There is only one sentence in the email content: Get 18 for the first recharge, and 28 for the second recharge. It’s a gift to you! And it is said that almost everyone from cabinet members to members of the House of Representatives is on fire, and the number of emails has soared

editor saw such a piece of Japanese news a long time ago


The mailboxes of Japanese government cabinet members

were filled with mysterious emails from China


The content of the email was only one sentence

The content of the email: Get 18 for the first time recharge , the second recharge will give you 28, which will give you a soft hand!

And it is said that almost all members from the cabinet to House of Representatives members

are on the receiving end

and the number of emails soared to 50,000 in a day


The office even used a backup computer because of this thing

The congressman said that emails There are too many to kill!

However, following the URL of the email,

this...isn't it the "XX gambling website"?

Unexpectedly, such news,

has traveled across mountains and seas,

even Japanese government officials know about it!

Dear netizens

I must have experienced harassment from "sexy dealers"

I have never been to Macau

nor to a casino

I still receive so many gambling text messages every day

Professionals tell you

Your information has been betrayed

According to the survey, this kind of gambling advertisements have eroded Apple mobile phones. In addition to community advertisements, gambling advertisements also include text messages on Apple mobile phones.

A user showed his iPhone. In the cell phone → filtered information column, more than half of the information was related to gambling.

Gambling website advertisements received on Apple mobile phones

Such continuous text messages

make people very irritated

Why do these text messages particularly favor Apple

Android and Apple systems? There is a reason why Apple systems always receive such messages of.

Industry insiders said: "Apple attaches great importance to user privacy. Apple's server does not have the right to read the content sent by users, so it cannot supervise it."

And this kind of text message is not a text message in the traditional sense, but a message sent through IMessage, which is sent through traffic, more like an email.

The Android system is different. The three major domestic operators can set up spam text message blocking systems. Those with illegal information will be directly blocked and cannot be delivered to users.

What if relevant information is blocked?


Turn off IMessage

Turn off IMessage in (Announcement) - (Message) on your iPhone, so you can say goodbye to junk IMessage once and for all.

But the disadvantage is that useful IMessage information cannot be seen.


Filter unknown senders

Select (Settings) - (Information) - (Unknown and Filtered Information), so that spam messages can be divided into a separate column.

The advantage is that spam text messages and official text messages will not be mixed together, but the disadvantage is that there is no cure and you will still receive spam text messages.


Choose third-party monitoring software

Third-party monitoring software can select and block information more effectively. The disadvantage is that while they are filtering information, they are also reading your IMessage.

Although Apple is also studying corresponding methods, it is still relatively difficult to solve this problem due to some privacy provisions.

The police hereby remind the general public that using WeChat and other online platforms to gamble is illegal. Those who meet the standards for criminal filing will be held criminally responsible according to the crime of gambling and the crime of opening a casino.

The Ministry of Public Security has always attached great importance to combating and punishing various gambling crimes. While continuing to curb gambling-related problems in physical places, it has strengthened its research and judgment on the trend characteristics of new online gambling crimes, and guided local public security agencies to focus on, crack down on, and deter the use of sports betting and illegal lotteries. , online game platforms and other criminal activities of opening casinos, and effectively maintain a good social security environment and national economic security.

Source | Jiangsu Internet Police Observer Network China Youth Daily