Quanjian said in a statement that it hopes "the company will immediately withdraw the manuscript and publish an apology statement" and "will safeguard its legitimate rights and interests through legal channels." After Quanjian's statement was released, Dr. Dingxiang told the Beij

In fact, the company’s development model has always been questioned. In 2016, the Beijing News reported in detail the development trajectory and doubts of Quanjian Company.

At noon on December 25, Lilac Doctor published an article on its WeChat public account "Ten-billion health care empire Quanjian, and the Chinese families in its shadow", which put Quanjian Company at the forefront.

This morning, Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Quanjian Company") issued a "solemn statement" through its official WeChat account, saying that the article "Ten Billion Health Care Empire Quanjian" published by "Doctor Lilac" on WeChat account was overwhelming. and Chinese Families in its Shadow" is false, accusing it of "using false information collected from the Internet to slander Quanjian, seriously infringing on Quanjian's legitimate rights and interests, and causing the public to misunderstand the Quanjian brand."

public Information shows that the account owner of the WeChat public account Dingxiang Doctor is Hangzhou Lianke Meixun Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.

Quanjian said in a statement that it hopes "the company (Hangzhou Liankemeixun Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.) will immediately withdraw the manuscript and publish an apology statement" and "will safeguard its legitimate rights and interests through legal channels."

After Quanjian's statement was released, Dr. Dingxiang told the Beijing News reporter: "We will not delete the manuscript and are responsible for every word. You are welcome to file a complaint." Dr. Dingxiang believes that the entire statement of Quanjian is It talks about how it is "legal" but remains silent about "whether it is effective" that the public is concerned about.

At noon on December 26, a reporter from the Beijing News learned from Doctor Dingxiang that the company had received a lawyer’s letter from Quanjian Group and Quanjian founder Shu Yuhui. The lawyer's letter shows that Quanjian believes that the article "Quanjian, the Ten-billion Health Care Empire, and the Chinese Families in its Shadow" is "logically confusing and the content is obviously fabricated" and that it is "disrespectful of Quanjian Group and Quanjian founder Shu Yuhui". It has caused huge reputational impact and economic losses." The lawyer's letter from

stated: "Please your company immediately withdraw the above-mentioned manuscript, and contact the client or this lawyer within 3 working days from the date of receipt of this lawyer's letter to discuss the matter of apology to the client and to maximize recovery. Adverse effects".

Dr. Dingxiang told the Beijing News reporter that after receiving the lawyer's letter, the company did not contact Quan Jian or the lawyer, "Welcome to file a complaint!"

Subsequently, the Beijing News reporter contacted Quan Jian Group and Quan Jian founder Shu Yuhui's attorney stated that he received a commission from Quanjian on December 25 and has not yet received any active contact from Dr. Dingxiang.

The lawyer said that if Dr. Dingxiang refuses to withdraw the article and apologize, whether to initiate a lawsuit against it depends on the client's wishes. As for the reputational impact and economic losses caused by the article to Quanjian Group and Quanjian founder Shu Yuhui, the lawyer said that the impact is still expanding and the economic losses are still being calculated.

Because of an article, Quanjian Company is currently under great public attention. In fact, the company's development model has been questioned. In 2016, the Beijing News reported in detail the development trajectory and doubts of Quanjian Company.

On the evening of August 14, 2016, in the 22nd round of the 2016 Chinese League One, Tianjin Quanjian defeated Shenzhen Kaisa 5:2, and the team returned to the top of the standings. Shu Yuhui, the “funder” of the Tianjin Quanjian Team and founder and chairman of the Quanjian Group, made a harsh statement in an interview with Tianjin Satellite TV: In China, if you don’t have enough funds and strength, don’t engage in football.

What Shu Yuhui said is true. He built Quanjian Group through "private secret recipes". At the same time, Shu Yuhui has also begun to show his strength in the capital market. Recently, the listed company Fengdong Co., Ltd. issued a restructuring announcement saying that Shu Yuhui invested. 430 million, subscribing for 26.64 million shares of Fengdong shares. After the completion of the transaction, Shu Yuhui’s personal shareholding in Fengdong shares is 5.43%. More importantly, he and Zhu Wenming, the largest shareholder of Fengdong shares, are persons acting in concert. , the two people’s shareholding ratio in Fengdong shares reached 33.38%. The restructuring plan shows that Shu Yuhui’s tentacles have extended into many fields such as Chinese herbal medicine, health products, real estate, finance, and sports. I control as many as 22 core companies and related companies.

As a "financier" who was born in rural Jiangsu, unlike the high-profile promotion of his " natural medicine " ideal, Shu Yuhui rarely disclosed the past of his early success. As the popularity of Quanjian Group has increased significantly, voices have begun to emerge about Shu Yuhui’s academic qualifications being a mystery, the effects of the products being exaggerated, and the sales network being “suspected of pyramid schemes”. In mid-August, reporters from the Beijing News traveled to Dafeng, Shanghai, and Tianjin, trying to review Shu Yuhui’s path to wealth by interviewing Shu Yuhui’s fellow villagers, colleagues, and subordinates.

Quanjian's "system" sales model has caused controversy. The company uses BMW to reward outstanding performers

"I have already delivered three BMW cars this month." In mid-August 2016, "Yongcheng System", a subsidiary of Quanjian Group's product sales department, A "teacher" told the Beijing News reporter that the company often uses BMW cars to reward outstanding performers in the team. The reporter said that he was considering joining Quanjian, but he was still a little hesitant. The "teacher" suggested that "you should go to the site and see for yourself."

On August 13, 2016, in Douzhangzhuang Township, Wuqing District, Tianjin City, young people wearing clothes with the "Quanjian" logo and foreigners carrying large and small bags were shopping at "Quanjian Information" and "Souvenir Wholesale". Walking along the streets crowded with roadside stalls. On one side of the street is the training base of Quanjian Group headquarters.

According to local people, thousands of people flock to the Quanjian training base every day, both for training business and for visiting.

Participating in two to three days of training is the first step in becoming a Quanjian employee. According to a reporter from the Beijing News, the product sales part of Quanjian Group is divided into "systems". The group's senior management has formed its own system through offline development. Each system has multiple teams. If the team succeeds, it can become an independent company. New system.

According to the aforementioned "teacher", among Quanjian's current nearly 20 systems, the Yongcheng system where he works has more than 3 million people. Its performance in 2015 reached 29.3 billion yuan, accounting for 80% of all systems of Quanjian.

Quanjian Group's "unique" sales network has caused controversy. According to media reports, Quanjian’s sales model has been accused of being a “pyramid scheme” and has been repeatedly questioned.

At the end of 2014, a CCTV News Channel report criticized Quanjian’s products for allegedly exaggerating their uses. For example, Quanjian’s sanitary napkins can cure prostatitis, insoles can cure all kinds of diseases, etc. It also mentioned that Quanjian’s sales behavior is “pulling people’s heads.” ".

After the CCTV report was released, Quan Jian issued a statement on the official website, saying that the content of the relevant media reports on the company's products was by no means factual and was purely a personal malicious plan to slander and completely violated the company's promotional content.

In 2016, a Beijing News reporter found a verdict from the China Judgment Documents Network. It showed that in 2012, the People's Procuratorate of Jiaohe City, Jilin Province accused Meng Moumou, Xu Moumou, Zhan Moumou, and Dai Moumou of committing organizational and leadership crimes. Crime of pyramid schemes. As found by the People's Court of Jiaohe City, Jilin Province, in April 2008, the defendant Meng Moumou joined "Quanjian Natural Medicine Development Co., Ltd." in Tianjin, in the name of selling "Quanjian Brand" health products, requiring participants to You can purchase Guzhengji magnetic therapy insoles and other products for 960 yuan to obtain the qualification to join, and seven levels will be formed in order from one star to five stars for MLM activities. The

judgment stated that in early 2009, the company established a sales team "Renren System" and appointed Meng Moumou (Crown Ambassador) as the top leader of the system. Meng Moumou directly or indirectly developed more than 5,000 offline members of the defendants Zhan Moumou, Xu Moumou, Dai Moumou and others in this system, and his personal illegal income was RMB 2.319 million. The verdict shows that the aforementioned defendants were all convicted of organizing and leading pyramid schemes and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than five years.

The verdict stated that "the leader Meng Moumou confronted was Shu Yuhui of Quanjian Company."

The leader has become famous through the acquisition of football teams and has the ideal of "natural medicine"

In 2016, 48-year-old Shu Yuhui founded Quanjian Group, which was founded in 2004. According to the official website, the company spans medical, Chinese herbal medicine, and health care products, traditional Chinese medicine and cosmetics, finance, machinery, sports and many other fields. According to data from

, Quanjian Group's performance in 2014 was 13.5 billion yuan, an increase of 170% compared with 2013 and an increase of 2355% compared with 2012.

However, what greatly increased the popularity of Quanjian Group was that in 2015, Quanjian Group officially acquired Songjiang Club and established the Tianjin Quanjian Football Team.

After that, Quanjian Group acquired the equity of Dalian Women’s Football Team to establish Dalian Quanjian Women’s Football Team, and signed a contract with the team of world-famous coach Luxenberg. Quanjian Group has invested huge sums of money to continuously introduce famous domestic and foreign aid, and the funds consumed can be called "sky-high prices", which has aroused great concern from all parties.

At the same time, in the capital market, Shu Yuhui, the helmsman of Quanjian Group, has also made his debut. In March 2015, the listed company Fengdong Shares announced that through a series of equity transfers, Shu Yuhui, a new shareholder of the company's controlling shareholder Dongrun Investment, holds 23.99% of the shares. By June 2016, Fengdong Co., Ltd. planned to raise funds from Shu Yuhui and others through a non-public offering of shares. According to the reorganization plan, Shu Yuhui obtained 5.43% of the shares of the listed company through a subscription of 430 million yuan.

An internal Quanjian information obtained by a reporter from the Beijing News shows that Quanjian Group currently has more than 600 national chain Quanjian hospitals, more than 7,000 fire therapy health centers, and more than 800 herbal women's incense clubs. In creating such a huge industrial empire, founder Shu Yuhui often talks about his "natural medicine" ideals and management methods.

The mystery of Shu Yuhui’s Tsinghua University degree, there is no “economic management major”

For Shu Yuhui, who was born in a rural area, how he made his fortune is rarely mentioned. His early experiences he once told were also controversial. A Quanjian investment brochure obtained by

reporters from the Beijing News shows that Shu Yuhui holds dual degrees in Economics and Management and Traditional Chinese Medicine from Tsinghua University.

Many employees of Quanjian Group recommended a book called "The Price of Life, Folk Secret Recipes and Treasures Create Modern Miracle Doctors" (referred to as "The Price of Life") to the Beijing News reporter, and Shu Yuhui personally wrote the preface.

The book "The Price of Life" mentioned that in 1992, Shu Yuhui graduated from Tsinghua University. This year, Shu Yuhui was 24 years old. Based on this calculation, he entered Tsinghua University at the age of 19.

A Beijing News reporter verified the information with Tsinghua University, but the Ministry of Academic Affairs refused to inquire on the grounds that it was "fearful of leaking students' personal privacy." According to the Tsinghua University Alumni Network, the school established a School of Economics and Management in 1988, but there was a "National Economic Management Major" under the school, but there was no "Economic Management Major."

At the same time, Tsinghua University at that time did not have departments related to traditional Chinese medicine. Tsinghua University School of Medicine (formerly Tsinghua University School of Medicine ) was established in 2001, and now it does not have a major in traditional Chinese medicine. A reporter from the Beijing News confirmed this statement from the Department of Medicine of Tsinghua University.

According to previous media reports in June, Tsinghua University told the media, "After verification, neither Shu Yuhui nor Shu Bihe was found in the list of our alumni." It is understood that Shu Bihe was Shu Yuhui's former Use name.

In mid-August 2016, a reporter from the Beijing News made inquiries and found the location of Shu Yuhui’s hometown, Yubei Village, Xinfeng Town, Dafeng District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province.

The villagers are relatively unfamiliar with the name Shu Yuhui, but everyone is familiar with Shu Bihe and knows about his name change. As for whether Shu Yuhui attended Tsinghua University, many villagers denied it.

Another authoritative source told the Beijing News reporter that Shu Yuhui’s highest school was Yancheng Institute of Technology . It is understood that in 1996, Yancheng Institute of Technology was formed by the merger of Yancheng Radio and Television University, Yancheng Vocational University, and Yancheng Industrial College.

Beijing News reporters repeatedly called the number published on Quanjian Group’s official website to verify Shu Yuhui’s academic information, but no one answered the phone.

Shu Yuhui failed in business in his early years and was accused of being in debt. He started his business again by collecting "secret recipes of traditional Chinese medicine"

A businessman named Tong Tinghai told reporters that he had worked with Shu Yuhui.

Tong Tinghai told the Beijing News reporter that in the second half of 2002, he saw an investment advertisement. After several phone calls with the other party, he decided to go to Tianjin for an on-site inspection.

“In a building behind Tianjin Railway Station, the employees of this company are uniformly dressed, and each department has a door number, which looks quite impressive."Tong Tinghai recalled that the company's sign at the time was "National High-tech Health Working Committee Natural Medicine Industry Professional Committee." "When the other party talked to us, they said it was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. Shu Yuhui was still called Shu Bihe at that time. deputy director. " Tong Tinghai said.

At the beginning of 2003, Tong Tinghai obtained the provincial agent qualification of Tianjin Shengpeng Technology Co., Ltd. in Jiangsu Province in the form of a chain franchise. The other party charged a franchise fee of 168,000 yuan. According to Tong Tinghai, the contract was signed at that time and the franchise operation was completed. If the investment cost is not recovered by the year, the other party will compensate for all losses. Tong Tinghai said that the text of the contract was kept in his hometown. The Beijing News reporter did not see the original contract. Tong Tinghai said that in the contract signed at that time, except for "National High-tech Health Working Committee." In addition to the seal of "Natural Medicine Industry Professional Committee", there is also the seal of "Tianjin Shengpeng Technology Co., Ltd.".

Three or four months later, Tong Tinghai realized that this business was not easy to do and suffered huge losses. From the end of 2003 to the beginning of 2004, Tong Tinghai went north to Tianjin to discuss a solution. “I saw that the office building at that time was already very desolate. Only one office was left, and almost all people left. " Tong Tinghai said. According to Tong Tinghai, after the two parties negotiated, Shu Yuhui issued an IOU, but the 165,000 yuan owed has not been paid yet.

A reporter from the Beijing News searched from the official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and found that in 2011, "National High-tech Health "Industrial Working Committee" has been banned by relevant authorities for "defrauding social trust" and other reasons. According to the reporter's inquiry of industrial and commercial information, Tianjin Shengpeng Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2000 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan and the legal representative is Shu. Bihe. At present, the company has been revoked.

In the second half of 2004, Tong Tinghai went north to Tianjin again with the IOU. “I was dumbfounded when I went there. The previous office space was gone and the phone number was empty. "Tong Tinghai asked the security guard of the building and learned that Shu Yuhui's company had moved to Wuqing, Tianjin.

It was this year that Shu Yuhui registered Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. in Wuqing, Tianjin.

Quan The official website of Jianjian stated that Shu Yuhui’s mother was diagnosed with lymphatic metastasis of nasopharyngeal cancer in 1991. When Western medicine could not treat it, “a miracle happened”. After continuous treatment and conditioning with a certain secret recipe of traditional Chinese medicine, Shu's mother "fully recovered".

Quan Jian's official website stated that for more than ten years, Quan Jian has discovered, collected and compiled more than 600 folk traditional Chinese medicine recipes for various difficult and complicated diseases, and all products have been innovatively developed on this basis. Quanjian Group announced that "one of the secret recipes for treating tumors cost 80 million yuan." Shu Yuhui has also become a "resurrectionist of traditional Chinese medicine secret recipes" and "a miracle doctor who uses secret recipes to treat diseases." There are some descriptions in "The Price of Life": "In a small workshop in Tianjin, Shu Yuhui and two old men stirred the liquid with wooden sticks. Shu Yuhui's physical strength was on the verge of exhaustion. Soon, the world's first barrel of fire dragon liquid for fire therapy was born." According to reports, this fire dragon liquid used by Quan Jian for fire therapy has the main functions of stimulating menstruation, activating meridians, dispelling wind and relieving pain, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Regulating the human body's blood vessels, breathing, nervous system and other systems.

"The Price of Life" also mentioned that through the fire dragon liquid, Shu Yuhui spent a year and a half to pay off all the huge debts he had owed.

According to Xinjing. The reporter learned that from 2004 to 2007, Shu Yuhui established a number of pharmaceutical-related companies. Except for Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd., which developed rapidly, most of the others remained unknown or even revoked. For example, Beijing Zhongfang Quanjian Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd. was established in 2004, with its registered address at Baiwanzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, and has been revoked; Beijing Natural Health Culture Development Center, established in 2006, has been cancelled; Sichuan Quan Jian Medical Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2007 and has been revoked.

Shu Yuhui returned home in glory and used a helicopter to "build momentum"

Tong Tinghai told the Beijing News reporter that when he worked with Shu Yuhui before, the mantra he often said was , "To do something, first build momentum." As for his personal evaluation, Tong Tinghai is simple and clear: smart, bold, and good at deception. For example, in Dafeng, Yancheng, Jiangsu, Shu Yuhui's hometown, Quanjian Group debuted in a very shining way. .

Many locals said that before 2014, they had not heard of Quanjian Group. Until one evening in September 2014, a helicopter hovered over Dafeng District, Yancheng City, and then landed in front of the Dafeng Peace Hotel, attracting crowds to watch and causing traffic jams nearby.

According to an eyewitness at the scene, "The helicopter raised so much dust when it landed that it was almost hard to open your eyes. After a few minutes, the helicopter stopped, and three people got off, and then they got into a small car." The car left." Those who got off the helicopter were Shu Yuhui and others. The "airborne" incident in Dafeng caused a sensation and was reported by the local Jiangsu media " Modern Express " at the time. A villager in Yubei Village told the Beijing News reporter that the helicopter was also hovering over the village at that time, making a loud sound.

Another villager said that Shu Yuhui was "lavish" in the local area. He said that Shu Yuhui organized about 500 tables at a local high-end hotel in order to prepare for his son's wedding. The invitees were all people who had been with Shu Yuhui in recent years. Well-known local figures from the past.

It is understood that Quanjian Group is building its East China headquarters in the west of Dafeng District. Promotional materials show that the project covers an area of ​​2,000 acres and has an investment of 6 billion. At the same time, Dafeng District welcomes a large number of foreigners to participate in training every year. Local people said that when there are many people, most hotels in the city will be full, leaving some people with no room to stay.

Since 2013, Shu Yuhui has successively participated in the registration and establishment of a number of companies, most of which are in the field of financial investment.

For example, Shu Yuhui Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. was established in 2013, and its business scope is to provide trade financing; in the same year, Tianjin Wuqing Rural Bank Co., Ltd. was established. Current industrial and commercial information shows that Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a shareholder 4%, with a paid-in capital contribution of 7.5 million yuan, and Shu Yuhui serves as a supervisor; in 2015, Nanjing Dongxu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), whose main business is investment management, venture capital, etc., was established, with Shu Yuhui as one of the shareholders.

Decoding Shu Yuhui’s wealth map

Beijing News reporters discovered through the reorganization plan released by Fengdong Shares in June 2016 that Shu Yuhui controlled as many as 22 core companies and related companies. Among these 22 companies, most are involved in the field of medicine and health, as well as finance, advertising, real estate, hardware and other industries.

The cumulative registered capital of these 22 companies reached 1.577 billion yuan. Among them, Quanjian Group Co., Ltd. and Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. are the largest. Industrial and commercial information shows that the registered capital of the two is 400.8 million yuan and 345 million yuan respectively.

In addition, there are two companies with registered capitals of 100 million to 300 million yuan. There are 6 companies with registered capital of less than 100 million yuan and more than 10 million yuan. The rest of the registered capital is less than 10 million yuan.

Among these companies, Shu Yuhui holds most of the controlling rights. For example, it holds 51.1% of the shares of Quanjian Group Co., Ltd., 22.17% of the shares of Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd., and 70% of the shares of Jiangsu Quanjian Technology Development Co., Ltd.

In the sports field, industrial and commercial information shows that Tianjin Quanjian Football Club Co., Ltd. has a registered capital of 15 million yuan, and Shu Yuhui holds 22.17% of the shares. Dalian Quanjian Football Club Co., Ltd., another company engaged in football event planning, training and other businesses, has a registered capital of 50 million yuan, with Shu Yuhui holding 40.88% of the shares.

Jiangsu Quanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd., registered in 2015, was the beginning of Shu Yuhui’s entry into the real estate industry. At the Quanjian East China Headquarters in Dafeng District, a fence introduced a suspected real estate project under Jiangsu Quanjian Real Estate. The project is called "Quanjian Royal Palace". The project covers an area of ​​approximately 70,000 square meters and has an investment of approximately 500 million yuan.

In the financial field, Shu Yuhui is actively deploying, such as Shu Yuhui Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd., whose business scope is to provide trade financing, payment settlement, management and collection of accounts receivable; Tianjin Shu Yuhui Hospital Construction Investment Co., Ltd. uses its own funds to invest in hospital construction, medicine, health food and other projects; while the business scope of Liaoning Quanjian Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. is shown as industrial investment. At the same time, since Shu Yuhui intervened in Fengdong Shares, speculations about Quanjian’s backdoor takeover of Fengdong Shares have also continued to appear in stock forums.

On August 13, 2016, there was a huge crowd at the headquarters of Quanjian Group in Wuqing, Tianjin. A Beijing News reporter saw a group of Quanjian sales staff wearing yellow and white uniforms gathered together. There was a speaker standing in the middle, sharing the gains and losses of work, and bursting into tears when talking about emotional points. After the speech, the crowd burst into uniform applause and slogans: Good! very good! very good! Quan Jian is the best! yeah!

Shu Yuhui’s past: the “King of Kids” with poor grades and business acumen

In Shu Yuhui’s hometown, a man who went to school with Shu Yuhui told the Beijing News reporter that Shu Yuhui was indeed naughty in elementary school. , is a "King of Children", but his grades are not very good.

"The Price of Life" describes Shu Yuhui's childhood: Starting from the first grade, Shu Yuhui sat in the "special seat" in the front row of the classroom, not because he had poor grades, but because he was too active.

Regarding how to "forge an indissoluble bond" with traditional Chinese medicine, "The Price of Life" writes that when he was a sophomore in high school, Shu Yuhui fractured his right hand in a sports competition. The doctor believed that surgery would be necessary to heal and the recovery would take at least half a year. In order not to affect my studies, a relative suggested going to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic. Shu Yuhui was deeply impressed by the wooden cabinets and the smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

Shu Yuhui’s time in Yubei Village was not long. Many villagers said that Shu Yuhui had a business mind. After graduating from junior high school, he started a stationery business near a local school and earned some money.

A villager told reporters that Shu Yuhui worked as an electrician in a machinery factory in Xinfeng Town when he was a teenager. Later, the machinery factory closed down and the employees were disbanded.

Many villagers in Yubei Village said that Shu Yuhui left home early and rarely returned home, and they had no idea how Shu Yuhui was "living" outside.

A villager who often played mahjong with Shu's father said that his father often expressed his longing for his son Shu Yuhui at the card table in the past few years.

In recent years, Shu Yuhui's attitude towards family has undergone great changes. According to villagers, Shu Yuhui now returns to his hometown every New Year.

Around 2011, Shu Yuhui built a villa in his hometown and widened a road in front of the house. According to local villagers, Shu Yuhui pays a large sum of money to his sister and two younger sisters every year to help support their mother.

In mid-August 2016, the reporter found this villa in Yubei Village. From the outside, the villa looks like a Western-style villa, with the doors and windows closed and the iron door locked.

proofreading Li Ming

As a "financier" who was born in rural Jiangsu, unlike the high-profile promotion of his " natural medicine " ideal, Shu Yuhui rarely disclosed the past of his early success. As the popularity of Quanjian Group has increased significantly, voices have begun to emerge about Shu Yuhui’s academic qualifications being a mystery, the effects of the products being exaggerated, and the sales network being “suspected of pyramid schemes”. In mid-August, reporters from the Beijing News traveled to Dafeng, Shanghai, and Tianjin, trying to review Shu Yuhui’s path to wealth by interviewing Shu Yuhui’s fellow villagers, colleagues, and subordinates.

Quanjian's "system" sales model has caused controversy. The company uses BMW to reward outstanding performers

"I have already delivered three BMW cars this month." In mid-August 2016, "Yongcheng System", a subsidiary of Quanjian Group's product sales department, A "teacher" told the Beijing News reporter that the company often uses BMW cars to reward outstanding performers in the team. The reporter said that he was considering joining Quanjian, but he was still a little hesitant. The "teacher" suggested that "you should go to the site and see for yourself."

On August 13, 2016, in Douzhangzhuang Township, Wuqing District, Tianjin City, young people wearing clothes with the "Quanjian" logo and foreigners carrying large and small bags were shopping at "Quanjian Information" and "Souvenir Wholesale". Walking along the streets crowded with roadside stalls. On one side of the street is the training base of Quanjian Group headquarters.

According to local people, thousands of people flock to the Quanjian training base every day, both for training business and for visiting.

Participating in two to three days of training is the first step in becoming a Quanjian employee. According to a reporter from the Beijing News, the product sales part of Quanjian Group is divided into "systems". The group's senior management has formed its own system through offline development. Each system has multiple teams. If the team succeeds, it can become an independent company. New system.

According to the aforementioned "teacher", among Quanjian's current nearly 20 systems, the Yongcheng system where he works has more than 3 million people. Its performance in 2015 reached 29.3 billion yuan, accounting for 80% of all systems of Quanjian.

Quanjian Group's "unique" sales network has caused controversy. According to media reports, Quanjian’s sales model has been accused of being a “pyramid scheme” and has been repeatedly questioned.

At the end of 2014, a CCTV News Channel report criticized Quanjian’s products for allegedly exaggerating their uses. For example, Quanjian’s sanitary napkins can cure prostatitis, insoles can cure all kinds of diseases, etc. It also mentioned that Quanjian’s sales behavior is “pulling people’s heads.” ".

After the CCTV report was released, Quan Jian issued a statement on the official website, saying that the content of the relevant media reports on the company's products was by no means factual and was purely a personal malicious plan to slander and completely violated the company's promotional content.

In 2016, a Beijing News reporter found a verdict from the China Judgment Documents Network. It showed that in 2012, the People's Procuratorate of Jiaohe City, Jilin Province accused Meng Moumou, Xu Moumou, Zhan Moumou, and Dai Moumou of committing organizational and leadership crimes. Crime of pyramid schemes. As found by the People's Court of Jiaohe City, Jilin Province, in April 2008, the defendant Meng Moumou joined "Quanjian Natural Medicine Development Co., Ltd." in Tianjin, in the name of selling "Quanjian Brand" health products, requiring participants to You can purchase Guzhengji magnetic therapy insoles and other products for 960 yuan to obtain the qualification to join, and seven levels will be formed in order from one star to five stars for MLM activities. The

judgment stated that in early 2009, the company established a sales team "Renren System" and appointed Meng Moumou (Crown Ambassador) as the top leader of the system. Meng Moumou directly or indirectly developed more than 5,000 offline members of the defendants Zhan Moumou, Xu Moumou, Dai Moumou and others in this system, and his personal illegal income was RMB 2.319 million. The verdict shows that the aforementioned defendants were all convicted of organizing and leading pyramid schemes and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than five years.

The verdict stated that "the leader Meng Moumou confronted was Shu Yuhui of Quanjian Company."

The leader has become famous through the acquisition of football teams and has the ideal of "natural medicine"

In 2016, 48-year-old Shu Yuhui founded Quanjian Group, which was founded in 2004. According to the official website, the company spans medical, Chinese herbal medicine, and health care products, traditional Chinese medicine and cosmetics, finance, machinery, sports and many other fields. According to data from

, Quanjian Group's performance in 2014 was 13.5 billion yuan, an increase of 170% compared with 2013 and an increase of 2355% compared with 2012.

However, what greatly increased the popularity of Quanjian Group was that in 2015, Quanjian Group officially acquired Songjiang Club and established the Tianjin Quanjian Football Team.

After that, Quanjian Group acquired the equity of Dalian Women’s Football Team to establish Dalian Quanjian Women’s Football Team, and signed a contract with the team of world-famous coach Luxenberg. Quanjian Group has invested huge sums of money to continuously introduce famous domestic and foreign aid, and the funds consumed can be called "sky-high prices", which has aroused great concern from all parties.

At the same time, in the capital market, Shu Yuhui, the helmsman of Quanjian Group, has also made his debut. In March 2015, the listed company Fengdong Shares announced that through a series of equity transfers, Shu Yuhui, a new shareholder of the company's controlling shareholder Dongrun Investment, holds 23.99% of the shares. By June 2016, Fengdong Co., Ltd. planned to raise funds from Shu Yuhui and others through a non-public offering of shares. According to the reorganization plan, Shu Yuhui obtained 5.43% of the shares of the listed company through a subscription of 430 million yuan.

An internal Quanjian information obtained by a reporter from the Beijing News shows that Quanjian Group currently has more than 600 national chain Quanjian hospitals, more than 7,000 fire therapy health centers, and more than 800 herbal women's incense clubs. In creating such a huge industrial empire, founder Shu Yuhui often talks about his "natural medicine" ideals and management methods.

The mystery of Shu Yuhui’s Tsinghua University degree, there is no “economic management major”

For Shu Yuhui, who was born in a rural area, how he made his fortune is rarely mentioned. His early experiences he once told were also controversial. A Quanjian investment brochure obtained by

reporters from the Beijing News shows that Shu Yuhui holds dual degrees in Economics and Management and Traditional Chinese Medicine from Tsinghua University.

Many employees of Quanjian Group recommended a book called "The Price of Life, Folk Secret Recipes and Treasures Create Modern Miracle Doctors" (referred to as "The Price of Life") to the Beijing News reporter, and Shu Yuhui personally wrote the preface.

The book "The Price of Life" mentioned that in 1992, Shu Yuhui graduated from Tsinghua University. This year, Shu Yuhui was 24 years old. Based on this calculation, he entered Tsinghua University at the age of 19.

A Beijing News reporter verified the information with Tsinghua University, but the Ministry of Academic Affairs refused to inquire on the grounds that it was "fearful of leaking students' personal privacy." According to the Tsinghua University Alumni Network, the school established a School of Economics and Management in 1988, but there was a "National Economic Management Major" under the school, but there was no "Economic Management Major."

At the same time, Tsinghua University at that time did not have departments related to traditional Chinese medicine. Tsinghua University School of Medicine (formerly Tsinghua University School of Medicine ) was established in 2001, and now it does not have a major in traditional Chinese medicine. A reporter from the Beijing News confirmed this statement from the Department of Medicine of Tsinghua University.

According to previous media reports in June, Tsinghua University told the media, "After verification, neither Shu Yuhui nor Shu Bihe was found in the list of our alumni." It is understood that Shu Bihe was Shu Yuhui's former Use name.

In mid-August 2016, a reporter from the Beijing News made inquiries and found the location of Shu Yuhui’s hometown, Yubei Village, Xinfeng Town, Dafeng District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province.

The villagers are relatively unfamiliar with the name Shu Yuhui, but everyone is familiar with Shu Bihe and knows about his name change. As for whether Shu Yuhui attended Tsinghua University, many villagers denied it.

Another authoritative source told the Beijing News reporter that Shu Yuhui’s highest school was Yancheng Institute of Technology . It is understood that in 1996, Yancheng Institute of Technology was formed by the merger of Yancheng Radio and Television University, Yancheng Vocational University, and Yancheng Industrial College.

Beijing News reporters repeatedly called the number published on Quanjian Group’s official website to verify Shu Yuhui’s academic information, but no one answered the phone.

Shu Yuhui failed in business in his early years and was accused of being in debt. He started his business again by collecting "secret recipes of traditional Chinese medicine"

A businessman named Tong Tinghai told reporters that he had worked with Shu Yuhui.

Tong Tinghai told the Beijing News reporter that in the second half of 2002, he saw an investment advertisement. After several phone calls with the other party, he decided to go to Tianjin for an on-site inspection.

“In a building behind Tianjin Railway Station, the employees of this company are uniformly dressed, and each department has a door number, which looks quite impressive."Tong Tinghai recalled that the company's sign at the time was "National High-tech Health Working Committee Natural Medicine Industry Professional Committee." "When the other party talked to us, they said it was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. Shu Yuhui was still called Shu Bihe at that time. deputy director. " Tong Tinghai said.

At the beginning of 2003, Tong Tinghai obtained the provincial agent qualification of Tianjin Shengpeng Technology Co., Ltd. in Jiangsu Province in the form of a chain franchise. The other party charged a franchise fee of 168,000 yuan. According to Tong Tinghai, the contract was signed at that time and the franchise operation was completed. If the investment cost is not recovered by the year, the other party will compensate for all losses. Tong Tinghai said that the text of the contract was kept in his hometown. The Beijing News reporter did not see the original contract. Tong Tinghai said that in the contract signed at that time, except for "National High-tech Health Working Committee." In addition to the seal of "Natural Medicine Industry Professional Committee", there is also the seal of "Tianjin Shengpeng Technology Co., Ltd.".

Three or four months later, Tong Tinghai realized that this business was not easy to do and suffered huge losses. From the end of 2003 to the beginning of 2004, Tong Tinghai went north to Tianjin to discuss a solution. “I saw that the office building at that time was already very desolate. Only one office was left, and almost all people left. " Tong Tinghai said. According to Tong Tinghai, after the two parties negotiated, Shu Yuhui issued an IOU, but the 165,000 yuan owed has not been paid yet.

A reporter from the Beijing News searched from the official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and found that in 2011, "National High-tech Health "Industrial Working Committee" has been banned by relevant authorities for "defrauding social trust" and other reasons. According to the reporter's inquiry of industrial and commercial information, Tianjin Shengpeng Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2000 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan and the legal representative is Shu. Bihe. At present, the company has been revoked.

In the second half of 2004, Tong Tinghai went north to Tianjin again with the IOU. “I was dumbfounded when I went there. The previous office space was gone and the phone number was empty. "Tong Tinghai asked the security guard of the building and learned that Shu Yuhui's company had moved to Wuqing, Tianjin.

It was this year that Shu Yuhui registered Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. in Wuqing, Tianjin.

Quan The official website of Jianjian stated that Shu Yuhui’s mother was diagnosed with lymphatic metastasis of nasopharyngeal cancer in 1991. When Western medicine could not treat it, “a miracle happened”. After continuous treatment and conditioning with a certain secret recipe of traditional Chinese medicine, Shu's mother "fully recovered".

Quan Jian's official website stated that for more than ten years, Quan Jian has discovered, collected and compiled more than 600 folk traditional Chinese medicine recipes for various difficult and complicated diseases, and all products have been innovatively developed on this basis. Quanjian Group announced that "one of the secret recipes for treating tumors cost 80 million yuan." Shu Yuhui has also become a "resurrectionist of traditional Chinese medicine secret recipes" and "a miracle doctor who uses secret recipes to treat diseases." There are some descriptions in "The Price of Life": "In a small workshop in Tianjin, Shu Yuhui and two old men stirred the liquid with wooden sticks. Shu Yuhui's physical strength was on the verge of exhaustion. Soon, the world's first barrel of fire dragon liquid for fire therapy was born." According to reports, this fire dragon liquid used by Quan Jian for fire therapy has the main functions of stimulating menstruation, activating meridians, dispelling wind and relieving pain, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Regulating the human body's blood vessels, breathing, nervous system and other systems.

"The Price of Life" also mentioned that through the fire dragon liquid, Shu Yuhui spent a year and a half to pay off all the huge debts he had owed.

According to Xinjing. The reporter learned that from 2004 to 2007, Shu Yuhui established a number of pharmaceutical-related companies. Except for Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd., which developed rapidly, most of the others remained unknown or even revoked. For example, Beijing Zhongfang Quanjian Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd. was established in 2004, with its registered address at Baiwanzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, and has been revoked; Beijing Natural Health Culture Development Center, established in 2006, has been cancelled; Sichuan Quan Jian Medical Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2007 and has been revoked.

Shu Yuhui returned home in glory and used a helicopter to "build momentum"

Tong Tinghai told the Beijing News reporter that when he worked with Shu Yuhui before, the mantra he often said was , "To do something, first build momentum." As for his personal evaluation, Tong Tinghai is simple and clear: smart, bold, and good at deception. For example, in Dafeng, Yancheng, Jiangsu, Shu Yuhui's hometown, Quanjian Group debuted in a very shining way. .

Many locals said that before 2014, they had not heard of Quanjian Group. Until one evening in September 2014, a helicopter hovered over Dafeng District, Yancheng City, and then landed in front of the Dafeng Peace Hotel, attracting crowds to watch and causing traffic jams nearby.

According to an eyewitness at the scene, "The helicopter raised so much dust when it landed that it was almost hard to open your eyes. After a few minutes, the helicopter stopped, and three people got off, and then they got into a small car." The car left." Those who got off the helicopter were Shu Yuhui and others. The "airborne" incident in Dafeng caused a sensation and was reported by the local Jiangsu media " Modern Express " at the time. A villager in Yubei Village told the Beijing News reporter that the helicopter was also hovering over the village at that time, making a loud sound.

Another villager said that Shu Yuhui was "lavish" in the local area. He said that Shu Yuhui organized about 500 tables at a local high-end hotel in order to prepare for his son's wedding. The invitees were all people who had been with Shu Yuhui in recent years. Well-known local figures from the past.

It is understood that Quanjian Group is building its East China headquarters in the west of Dafeng District. Promotional materials show that the project covers an area of ​​2,000 acres and has an investment of 6 billion. At the same time, Dafeng District welcomes a large number of foreigners to participate in training every year. Local people said that when there are many people, most hotels in the city will be full, leaving some people with no room to stay.

Since 2013, Shu Yuhui has successively participated in the registration and establishment of a number of companies, most of which are in the field of financial investment.

For example, Shu Yuhui Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. was established in 2013, and its business scope is to provide trade financing; in the same year, Tianjin Wuqing Rural Bank Co., Ltd. was established. Current industrial and commercial information shows that Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a shareholder 4%, with a paid-in capital contribution of 7.5 million yuan, and Shu Yuhui serves as a supervisor; in 2015, Nanjing Dongxu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), whose main business is investment management, venture capital, etc., was established, with Shu Yuhui as one of the shareholders.

Decoding Shu Yuhui’s wealth map

Beijing News reporters discovered through the reorganization plan released by Fengdong Shares in June 2016 that Shu Yuhui controlled as many as 22 core companies and related companies. Among these 22 companies, most are involved in the field of medicine and health, as well as finance, advertising, real estate, hardware and other industries.

The cumulative registered capital of these 22 companies reached 1.577 billion yuan. Among them, Quanjian Group Co., Ltd. and Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. are the largest. Industrial and commercial information shows that the registered capital of the two is 400.8 million yuan and 345 million yuan respectively.

In addition, there are two companies with registered capitals of 100 million to 300 million yuan. There are 6 companies with registered capital of less than 100 million yuan and more than 10 million yuan. The rest of the registered capital is less than 10 million yuan.

Among these companies, Shu Yuhui holds most of the controlling rights. For example, it holds 51.1% of the shares of Quanjian Group Co., Ltd., 22.17% of the shares of Quanjian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd., and 70% of the shares of Jiangsu Quanjian Technology Development Co., Ltd.

In the sports field, industrial and commercial information shows that Tianjin Quanjian Football Club Co., Ltd. has a registered capital of 15 million yuan, and Shu Yuhui holds 22.17% of the shares. Dalian Quanjian Football Club Co., Ltd., another company engaged in football event planning, training and other businesses, has a registered capital of 50 million yuan, with Shu Yuhui holding 40.88% of the shares.

Jiangsu Quanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd., registered in 2015, was the beginning of Shu Yuhui’s entry into the real estate industry. At the Quanjian East China Headquarters in Dafeng District, a fence introduced a suspected real estate project under Jiangsu Quanjian Real Estate. The project is called "Quanjian Royal Palace". The project covers an area of ​​approximately 70,000 square meters and has an investment of approximately 500 million yuan.

In the financial field, Shu Yuhui is actively deploying, such as Shu Yuhui Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd., whose business scope is to provide trade financing, payment settlement, management and collection of accounts receivable; Tianjin Shu Yuhui Hospital Construction Investment Co., Ltd. uses its own funds to invest in hospital construction, medicine, health food and other projects; while the business scope of Liaoning Quanjian Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. is shown as industrial investment. At the same time, since Shu Yuhui intervened in Fengdong Shares, speculations about Quanjian’s backdoor takeover of Fengdong Shares have also continued to appear in stock forums.

On August 13, 2016, there was a huge crowd at the headquarters of Quanjian Group in Wuqing, Tianjin. A Beijing News reporter saw a group of Quanjian sales staff wearing yellow and white uniforms gathered together. There was a speaker standing in the middle, sharing the gains and losses of work, and bursting into tears when talking about emotional points. After the speech, the crowd burst into uniform applause and slogans: Good! very good! very good! Quan Jian is the best! yeah!

Shu Yuhui’s past: the “King of Kids” with poor grades and business acumen

In Shu Yuhui’s hometown, a man who went to school with Shu Yuhui told the Beijing News reporter that Shu Yuhui was indeed naughty in elementary school. , is a "King of Children", but his grades are not very good.

"The Price of Life" describes Shu Yuhui's childhood: Starting from the first grade, Shu Yuhui sat in the "special seat" in the front row of the classroom, not because he had poor grades, but because he was too active.

Regarding how to "forge an indissoluble bond" with traditional Chinese medicine, "The Price of Life" writes that when he was a sophomore in high school, Shu Yuhui fractured his right hand in a sports competition. The doctor believed that surgery would be necessary to heal and the recovery would take at least half a year. In order not to affect my studies, a relative suggested going to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic. Shu Yuhui was deeply impressed by the wooden cabinets and the smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

Shu Yuhui’s time in Yubei Village was not long. Many villagers said that Shu Yuhui had a business mind. After graduating from junior high school, he started a stationery business near a local school and earned some money.

A villager told reporters that Shu Yuhui worked as an electrician in a machinery factory in Xinfeng Town when he was a teenager. Later, the machinery factory closed down and the employees were disbanded.

Many villagers in Yubei Village said that Shu Yuhui left home early and rarely returned home, and they had no idea how Shu Yuhui was "living" outside.

A villager who often played mahjong with Shu's father said that his father often expressed his longing for his son Shu Yuhui at the card table in the past few years.

In recent years, Shu Yuhui's attitude towards family has undergone great changes. According to villagers, Shu Yuhui now returns to his hometown every New Year.

Around 2011, Shu Yuhui built a villa in his hometown and widened a road in front of the house. According to local villagers, Shu Yuhui pays a large sum of money to his sister and two younger sisters every year to help support their mother.

In mid-August 2016, the reporter found this villa in Yubei Village. From the outside, the villa looks like a Western-style villa, with the doors and windows closed and the iron door locked.

proofreading Li Ming