be stored according to specifications)

(12) Inventory optimization analysis

3. Business process:

(1) Receiving process

(2) Shipping process

(3) Wave creation principle

( 4) Picking principles

(5) Picking methods

PDA picking: first sort, then sort

Paper picking:

4. Double Eleven orders exploded, solution:

Story: A customer’s order volume exploded due to Double Eleven increase. Some of the goods were on the second floor, resulting in insufficient capacity of the warehouse elevator. The boss pulled up a tarp and slid the goods directly from the window through the tarp. This is the time for everyone to show their subjective initiative.

Before I knew it, it was 0:30 again, and the finishing was completed. It is recommended that everyone repost, collect, and comment. It is better to share knowledge. If you can’t understand it at one time, I suggest you read it one more time. If you don’t understand, you can leave a message. This course has been very helpful to me, but I am not the main manager of warehousing and logistics. After learning it at that time, it was not applied in practice. I hope everyone can use it.