The Sediq Bale incident is actually the Taiwan Wushe incident. There were Japanese officials watching the ceremony on the viewing platform, women holding children's hands in the audience, and the venue was crowded with family members and people watching the excitement.

The Seediq Bale incident is actually the Taiwan Wushe incident. October 27, 1930 (Showa 5) was the annual autumn sports meeting of Wushe Public School. The students lined up, Japanese officials were watching the ceremony on the auditorium, and women were holding children's hands in the audience. , the venue was crowded with family members and people watching the excitement. On this day in Wushe, no Japanese knew that a disaster was about to happen. The Sedek tribe lurking outside the sports venue rushed into the ongoing sports meeting at this moment. On October 27, there were a total of 351 Japanese casualties in the Wushe area. Due to the anti-Japanese Seediq tribe, the original population was 1,236, and in the end there were only more than 200 people left. The entire Seediq ethnic group was almost wiped out. .

Monument to the Wushe Incident

In the highly Japaneseized Wushe, he can be said to be a model "fanshe" and has lived a peaceful and comfortable life, so the occurrence of the Wushe Incident was completely unexpected. The occurrence of the incident made the Japanese understand that the 40-year-old "liberation policy" in Taiwan has failed, and the Japanese must review their attitude towards the indigenous people. The Taiwan Governor-General's Office's change in the "policy" was faced with the fact that before the incident, they only saw the resources in the mountains and did not know that there were people in the mountains and forests; but after the Wushe incident, they discovered the economic plunder in the mountains. At the same time, it turns out that there are people in the mountains.

The causes of the Wushe

incident in 1930. The occurrence of the

incident involved two reasons: one was the exploitation of mountain resources and labor; the other was the issue of "miscegenation" between aborigines and Japanese.

1. Mountain aborigines are often mobilized to engage in various labor activities. The labor force is too heavy and the Japanese police are very threatening. In addition to giving low wages, the police also have unclear accounts or are suspected of cheating.

2. The failed "harmony policy" and marriage policy. When Japan first occupied Taiwan, it wanted to rule the aborigines with better results. Even the rulers could integrate into the aboriginal culture. The best way was "intermarriage". Japanese policemen who are unmarried or even married are encouraged to marry the daughters of various social leaders or persons of high status. In fact, some police officers already have wives in mainland Japan. If they marry a woman after coming to Taiwan, they are the so-called "internal wives." The conditions and quality of mountain police officers are generally poor, and their duties are also frequently mobilized. Therefore, many aboriginal women who married Japanese policemen were often bullied. Furthermore, the Japanese policemen were abandoned after they left. Some even pushed them into a fire pit or sold them after they were brought back to Japan.

Mountain Aboriginals

Among them, Mona Rudao, the leader of the Wushe Incident, and his sister Tewas Rudao are one of the examples. They are also following this "harmony policy". Married to Japanese policeman Kondo Gisaburo, who later abandoned Devas Ludo, but the Japanese police only declared that he was missing. In the cultural perspective of these tribesmen, no matter how noble a woman is, if she is abandoned by her husband, she will be regarded as an ominous person and can only become a marginalized person in the tribe. The Japanese police also investigated Devas. Lu Dao didn't care. Compared with other similar incidents, there are some compensation measures for the bride. The sister of a leader ended up like this. The whole area of ​​the Wu Society, especially the Mahpo Society whose leader is Mona Ludao, because of this "Harmony and Tibetan Policy" marriage , and planted a seed of resentment against the Japanese police. The fact that the daughter of the leader was abandoned would certainly cause dissatisfaction among the clan members.

Mona Ludo's sister Devas Ludo (left picture)Dewas Ludo and her Japanese police husband Gisaburo Kondo (right picture)

The fuse

On October 7, 1930, in MeHeBu , Ma Haipu, today's Lushan Hot Spring), Mona Ludo's eldest son Tadao Mona wanted to toast Katsumi Yoshimura, a passing Japanese police officer, but Yoshimura said "Tadao Mona's hand is not allowed" "They refused to accept the toast on the grounds of cleanliness", which triggered a conflict between the tribesmen and the Japanese police. This made the anger accumulated by the indigenous people for a long time finally exploded. The youths of the Hege (Hege) Society had already planned a rebellion, and they also approached Mona Ludo, the leader of the Mahpo Society, to express their determination to resist and hoped that he could serve as the leader, and then instigated the "Wu She Incident".

Mona Rudo (middle) The elder of Mahpo (right) The leader of the Buka Mountain Society, Tana Paraba (left)


On October 24, 1930 (Showa 5), ​​Mona Rudo began to lobby for mist There were 12 tribes near the society, but several large nearby tribes were unwilling to participate in the war. Even the largest Balan community was unable to participate in the war due to the "Sisters Incident" and was unable to participate in the war. This greatly reduced the entire anti-Japanese force. Fanshes who are willing to participate in this battle include, in addition to Maheposhe, SuKu (above the present-day Yunlong Bridge), TruWAN (now Chunyang Hot Spring Area), and Boashe in the Wushe group. There are six tribes including BoAlun (now Lushan tribe), DloDUX (now Renai Junior High School), and HoGo (now Chunyang).

Japan began to rule Taiwan in 1895. In order to develop and capture resources in the mountainous areas, the Taiwan Governor-General actively implemented a "management and control" policy that combined softness and strength. In terms of "nurturing", we set up public schools, education centers for foreign children, and sanatoriums, and introduced agricultural farming and people to the mainland (Japan) for internships (to demonstrate national strength). "Strong" measures, in order to develop mountain resources, build guard roads and set up settlements, and promote the "Aiyong Line", have restricted the living and hunting space of the indigenous people. Facing a powerful Japan, other tribes and even neighboring ethnic groups naturally fell into a dilemma of whether to join the anti-Japanese ranks.

Wushe Police Station


On October 27, 1930, the Taiwan Governor-General held the Taiwan Shrine Festival to commemorate the death of Prince Kitashirakawa Nojiu. On this day, Wushe held the Autumn United Sports Games for Japanese participation. Everything was ready, and the uprising began at 3:30 in the morning. In order to obtain firearms and ammunition, a detachment of more than 400 people from six tribes first attacked the 13 "police officer residences" on the nearby guard road. Except for the Wushe branch and the Mahipu (Mahpo) garrison located in the western section of Nenggaoyue, the rest were burned down by the Seediq people, including Ying, He Ge (He Ge), Boa Lun, Tunyuan, Weishang and Nenggao were stationed there. After joining each other,

attacked the Wudu police station, schools, post offices, Japanese official buildings, etc., attacked police, Japanese facilities in various places, and the sports meeting held at Wudu Public School, killing 136 Japanese in total, and Killed and injured 215 people, regardless of gender, old, weak, women and children. The target was only Japanese (among them, two Taiwanese wearing Japanese clothes were accidentally killed), set fire to the police station, and obtained 180 guns from the Japanese police. 23,037 rounds of various firearms (including machine guns, single-shot machine guns, pistols, etc.) and various types of ammunition. After the uprising, the Seediqs immediately cut off telephone lines to other places and blocked external roads, and then sent a team to invade Meixi. Three days after occupying Wudu, the Seediq people took the weapons and ammunition they obtained and prepared to retreat to the upper reaches of Mahepo Creek to continue the fight with the Japanese army. What can trigger the aborigines to unite to resist the Japanese and carry out massacres must be the years of humiliation and resentment. As long as someone makes trouble, the entire tribe will take revenge regardless of the consequences. After the incident, the Japanese police rebuilt the Nogotsudo station, and in order to strengthen mountain control, they added two more stations, namely Fujimi and Matsubara. Among them, the Ogami garrison was rebuilt and moved to the ridge line of Ogami Mountain about one kilometer west of the original site, which is the current location of the Unkai Line Protection Station.

Wushe Public School Sports Meeting Venue Information source: Deng Xiangyang's "Wushe Incident" Yushanshe 1998

The former site of Wushe Public School, currently owned by Taipower Source: Zhuang Tianci Photography

Japanese military suppression

When the incident broke out, there was a Japanese named Kikukawa The school inspector escaped from the siege and went all the way down the mountain. After spreading the news about Wushe to Puli , it shocked the whole Taiwan. At 8:05 a.m. on October 29, Japanese stormtroopers entered Wushe. At this time, the streets of Wushe were already deserted. It turned out that the Seediq people had retreated into the mountains and were preparing to fight the Japanese army with their guerrilla warfare skills. Long-term war. On October 30, the Taiwan Governor-General immediately ordered the dispatch of police and troops from all over Taiwan to attack Wushe. The 8th Pingtung Flying Company also flew to the Wushe Mountains to conduct reconnaissance and intimidation flights, and dispatched Taichung, Tainan , Taipei, Hualien Port garrisons to advance to Puli and Wushe to suppress the crusade.

At this time, after the six anti-Japanese divisions returned to the tribes, they had been divided into the Second World War Front, the "Talo Bay Front" led by Tadao Nogan, the leader of the Dutch Song Society, and the "Mahpo Front" led by Mona Rudo. . On October 31, they formally faced off against the Japanese military and police forces. Outnumbered, all the other departments except Mahpo Society were captured by the Japanese. On November 1, the main resistance forces retreated to Machpo Society. When they arrived at the Sku Railway Bridge, in order to block the Japanese advance, they cut off the suspension bridge, the only link between Wushe and Mahpo Society. Although the Japanese attack was blocked, the army changed its direction. They cut down the valley and then crossed the mountains to capture Boalun Society, which is today's Lushan tribe.

In order to prevent the Japanese attack, the anti-Japanese people cut off the Siku Railway Bridge.

Because the higher-lying Poalun Society in front of Mahpo Society has been occupied by the Japanese army, the threat in the mountain has made the entire battle situation clear. Mona Ludao and his tribe were in adversity, but they did not slacken their determination due to the aggressive attacks by the Japanese military and police forces. In order to avoid consuming limited food and to allow the anti-Japanese comrades to have no worries, many women and more than 100 children were hanged together. Hang yourself.

On November 2, Mahepo Society was also occupied by the military and police

On November 2, Mahepo Shee was also occupied by the military and police. After the tribe was occupied, the rest of the tribe also retreated into the mountains and forests, but most of the tribesmen Retreat to the valleys of Mahepo Creek and Taluowan Creek to take advantage of the natural and dangerous conditions of the cliffs to continue fighting the Japanese army. On November 3, the Japanese army began to send additional troops, bombing with planes, and attacking Shanbao and Uabao. Mona Ludao's daughter Ma Hong Mona was also captured on November 4.

The scene when Mahposhe was occupied by the Japanese

Chemical weapons were used to suppress the enemy.

The Japanese army began to send additional troops, equipped with machine guns, mountain soldiers, and aircraft, to carry out encirclement and suppression with elite technological weapons, and to fly leaflets in the air to recruit and surrender with psychological warfare. Coerce the various societies that have not revolted. But once the Japanese troops with sophisticated weapons entered the mountains, they were useless. On November 5, the Japanese Tainan Brigade was caught in a bitter battle near the southeastern highlands of Maheposhe. A total of 15 people were killed and 11 wounded, resulting in heavy casualties. Mona Ludo's second son, Bassao Mona, was also seriously injured in this operation. In order not to drag down the tribe, he committed suicide with a knife. The Japanese army ignored the prohibitions of international conventions and violated humanity by dropping "poison gas bombs" from airplanes. The poison gas would cause blisters on the skin and gradually rot, causing heavy casualties to the Seediqs who revolted.

The Japanese police once again used "fighting with fan", taking advantage of the long-standing feud between the Toda and Sedek groups due to land issues, and organized the strong men of the Toda group into a punitive team. They also called these Daoze groups, who were also members of the Atayal ethnic group, "Weifangfan (aboriginals who are friendly to the rulers)" and attacked the aborigines. The conditions under which the Japanese military and police offer rewards to murderers are: 200 yuan for the head of the uprising leader, 100 yuan for a strong man, 30 yuan for a woman, and 20 yuan for a child. Among them, the head reward of Mona Ludo is the highest. of. After November 9, the anti-Japanese Seediq people, who were hungry and cold, had fallen into a bitter battle. At this time, the Japanese began to trap the old and weak people with food. The Seediq people are a front line with good organization and combat strategies. Although they were defeated by the Japanese army, they were able to change their guerrilla assault methods to fight against the powerful Japanese military and police. On November 10, Teimo Walls, the leader of the Toda group, lay in ambush in the valley of Habun Creek (the upper reaches of Meixi River) near Liying Ranch (now Qingjing Farm). He was killed by the aboriginal people in the uprising. This incident caused the subsequent "Second Wushe Incident".

The Atayal people, known as "Weifangfan" by the Japanese,

fluttering leaflets in the air

retreated to Mahepo

. The Japanese army used aircraft bombing, mountain bombing, mortar bombing, machine gun shooting, and curved bullet shooting to form a sea of ​​fire. They also coerced the "Weifangfan" raiding team to join the front line to kill each other. In the end, the anti-Japanese Seediq people retreated to the "Mahepo Cave (Mahaipu Mount Fuji )" to establish a stronghold. They used natural dangers to fight the Japanese to the end. During this period, they relied only on Use wild vegetables and Mahpo Hot Spring mineral veins to replace food and salt.The Seediq people firmly believe that their ancestor Poso Kofuni was born from a giant tree. When faced with the torment of death, the tribesmen choose to hang themselves under the giant tree to allow their souls to return to the realm of their ancestors. Therefore, when the tribesmen fought against the Japanese crusade, they would either fight to the end or hang themselves to death.

From the Mahepo Highlands to the Mahepo Grottoes

They ran out of ammunition and supplies.

At the beginning of December, the entire anti-Japanese operation had lasted more than forty days. The Seediq people, who had not yet fulfilled their ambitions, had fallen into a state of hunger and cold, and they had run out of ammunition and supplies. In the predicament; although the Japanese military and police forces' aerial bombardments and ground attacks have gradually weakened, the ground troops and the "Weifangfan" raiding team have gradually advanced towards the Mahepo (Mahaipu) Grotto. Seeing that the situation was over, Mona Ludao led some tribesmen to escape into the inner mountains. His wife, Bakan Walis, hanged herself in the farming hut of Kaichion. Mona Rudo shot two grandchildren, abandoned their bodies in the farming hut, and set fire to his wife's body together with him. combustion. Then he went into the mountains alone with a 38-style riding gun, and committed suicide with a gun in the "Mahaipu Fuji Mountain" cave.

html On December 3, 2099, we climbed the Qileinan and Nanhua Mountains and walked the high-altitude cross-ridge road to overlook the "Mahaipu Fuji Mountain"

and sacrificed heroically

On December 8, the Japanese persuaded the last group of warriors led by Tadao Mona to surrender. He coerced his sister, Mohung Mona, into the inner mountain cave with wine to persuade her to surrender. However, the determined Tadao Mona refused to be tempted. He said goodbye to his sister and held a "last banquet" before singing his farewells. Song: "Habao.Bokox (wife's name), please make the wine on Huangquan Road! Mona.Dadao (Mona.Dadao, eldest son's name), Walis.Dadao (Walis. Dadao (name of the second son), Habao Bazik! You wait in Huangquan, I will meet you soon! ..." Then after explaining the funeral, the brother and sister said goodbye and rushed to Mach with the other four warriors! Hanging himself on Po Neishan Mountain was a heroic act of benevolence and wrote a tragic page in the history of Taiwan's aboriginal people's resistance to Japan.

During the Wushe Incident, many Atayal people committed suicide by hanging. From the photos taken by the Japanese at that time, we can see that many people were hung from a tree, so that the branches were bent and drooped. The person who hanged himself in this picture may be Mona Rudo's eldest son Tadaomona (right) and his tribe.

Ichiro and Jiro Hanago

In 1929 in Wushe, the Japanese deliberately shaped the two figures "Ichiro Kago (Takis Nomin)" and "Jiro Kago (Takis. Nomin)" as successful lawyers by the Japanese. Na Wei)", these two "model people" who were born in Wushe Mountains, on October 27, 1929 (Showa 4th year), ordered "Ichiro Hanaoka" and "Kawano Hanako (Ebin. Na Wei)", "Hanaoka Jiro" and "Takayama Chuzi (Eping Tadao)" held a wedding on the same day and became husband and wife. Ichiro Hanaoka, a young intellectual from the mountains, was the first aboriginal in Taiwan. He enrolled in Taichung Normal College on February 23, 1925, and graduated in 1928. He later served as a police inspector. Hanaoka Jiro served as a police officer after graduating from Puli Public School. The Governor-General considered him a proud example of successful education and specially gave them Japanese names. At the time of the incident, Kagang Ichiro and Kagang Erlang, both Seediqs, did not participate in the uprising or join in the suppression. Instead, they chose to hang themselves with their families. Both of them were earlier than Mona Ludo. In the past, Hanaoka Ichiro killed his wife, his son, and then calmly disemboweled himself and died. Ten members of his family also committed suicide in the same cave. Hanaoka Jiro and more than 20 of his family members immediately hanged themselves in the nearby mountains. In this way, the indigenous people cried out for help from the sky and the earth, and countless people committed suicide because they did not want to be humiliated by the Japanese army.

Hanaoka Jiro (left), Hanaoka Ichiro (right)

The suicide note of the Hanaoka brothers posted in the Wushe branch is said to be written by Jiro. On the lower right are Ichiro Hanaoka

Hatsuko Takayama (left) and Hanako Kawano (right)

"Hatsuko Takayama" is the daughter of "Tadao Nokan", the leader of the Hege Society. When the "Wuge Society Incident" occurred, Jiro Hanaoka His wife, Takayama Hatsuko, was five months pregnant and survived this disaster. After the liberation, Takayama Hatsuko changed his name to "Gao Caiyun". The wife worked hard to raise the child and named him "Gao Guanghua". Mr. "Gao Guanghua" once served as Head of Renai Township, Nantou County.

The number of casualties due to the incident was that among the Japanese military and police, 28 were killed and 26 were injured; the Weifangfan aborigines who assisted the Japanese army were killed in 22 and 19 were injured. Before the incident, there were a total of 1,236 members of the six anti-Japanese tribes. After the incident, statistics showed that 85 people died in battle, 137 were killed by plane bombings, 34 were killed by bombs, 87 were beheaded by "Weifangfan", and 87 died by hanging. 396 persons. The Wushe incident has aroused severe criticism from world public opinion and the Japanese Diet. With an advanced army of 1,303 people, a police force of 1,306 people, and 1,563 official personnel, a total of 4,172 people, they used modern weapons, dispatched aircraft, large weapons, and elite weapons. They even used chemical weapons to deal with the unlettered and uncivilized aborigines, wiping out 65% of their population. The encirclement and suppression campaign, which lasted for more than forty days, finally put an end to the incident. Due to the Japanese government's decision to give lenient punishment to the participants in the Wushe incident, the Daoze group was resentful. On April 25, 1931, the year after the Wushe incident, the Japanese police once again used the genocide tactic of "replacing force with force" to coerce Daozeshe. The Toda tribe used the method of "rewards based on merit" to launch the "Second Wushe Massacre", which the Japanese called the "Protector Attack", and massacred the remaining 514 anti-Japanese survivors in the shelter. 216 anti-Japanese survivors recovered 101 heads, rewarded the murderers and took photos with the Japanese police.

Before the Wushe Incident, important historical events

In the early days of the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, their forces had not yet penetrated deep into the mountains. After the situation in the flatlands stabilized, they began to advance into the mountains. After the Japanese entered the Wushe area, they had a great impact on the lifestyle of the local Atayal people. When the Japanese first occupied the Puli Basin, they set up the "Puli Social Branch Office", changed the "North Road Xiezhen Office" to "Garrison Camp", and the "Branch Office" to "Chu Zhang Office". In the 29th year of Meiji (1896) ), abolished the "Puli Social Branch Office" and established the "Puli Social Affairs Office" and "Police Station". After establishing the foundation of their rule through police force and the Baojia system, the Japanese began to gradually expand the territory of the Gaoshan people adjacent to the Puli Basin. They first advanced the "Aiyong Line" and deployed a large amount of force to suppress the "fan lands" and embed the Gaoshan compatriots. In order to achieve its goal of colonial rule, the Puli Basin at that time also became the Japanese "Lifan" important area and the appeasement "Fandi" advance base.

There were several major events before the "Kusha Incident": In the 30th year of Meiji (1897), 14 people including Captain Fukahori were sent to survey the terrain in order to explore the East-West Cross-Railway. As a result, they were all killed, which became the "Fukahori Incident". Due to the "Fukahori Incident", the Japanese implemented a major blockade of livelihoods in the Wushe area, prohibiting the import of salt, ironware, firearms, etc. In the 35th year of Meiji (1902), the Japanese tried to attack the Wushe area with force. The Puli garrison and the Wushe group fought in the Renzhiguan area. 17 Japanese people, including Lieutenant Nakamura and below, were slightly or seriously injured and retreated without success. This battle was called "The battle of people stopping the pass".

Under the blockade of livelihood, the Atayal people gradually felt that they were short of food. The Japanese instigated the Bunun people to provide food and wine to the Atayal people in Ganzhuowanshedi, and made deals with the Atayal people in Wushe. Once, they invited the Atayal people to drink in the sister area, with the intention of killing them. After getting them drunk, they killed them. This was the "Sisters Incident", which caused hatred between the Atayal and Bunun people.

Atayal Elder: Mona Ludo is not a hero

The movie Seediq Bale is hotly released. Mona Ludo, the leader of the Seediq tribe, is portrayed as an anti-Japanese hero. However, the Atayal aborigines in Heping District, Taichung do not think so. , they accused that one year before the Wushe incident, Mona Ludo, under pressure from the Japanese, led his tribe and Japanese into the village to massacre the Atayal people. 26 old and weak women were killed, and the village was almost wiped out. In their eyes, Mona Ludo is an enemy, not a hero.

Movie dialogue: "Boss Mona, my grandfather said you were a hero when you were young."

Mona Rudo

Mona Rudo, the leader of the Seediq tribe, bravely fought against Japan's superior force with swords and guns in the movie, in historical photos , he is 180 centimeters tall, tall and burly. In the eyes of the tribe, he is also a leader with both intelligence and military skills. However, the image of a hero cannot be recognized by the Atayal indigenous people in Heping District, Taichung.Oubin Suyang, an elder son of the Atayal tribe: "Some said they killed two people, some said more than 10, some said more than 20. Everyone's story is different!"

An elder of the Atayal tribe said that in the early 1930s, when Japan People "use tribe to control tribe", using the force of the indigenous people to conquer the tribes that refused to be ruled. At that time, it was Mona Ludo who led the Seediq people and the Japanese to kill Atayal women and children, causing them to almost destroy the village. Oubin Suyang, the elder son of the Atayal tribe: "But there are indeed murders, and they are all old, weak, women and children."

Compared with the Atayal tribe, which treats Mona Rudo as an enemy, the Seediqs treat Mona Rudo quite equally. After his death, a human-shaped monument and monument were erected in his honor to commemorate this anti-Japanese hero. Even at the memorial ceremony, President Ma attended the ceremony to pay his respects, and the movie was popular, and the history of Mona Rudo was also taken. Come out to discuss, what does director Wei Desheng think? Director Wei Desheng: "Heroes inherently have personality flaws, especially in that era. We should not always use today's perspective to determine whether it is a hero's perspective. You will understand after watching the movie." Literary and historian scholars believe that history The incident occurred a long time ago, and there were no written records at the time. It is not certain whether it is distorted. Regardless of Mona Rudo's merits and demerits, perhaps through the craze of the movie "Sediq Bale", it will be more meaningful to pay more attention to the history of the aborigines. .

Postscript: Sooner or later, you will have to pay back your money!