Editor's release: Hubei Daily all-media reporter Li Haibin From November 23 to 25, travel agents and media representatives from Hubei visited the "City in the Peach Blossom Spring" Changde, Hunan.

Editor's release: Hubei Daily all-media reporter Li Haibin

From November 23 to 25, travel agents and media representatives from Hubei visited Changde, Hunan Province, the "City in the Peach Blossom Spring", Hunan, and conducted an on-site inspection and visit to the Peach Blossom Spring, Liuye Lake , Chengtoushan, Changde River Street, German Style Street, Old West Gate, Changde Poetry Wall and other key scenic spots, and watched the cross the Zihe light style live performance "Changde Memory" and the large stream in the Peach Blossom Spring Scenic Area Live performance of "Peach Blossom Spring". Hunan and Hubei have similar sounds and are like the same family. The warm reception of the Changde tourism department made the Hubei tourism delegation enjoy an unforgettable and pleasant trip.

On November 23, Changde City Tourism and Overseas Chinese Bureau held a grand tourism product promotion and exchange meeting at Zeyun Hotel to promote the charming city of Changde to Hubei travel businessmen and media representatives from afar. At the meeting, Changde promoted Changde's unique tourism resources and products through various forms, and introduced Changde's preferential tourism policies. At the same time, tourism companies from both sides conducted on-site exchanges on mutual promotion of routes and mutual transportation of tourists, so as to pave the way for further cooperation in the future. Lay a solid foundation.

's romantic and beautiful Changde tourism image promotional video, as well as wonderful local performances, allowed the guests to feel the beautiful scenery and rich culture of Changde, and taste the charm of Changde's unique art form.

▲ Bai Hongmou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Changde Municipal Tourism and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau delivered a welcome speech

Bai Hongmou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Changde Municipal Tourism and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau delivered a welcome speech at the promotion meeting. He warmly welcomed guests from Hubei to Changde, and warmly invited everyone to experience the beautiful scenery of paradise and feel the charm of Changde's development. At the same time, he sincerely hopes that everyone will actively publicize and promote Changde, strengthen contact and cooperation with Changde tourism industry colleagues, discuss tourism development plans, and promote the development of tourism economies in Hubei and Changde. Changde, a charming city in the peach blossom garden, will definitely make everyone linger and remember it deeply!

▲ Chu Juan, deputy researcher of the Municipal Tourism and Overseas Chinese Bureau, interpreted Changde’s tourism preferential policies

At the promotion event that day, the person in charge of the Changde Municipal Tourism and Overseas Chinese Bureau introduced the "Changde Tourism Promotional Incentive Measures" to the Hubei delegation in detail. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of travel agents to organize groups to travel to Changde, Changde City has set up awards in terms of number of receptions, publicity and promotion, product research and development, brand introduction, etc., focusing on rewarding tourism companies and travel agents who have contributed to the development of the Changde tourism market. At the same time, major tourist attractions (spots) in Changde provide point-to-point preferential tourism policies to Hubei Province travel agents, attracting more travel agents to organize groups to come to Changde.

According to reports, the specific reward methods for Changde City’s tourism promotion are as follows:

1, tourist number award. organizes domestic tourists to stay one night in a scenic spot in Changde, and is rewarded with a reward of 8 yuan/person. Those who reach 50,000 people in the whole year will receive an additional reward of 300,000 yuan; organizes overseas tourists to stay in a scenic spot in Changde for one night, and is rewarded with a reward of 15 yuan/person. If the total number of employees reaches 50,000 in the whole year, an additional reward of 500,000 yuan will be given.

2, Tourism Promotion Award. Any travel agency that uses its own channels to publish Changde travel routes online and offline to promote Changde's tourism image will be given a reward of 40% of the actual advertising expenses.

3, product research and development award. Those who develop and promote Changde's characteristic tourism routes and form a certain market scale will receive a one-time reward of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

4, Tourism Famous Brand Award. will give a one-time reward of 50,000 to 100,000 yuan to those who introduce well-known domestic and foreign tourism brands.

In addition, Changde City will also provide preferential policies for travel agencies from outside the city to set up permanent offices. Municipal tourism enterprises will also provide some more preferential policies to attract more tourists and travel agents to visit regularly.

The purpose of Changde City’s tourism promotion is: as long as you can do it, the benefits will continue!

The concept of Changde City’s tourism promotion is: Come to Changde often, and you will always get something!

Zuo Guang, representative of Hubei travel agents and general manager of Hubei Sightseeing Holidays International Travel Service, made a speech

Zuo Guang, representative of Hubei travel agents and general manager of Hubei Sightseeing Holidays International Travel Service, said on the spot:

"I have been to Changde many times and I feel that Changde has changed a lot. Now it is It’s getting more and more beautiful. We will actively promote Changde tourism products in Hubei and Wuhan, and promote such a prosperous and charming city to more Hubei people.”

▲ Signing ceremony

▲ Signing ceremony

Afterwards, both parties traveled. The businessmen signed a series of cooperation agreements. Both parties to the contract stated that they would continue to develop the tourism market and achieve mutual transportation of tourists, mutual promotion of routes, resource sharing, and win-win benefits. In particular, Hubei said that it would organize tourists to go to Changde for leisure vacation as soon as possible.

▲ More than 40 Hubei media and Changde media reported the event

▲ More than 40 Hubei media and Changde media reported the event

▲ More than 40 Hubei media and Changde media reported the event