Kuaishou is redefining live streaming e-commerce.

Kuaishou is redefining live broadcast e-commerce.

In 2021, Kuaishou, which has fully launched its e-commerce strategy, has demonstrated its powerful traffic effect to the entire e-commerce industry. Although it started later than other platforms, Kuaishou relies on its huge user scale and a series of effective and direct industry support strategies. In the end, within one year, it not only achieved overtake of some live broadcast e-commerce platforms, but also became a pole that cannot be ignored in today's e-commerce industry.

Recently, at the 2022 Gravity Conference held by Kuaishou, Kuaishou tasted the e-commerce dividends. Kuaishou once again launched an impact on the current e-commerce market structure, and released a series of Kuaishou e-commerce support policies and strategies. Through its own unique community model Redefine the live broadcast e-commerce industry and empower the entire e-commerce industry.

1. In 2022, Kuaishou e-commerce upgraded

Last year, Kuaishou proposed a new concept based on its own business form-New Market Commerce. Maybe many people, like me, will feel confused when they first see this coined word. However, after gaining a deeper understanding of Kuaishou App and its unique community culture, they will deeply feel the "new market business" The cleverness of the word.

As more and more people use the Internet today, the Internet has become an indispensable presence in our lives. Many people not only entertain online, but also make money by working on the Internet. In comparison, we are different from real life. The distance is getting farther and farther at a rapid speed.

As long as an online community is large enough, it can be regarded as an existence similar to the "metaverse" at present. To use a more understandable term, it can be called a digital life community. Kuaishou is just such a community. With more than 500 million users, it seems to have the foundation to become a virtual society.

The links and interactions that users have with other people on Kuaishou are enough to be regarded as the digital market life in the new era. Product brand concepts and product information are also gradually gaining popularity through the interactions between users and others, and this is exactly It is a new market business industry. It is essentially based on making friends through attraction and trust, which leads to business interactions.

At this year’s Gravity Conference, Xiao Gu, Kuaishou’s senior vice president and head of e-commerce business, further deepened the concept of new market commerce and proposed a more feasible new market e-commerce. The implication is that the live broadcast room is the super node. Create an experience-based e-commerce driven by trust.

also clearly pointed out the value proposition of Xinshijing e-commerce: real people, real goods, real prices, providing users with the most real services. It has to be said that this value is enough to make many consumers put aside their doubts about Kuaishou e-commerce, allowing it to acquire more potential consumers.

In addition, the original three major e-commerce companies have also been upgraded to four major companies this year: trust e-commerce, fast brands, brands and service providers. Among these four strategies, the most eye-catching is the promotion of Kuai brand. As a new strategy added by Kuaishou e-commerce this year, it is undoubtedly curious to see how Kuaishou wants to develop Kuai brand.

2. Kuai brand, the top priority of Kuaishou e-commerce in the future

There is a saying in the poem: "Ask the canal how clear it is, so that there is a source of living water." This has a great influence on how to maintain the prosperity of an ecosystem today. Inspirational effect. If Kuaishou wants to continue its unique industrial model and position in live broadcast e-commerce, in addition to actively introducing external brands, it is also very important to discover and build new brands within the Kuaishou ecosystem.

This is the case with the Kuaishou brand announced by Kuaishou this time. This group of new powerful merchants who grew up from the Kuaishou e-commerce ecosystem have unique advantages in the Kuaishou e-commerce ecosystem. These fast brands not only have a large number of loyal fans and consumers, but they also know how to serve these fans well.

Kuai Brands adheres to the business philosophy of "real people, real goods, real prices", eliminating intermediaries to earn price differences, and using the model of integrating people and goods to provide fans and consumers with the most experience-price ratio products and services. This is all This is something that is difficult for external brands to achieve, and it is also the natural moat that Kuaishou has accumulated over the years.

In order to support the development of Kuaishou brands, Kuaishou has also established special support policies this year. In 2022, Kuaishou e-commerce plans to use more than 23 billion yuan in traffic to support more than 500 fast brands, providing comprehensive support from three aspects: exclusive traffic, marketing traffic and cold start traffic for new merchants.

At the same time, Kuai brand will also have special e-commerce policies and commercialization policies, and Kuai brand merchants will also receive matching customized labels, exclusive avatars, and exclusive services from service provider gold medal traders and commercial black gold exclusive services provided by Kuaishou officials. , to sum up in one sentence, Kuaishou E-commerce will do its best to support and help the growth of Kuaishou brands so that they can become unique entities in the e-commerce market.

3. In 2022, Kuaishou E-commerce’s “brand promotion” will be upgraded again

Since Kuaishou E-commerce proposed the “brand promotion” strategy in July 2021, external brands that have settled in Kuaishou E-commerce have been driven by various favorable policies on the platform. , achieved very excellent results and grew extremely rapidly, which is fully reflected in the official data.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, compared with the first quarter, the GMV of Kuaishou e-commerce brands’ self-broadcasts was more than 8 times. In 2021, the annual GMV of 61 brands exceeded 100 million, and the annual GMV of 133 brands exceeded 50 million. Such amazing data is for For any platform, it is a miracle to be able to grow within one year, but Kuaishou e-commerce has done it.

Not only that, Kuaishou e-commerce has also continued its rapid development momentum this year. Compared with the first quarter of 2021, in the first quarter of 2022, Kuaishou e-commerce's brand self-broadcasting in the four major categories of clothing, home appliances and digital appliances, beauty and personal care, and food, tea and wine has also achieved more than 25 times, 5 times, and 8 times respectively year-on-year. Double and 5x growth.

Kuaishou e-commerce also announced at the Gravity Conference that this year it will continue last year’s brand policy support, and it has once again iterated on the “STEPS Brand Merchant Management Methodology” based on the Kuaishou e-commerce ecosystem to “Introduce new and popular products”. ", daily sales, clearance" spiral upward method, breaking through the sales ceiling by continuously holding large-scale shopping events.

In this way, not only can brand merchants feel the value of Kuaishou e-commerce, but it can also attract potential consumers in shopping carnivals again and again, and then precipitate them into their own private domain fans, improving their daily life. level of sales.

Generally speaking, the reason why Kuaishou e-commerce has been able to achieve such a big breakthrough in less than two years is due to the continuous innovation and strong execution of its team. Through the analysis of its own community ecological culture, Kuaishou Mobile e-commerce merchants have embarked on a path that cannot be copied by others. Not only do they have a stronger moat than rival merchants, they can also create value for brands and consumers, creating a business ecosystem in which everyone participates and benefits.