Luo Zhixiang and Zhou Yangqing have lived together for nine years and are not even married. This is scumbag enough. What is even worse than this is that Trump and Ivana have been married for 12 years. They are married, not living together. During this period, they had three child

In the disturbing contest with Ivana, Trump made "the mistake that every man makes." Luo Zhixiang and Zhou Yangqing have lived together for nine years and are not even married. This is scumbag enough. What is even worse than this is that Trump and Ivana have been married for 12 years. They are married, not living together. During this period, they had three children. A child.

Melania often took pictures for magazines when she was young, some of which were completely nude. It can be said that everyone around the world has seen the first lady’s nude photos. After Trump took office, the New York Post uncovered previous nude photos and interviewed him about his thoughts.

's good times did not last long, because Frederick suffered from cirrhosis of the liver due to long-term alcoholism. In 1918, at the age of 49, Frederick died of complications from influenza. Yes, this flu is the famous Spanish Flu in history. Originated from the United States.

Follow Peng Keming without hesitation

A thousand words a day, understand the global hot spots!

[Warning: 5,000 words of in-depth article, including "artistic" photos of the First Lady of the United States, underage caution. 】

Trump is the lucky man of the United States, and he is also the one cursed by fate.

Whether Trump himself is a blessing or a curse due to the epidemic is currently unclear in the United States. Personally, I think it tends to bring disaster.

Because: First, there is still half a year left. Whether Trump can control the epidemic is a question. If it can be controlled, there will be other changes in the middle. For example, if the source of the attack is the United States, can he still hold his position? If

can't control it, that's the second point, that is, if the economy collapses beyond control, then he will definitely get out.

The third point is that I have to think of his family’s past in the United States. After all, the curse of fate will not avoid a family that is always lucky.

will be officially launched below.

The boy who beat up the music teacher

On June 14, 1946, less than a year after the end of World War II, Trump was born. By this time, his father, Fred, was already a successful real estate businessman. As a rich second generation, he spent every day There is TV to watch, luxury cars to ride in, and dedicated servants to take care of daily life at home.

Yes, reincarnation is really a technical job. As you can see from the picture below, the handsome young man has never rolled around in the mud with his naked buttocks.

Childhood Trump, his hair was combed so hard that a fly could hardly stand

Like all neglected and spoiled children, little Trump had a very surly character. When I was in elementary school, I did all the things a bad boy would do: pull girls' hair; spit on paper balls and throw them at people they hate; bully honest people by making them squat and jump over their heads.

and the standard "heroic deeds" of bad students who should be expelled: 10-year-old Trump has grown tall and strong. He hates his music teacher, thinking that he does not understand music, and directly beats the music teacher. green.

The trouble caused by the cheating son can only be solved by the unlucky father, otherwise the future president will be strangled in the cradle.

The principal was about to fire the little devil, but suddenly changed his mind and asked Trump to apologize to the music teacher, and the music teacher agreed to this solution.

As soon as he returned home, the pampered Trump received the first severe beating in his life to repay his father's face and dollars for this matter.

A family with such a respectable reputation in New York cannot be sent to a juvenile detention center, and there is no Shaolin martial arts school. In order to release the endless energy of little Trump's mischief, Fred had to let Trump play baseball.

If you don’t recognize Trump, just look at his hairstyle.

Sure enough, he found the right direction. Because of his strong figure, the 12-year-old led the team to win the game and became the star of the school.

However, the more star students are, the more they love to bully their classmates. He bullied his classmates on the court, threw other people's bats into the trash can, deliberately spoke loudly in the classroom, and pushed him into the corner when he saw someone he didn't like. The little devil turned into a little bully.

At the time of youth rebelliousness, Trump has completely transformed into a young and Dangerous boy. At that time, "West Side Story" was being screened in the United States, and the plot of the gang war in it made Trump bad, just like when we watched Ekin Cheng and Chen Xiaochun's Young and Dangerous. He bought a pocket knife and put it in his jeans, and when he encountered "stubble", he would show it and play with it.

At a young age, Trump already fantasizes about becoming a gang boss. When he stood on the White House podium and bullied reporters, did he ever think about this scene when he was a teenager? ——There is literally no difference at all.

Fred made a decision that all fathers on the earth made during the Cold War era: send the army to transform! Of course, diaosi families can only be ordinary soldiers. Trump went to the New York Military Academy.

In the military academy, Trump had his head shaved and had to stand in a military posture every day and undergo arduous training. The rebellious Trump often contradicts the instructors, and all instructors in the world are not good at it. I have had my butt kicked once in Keming.

His instructor is a World War II veteran named Halls, who came through the bloody storm. In his eyes, a young boy like Trump is just a piece of cake. Under Halls' rigorous training, Trump gradually lost his surly character, no longer dared to bully his comrades, and became captain of the baseball team.

The handsome Trump guy who graduated from the military academy

The military is indeed a good melting pot for life. After graduating, the young man first studied at Fordham University, and then went to study at the world's number one Wharton Business School (belonging to the Ivy League) ). Trump later boasted about this, saying that he was a top student in the Ivy League, just like some of us bragging: I graduated from 211 or 985.

The well-connected real estate rookie became an instant success

In 1968, after returning from school, Trump officially joined his father's company "The Trump Organization" and followed his father Fred to engage in real estate investment.

In 1971, Trump came to Manhattan, New York. He was very ambitious and helped his father's business with many ideas. But he lives in an old apartment in Manhattan, which is only 30 square meters, small and dark, and there is an ugly water tank opposite. Compared to Wang Sicong, he is so inferior that he is simply a beggar.

A world-class event occurred this year, that is, the then US President Richard Nixon suddenly announced that the US dollar would be decoupled from gold and the Bretton Woods system would collapse. The U.S. dollar has dominated the world ever since.

President Nixon (in office 1968-1974)

Trump seized the opportunity. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, an economic crisis broke out in the United States. Both the stock and housing markets plummeted. The entire New York was shrouded in the haze of economic downturn. Everyone believed that New York was no longer suitable for real estate development, but Trump’s confidence was “always written on his face.” "He doesn't think New York will be in trouble because of this. Instead, he thinks this is an opportunity.

Trump drives along the Hudson River to work every day, and the abandoned Commodore Hotel by the river caught his eye. While people saw drug dealers and homeless people wandering nearby, Trump saw the nearby subway station and the endless flow of people during the morning and evening rush hours.

Just do it, Trump began to plan the first business project in his life. Trump went to his father and said, "I want to buy that shabby hotel."

After hearing this, the old man once thought that his son was on drugs. It was a waste of money to invest in a location that everyone thought was a loss-making business. The rich man Dai was not such a spendthrift, so he flatly refused to invest in Trump.

But Trump did not give up. He continued to persuade his father to help him provide guarantee for a bank loan. This time Fred reluctantly agreed.

Grand Hyatt hotels are now all over China (Grand Hyatt Changsha)

And where does the other part of the money come from? Trump found the Grand Hyatt Hotel and told them that after the hotel is built, you will be responsible for the management and hold 50% of the shares, and the remaining funds for the construction of the hotel will be paid by the Grand Hyatt Hotel, which the Grand Hyatt Hotel happily accepted. .

is a good trick to use "empty gloves". I didn't pay a penny, but I won a hotel project. As expected, Wharton Business School was not in vain.

Even so, Trump was still not satisfied, and he reached out to the New York government's tax incentives. Under the circumstances at that time, everyone was avoiding the New York real estate market. Only Trump entered the market to invest. The New York City government was very happy, and Trump captured their mentality.

You must know that in the United States, especially New York, if you want to do real estate business, it will not work without some political background.Trump’s father, Fred, happened to have two friends, one was the then New York City Mayor Abraham D. Beame, and the other was Governor Hugh L. Carey.

Someone in the DPRK is easy to do. Tax relief is not a question of whether to reduce it, but how much. After many rounds of negotiations between Trump and his two uncles, they finally got a jaw-dropping "40-year tax relief package."

So far, this is one of the commercial projects with the longest tax exemption period in the United States.

Finally, in 1980, after spending a total of US$120 million during a three-year construction period, the magnificent Trump Grand Hyatt Hotel rose from the ground on 42nd Street in New York.

Grand Hyatt Hotel on 42nd Street in New York

It is also Trump's good luck that the hotel was built on the same day that the U.S. economy was recovering. Various political and business celebrities have to rely on personal relationships with the Trump family to get their own rooms in the hotel.

Donald Trump has since become a celebrity in real estate.

In the following decades, Trump went on a rampage and won numerous real estate projects. In 1983, Trump Tower, named after him, opened.

The entanglement between Li Guoqing and Yu Yu in the American version

Trump, who is narcissistic and has a strong desire to control, married his first wife Ivana, who is also a strong woman. The combination of the two of them is like the Dangdang Li Guoqing and Yu Yu.

Ivana is deeply involved in the Trump family's business operations, and is obviously not willing to be like her mother-in-law, a housewife who hides behind the family and lets her husband take care of the household chores.

Ivana in her youth

"I made a big mistake. I let Ivana go into the family business to do something. She did a great job. She ran the castle and then the shopping mall. She It was doing pretty well, but she came home every night and said, this is how we do it, we're doing this, we're doing that, it's like I married a business partner," Trump later said. Said on a TV show.

But Trump is not Li Guoqing, he did not throw a cup, he was not kicked out by Yu Yu and pitifully started a failed business again, and he did not break into Dangdang's office and take back the company's seal.

So the distance between Li Guoqing and Trump is the distance from the Milky Way to the Vega Galaxy. They signed a prenuptial agreement that was so harsh that it even stipulated that Ivana must give up every gift Trump gave her. Does Li Guoqing have such a mind? Or is there such a think tank?

The 71-year-old Ivana was walking her dog on the street.

So a long legal battle began. In this divorce battle, lawyers from both sides tried to blame each other, and the media was obsessed with it. It was reported in the front pages of tabloids and frequently aired on TV programs, causing a sensation in the United States.

The retribution of the American version of Lothario Luo Zhixiang: the first lady’s nude photos took the world by storm

In the disturbing contest with Ivana, Trump made “a mistake that every man makes.” Luo Zhixiang and Zhou Yangqing have lived together for nine years and are not even married. This is scumbag enough. What is even worse than this is that Trump and Ivana have been married for 12 years. They are married, not living together. During this period, they had three children. A child.

During this period, where is Trump hiding his beauty? On a yacht named "Prince Trump" - the narcissist who has almost all of his brands named after him. Over the next few years, Donald moved her from one safe house to another, then changed places under Ivana's management again and again. The story came to light when Trump took them to a ski resort. ——If the fun is exciting enough, take your first wife and mistress with you. Unfortunately, the mistress was caught by the main palace, and the American people were shocked.

, the mistress, was Marla Maples, who finally took over. Like the original wife, she was also a model.

Marla, who was in charge of the mistress

, divorced Ivana in 1991; in 1991, it was rumored that Trump was very popular with actresses, Madonna even dressed sexy and paid a night visit to Trump's hotel ; in the same year, Trump and Ivana Maples broke up and started dating three other actresses, including Italian model Carla Bunni, at the same time. In 1993, Trump reunited with Maples, who had a daughter, and got married. However, the scumbag Trump’s heart cannot be tied down.

Princess Diana and Prince Charles divorced in 1996. After Trump learned the news, he began to send flowers to Kensington Palace. Diana threw the large flowers sent by Trump into the trash can. .

Diana unfortunately died in 1997. Trump raved in an interview: He could have had Diana and even slept with her; If he wanted to have anything with Diana, he would have forced it She was tested for HIV..

I really don’t know what Maples thought after hearing this. No matter what she thinks, the fate of the mistress is to be taken over by the mistress again.

In 1998, Trump "fell in love" with Melania; in 2005, he divorced Maples and at the same time married Melania and had a son.

Melania is of course also a model. Well, she's now the First Lady of the United States. Are you envious?

The New York Post unearthed old photos

The New York Post unearthed artistic photos of the first lady and another model

html One of the many nude photos of 25-year-old model Melania

Melania often took pictures for magazines when she was young, some of which were Nude photos. It can be said that everyone around the world has seen the first lady's nude photos. After Trump came to power, the New York Post dug out previous nude photos and interviewed him about his thoughts. He said:

"Melania was one of the most successful models at the time. She took many photos and photos for many famous magazines. Cover photos. These photos were taken by Melania for a European magazine before I met her. In Europe, such photos are very fashionable and common.

You can’t be president if you don’t have a big heart. Stimulate.

The President Trapped by the Plague: The Curse of Destiny Originating from His Grandfather

The United States has become the most severely infected and fatal country by the new coronavirus in the world. Trump is in trouble both internally and externally. Governors of various states are dissatisfied with him. Countries are also disappointed with his unwillingness to lead the global fight against the epidemic. The American people are even dumbfounded by his vulgar and ignorant press conferences.

Looking back at his family history, it seems that it was destiny.

Trump’s grandfather, Frederick, a German who dreamed of the “American Dream”, deserted military service and went to the United States to pan for gold in 1885 when he was 16 years old.

Frederick, the brothel owner

Frederick, who just arrived, relied on his skills as a barber apprentice in Germany and worked as a barber in a barber shop in New York. Six years later, he felt that working for others was not as good as starting his own business, so he quit the job and used his savings over the past few years to open a small restaurant.

One day, when Frederick was entertaining a jewelry store owner, he heard people talk about the Gold Rush. The more Frederick listened, the more fascinated he became. He left the jewelry store owner that night and drank and talked for the whole day. Night.

A week later, Frederick resolutely took all his wealth and headed west, heading towards the gold rush of his dream. He crossed the American continent in one breath and walked to Seattle. Unlike other fanatical gold diggers, Frederick did not come here to dig up mountains with pickaxes and daydream about getting rich overnight.

Having run restaurants for many years, he has set his sights on gold diggers. Started a hotel business locally. Unlike the hotels run by local hillbillies, Frederick's hotel took a high-end route, and it turned out that Frederick had a good business sense.

"Arctic Circle" Hotel

In 1896, Friedrich had transformed from a poor boy in Germany into the owner of three hotels, the most famous of which was called "Arctic Circle".

Unlike other hotels that simply serve wine and meat, "Arctic Circle" also provides fresh fruits and vegetables, which was a supreme enjoyment in the desolate Seattle at that time; as the saying goes, "when you are full and warm, you will think of lust", so for gold mining after a full meal, Frederick also provided them with "special services" ; in the guest rooms, "Arctic Circle" equipped each room with a scale as standard. After the gold diggers finished "enjoying" here, they encountered no money. Yes, just use gold to pay directly...

Most gold diggers either failed to find gold, or they lost their fortune in the guest rooms in the "Arctic Circle", and finally went bankrupt, but Frederick made a lot of money. "Gold-selling Cave" is worthy of its name.

In 1902, 33-year-old Frederick returned home from the United States and married his childhood sweetheart Elizabeth as his wife. Soon after, the two happily returned to the United States together, which was simply the envy of others at the time.

Trump's Grandma Elizabeth

Frederick, who settled in New York, invested the money he earned during the gold rush into the real estate business in New York. At the same time, he purchased a large amount of land and began to become a landlord.

's good times did not last long, because Frederick suffered from cirrhosis of the liver due to long-term alcoholism. In 1918, Frederick, who was only 49 years old, died of complications caused by influenza.

Yes, this flu is the famous Spanish Flu in history, which profoundly affected the world structure.

The Spanish Flu was the second deadliest infectious disease in human history. It infected about 1 billion people and killed 25 to 40 million people around the world in 1918-1919 (the world population at that time was about 1.7 billion people). .

The influenza did not break out from Spain, because at that time about 8 million people in Spain were infected with the disease, and even the King of Spain was infected. It was the end of World War I, soldiers returned home, and all countries were spreading good news. Spain was very honest in announcing that there was an outbreak of influenza in the country, so it was called Spanish influenza abroad. In Spain, it is called French influenza.

More than 10 million people died in World War I. The Spanish Flu was more terrifying than World War I, so it was one of the reasons why World War I ended early, because countries no longer had extra troops to fight .

Now, we are almost certain that the complications alleged by Trump’s grandfather, Frederick, must have been caused by a factor storm. Such a factor storm, which has claimed the lives of tens of millions of people around the world, originated in the United States.

As a legacy, Frederick left a two-story, seven-bedroom house in Queens, five pieces of land and several pieces of land to his wife and children. Thousand USD deposit, total value $31,359. Converted to today's value, about $510,000.

This is Trump’s ancestral shadow-the dollar and the virus flu.

One hundred years have passed, how can Trump solve this problem?

Which one, Trump or Biden, will be elected president in 2020? single choice










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At a young age, Trump already fantasizes about becoming a gang boss. When he stood on the White House podium and bullied reporters, did he ever think about this scene when he was a teenager? ——There is literally no difference at all.

Fred made a decision that all fathers on the earth made during the Cold War era: send the army to transform! Of course, diaosi families can only be ordinary soldiers. Trump went to the New York Military Academy.

In the military academy, Trump had his head shaved and had to stand in a military posture every day and undergo arduous training. The rebellious Trump often contradicts the instructors, and all instructors in the world are not good at it. I have had my butt kicked once in Keming.

His instructor is a World War II veteran named Halls, who came through the bloody storm. In his eyes, a young boy like Trump is just a piece of cake. Under Halls' rigorous training, Trump gradually lost his surly character, no longer dared to bully his comrades, and became captain of the baseball team.

The handsome Trump guy who graduated from the military academy

The military is indeed a good melting pot for life. After graduating, the young man first studied at Fordham University, and then went to study at the world's number one Wharton School of Business (belonging to the Ivy League) ). Trump later boasted about this, saying that he was a top student in the Ivy League, just like some of us bragging: I graduated from 211 or 985.

The well-connected real estate rookie became an instant hit

In 1968, after returning from school, Trump officially entered his father's company "The Trump Organization" and followed his father Fred to engage in real estate investment.

In 1971, Trump came to Manhattan, New York. He was very ambitious and helped his father's business with many ideas. But he lives in an old apartment in Manhattan, which is only 30 square meters, small and dark, and there is an ugly water tank opposite. Compared to Wang Sicong, he is so inferior that he is simply a beggar.

A world-class event occurred this year, that is, the then US President Richard Nixon suddenly announced that the US dollar would be decoupled from gold and the Bretton Woods system would collapse. The U.S. dollar has dominated the world ever since.

President Nixon (in office 1968-1974)

Trump seized the opportunity. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, an economic crisis broke out in the United States. Both the stock market and the housing market plummeted. The entire New York was shrouded in the haze of economic downturn. Everyone believed that New York was no longer suitable for real estate development, but Trump’s confidence was “always written on his face.” ” He does not think that New York will be in trouble because of this, but instead thinks that this is an opportunity.

Trump drives along the Hudson River to work every day, and the abandoned Commodore Hotel by the river caught his eye. While people saw drug dealers and homeless people wandering nearby, Trump saw the nearby subway station and the endless flow of people during the morning and evening rush hours.

Just do it, Trump began to plan the first business project in his life. Trump went to his father and said: "I want to buy that shabby hotel."

After hearing this, the old man thought that his son was on drugs. It was a waste of money to invest in a location that everyone considered a loss-making business. The rich second man thought that his son was on drugs. Dai was not such a spendthrift, so he flatly refused to invest in Trump.

But Trump did not give up. He continued to persuade his father to help him provide guarantee for a bank loan. This time Fred reluctantly agreed.

Grand Hyatt hotels are now all over China (Grand Hyatt Changsha)

And where does the other part of the money come from? Trump found the Grand Hyatt Hotel and told them that after the hotel is built, you will be responsible for the management and hold 50% of the shares, and the remaining funds for the construction of the hotel will be paid by the Grand Hyatt Hotel, which the Grand Hyatt Hotel readily accepted. .

is a good trick to use "empty gloves". I didn't pay a penny, but I won a hotel project. As expected, Wharton Business School was not in vain.

Even so, Trump was still not satisfied, and he reached out to the New York government’s tax incentives. Under the circumstances at that time, everyone was avoiding the New York real estate market. Only Trump entered the market to invest. The New York City government was very happy, and Trump captured their mentality.

You must know that in the United States, especially New York, if you want to do real estate business, it will not work without some political background.Trump’s father, Fred, happened to have two friends, one was the then New York City Mayor Abraham D. Beame, and the other was Governor Hugh L. Carey.

Someone in the DPRK is easy to do. Tax relief is not a question of whether to reduce it, but how much. After many rounds of negotiations between Trump and his two uncles, they finally got a jaw-dropping "40-year tax relief package."

So far, this is one of the commercial projects with the longest tax exemption period in the United States.

Finally, in 1980, after spending a total of US$120 million during a three-year construction period, the magnificent Trump Grand Hyatt Hotel rose from the ground on 42nd Street in New York.

Grand Hyatt Hotel on 42nd Street in New York

It is also Trump's good luck that the hotel was built on the same day that the U.S. economy was recovering. Various political and business celebrities have to rely on personal relationships with the Trump family to get their own rooms in the hotel.

Donald Trump has since become a celebrity in real estate.

In the following decades, Trump went on a rampage and won numerous real estate projects. In 1983, Trump Tower, named after him, opened.

The entanglement between Li Guoqing and Yu Yu in the American version

Trump, who is narcissistic and has a strong desire to control, married his first wife Ivana, who is also a strong woman. The combination of the two of them is like the Dangdang Li Guoqing and Yu Yu.

Ivana is deeply involved in the Trump family's business operations, and is obviously not willing to be like her mother-in-law, a housewife who hides behind the family and lets her husband take care of the household chores.

Ivana in her youth

"I made a big mistake. I let Ivana go into the family business to do something. She did a great job. She ran the castle and then the shopping mall. She It was doing pretty well, but she came home every night and said, this is how we do it, we're doing this, we're doing that, it's like I married a business partner," Trump later said. Said on a TV show.

But Trump is not Li Guoqing, he did not throw a cup, he was not kicked out by Yu Yu and pitifully started a failed business again, and he did not break into Dangdang's office and take back the company's seal.

So the distance between Li Guoqing and Trump is the distance from the Milky Way to the Vega Galaxy. They signed a prenuptial agreement that was so harsh that it even stipulated that Ivana must give up every gift Trump gave her. Does Li Guoqing have such a mind? Or is there such a think tank?

The 71-year-old Ivana was walking her dog on the street.

So a long legal battle began. In this divorce battle, lawyers from both sides tried to blame each other, and the media was obsessed with it. It was reported in the front pages of tabloids and frequently aired on TV programs, causing a sensation in the United States.

The retribution of the American version of Lothario Luo Zhixiang: the first lady’s nude photos took the world by storm

In the disturbing contest with Ivana, Trump made “a mistake that every man makes.” Luo Zhixiang and Zhou Yangqing have lived together for nine years and are not even married. This is scumbag enough. What is even worse than this is that Trump and Ivana have been married for 12 years. They are married, not living together. During this period, they had three children. A child.

During this period, where is Trump hiding his beauty? On a yacht named "Prince Trump" - the narcissist who has almost all of his brands named after him. Over the next few years, Donald moved her from one safe house to another, then changed places under Ivana's management again and again. The story came to light when Trump took them to a ski resort. ——If the fun is exciting enough, take your first wife and mistress with you. Unfortunately, the mistress was caught by the main palace, and the American people were shocked.

, the mistress, was Marla Maples, who finally took over. Like the original wife, she was also a model.

Marla, who was in charge of the mistress

, divorced Ivana in 1991; in 1991, it was rumored that Trump was very popular with actresses, Madonna even dressed sexy and paid a night visit to Trump's hotel ; in the same year, Trump and Ivana Maples broke up and started dating three other actresses, including Italian model Carla Bunni, at the same time. In 1993, Trump reunited with Maples, who had a daughter, and got married. However, the scumbag Trump’s heart cannot be tied down.

Princess Diana and Prince Charles divorced in 1996. After Trump learned the news, he began to send flowers to Kensington Palace. Diana threw the large flowers sent by Trump into the trash can. .

Diana unfortunately died in 1997. Trump raved in an interview: He could have had Diana and even slept with her; If he wanted to have anything with Diana, he would have forced it She was tested for HIV..

I really don’t know what Maples thought after hearing this. No matter what she thinks, the fate of the mistress is to be taken over by the mistress again.

In 1998, Trump "fell in love" with Melania; in 2005, he divorced Maples and at the same time married Melania and had a son.

Melania is of course also a model. Well, she's now the First Lady of the United States. Are you envious?

The New York Post unearthed old photos

The New York Post unearthed artistic photos of the first lady and another model

html One of the many nude photos of 25-year-old model Melania

Melania often took pictures for magazines when she was young, some of which were Nude photos. It can be said that everyone around the world has seen the first lady's nude photos. After Trump came to power, the New York Post dug out previous nude photos and interviewed him about his thoughts. He said:

"Melania was one of the most successful models at the time. She took many photos and photos for many famous magazines. Cover photos. These photos were taken by Melania for a European magazine before I met her. In Europe, such photos are very fashionable and common.

You can’t be president if you don’t have a big heart. Stimulate.

The President Trapped by the Plague: The Curse of Destiny Originating from His Grandfather

The United States has become the most severely infected and fatal country by the new coronavirus in the world. Trump is in trouble both internally and externally. Governors of various states are dissatisfied with him. Countries are also disappointed with his unwillingness to lead the global fight against the epidemic. The American people are even dumbfounded by his vulgar and ignorant press conferences.

Looking back at his family history, it seems that it was destiny.

Trump’s grandfather, Frederick, a German who dreamed of the “American Dream”, deserted military service and went to the United States to pan for gold in 1885 when he was 16 years old.

Frederick, the brothel owner

Frederick, who just arrived, relied on his skills as a barber apprentice in Germany and worked as a barber in a barber shop in New York. Six years later, he felt that working for others was not as good as starting his own business, so he quit the job and used his savings over the past few years to open a small restaurant.

One day, when Frederick was entertaining a jewelry store owner, he heard people talk about the Gold Rush. The more Frederick listened, the more fascinated he became. He left the jewelry store owner that night and drank and talked for the whole day. Night.

A week later, Frederick resolutely took all his wealth and headed west, heading towards the gold rush of his dream. He crossed the American continent in one breath and walked to Seattle. Unlike other fanatical gold diggers, Frederick did not come here to dig up mountains with pickaxes and daydream about getting rich overnight.

Having run restaurants for many years, he has set his sights on gold diggers. Started a hotel business locally. Unlike the hotels run by local hillbillies, Frederick's hotel took a high-end route, and it turned out that Frederick had a good business sense.

"Arctic Circle" Hotel

In 1896, Friedrich had transformed from a poor boy in Germany into the owner of three hotels, the most famous of which was called "Arctic Circle".

Unlike other hotels that simply serve wine and meat, "Arctic Circle" also provides fresh fruits and vegetables, which was a supreme enjoyment in the desolate Seattle at that time; as the saying goes, "when you are full and warm, you will think of lust", so for gold mining after a full meal, Frederick also provided them with "special services" ; in the guest rooms, "Arctic Circle" equipped each room with a scale as standard. After the gold diggers finished "enjoying" here, they encountered no money. Yes, just use gold to pay directly...

Most gold diggers either failed to find gold, or they lost their fortune in the guest rooms in the "Arctic Circle", and finally went bankrupt, but Frederick made a lot of money. "Gold-selling Cave" is worthy of its name.

In 1902, 33-year-old Frederick returned home from the United States and married his childhood sweetheart Elizabeth as his wife. Soon after, the two happily returned to the United States together, which was simply the envy of others at the time.

Trump's Grandma Elizabeth

Frederick, who settled in New York, invested the money he earned during the gold rush into the real estate business in New York. At the same time, he purchased a large amount of land and began to become a landlord.

's good times did not last long, because Frederick suffered from cirrhosis of the liver due to long-term alcoholism. In 1918, Frederick, who was only 49 years old, died of complications caused by influenza.

Yes, this flu is the famous Spanish Flu in history, which profoundly affected the world structure.

The Spanish Flu was the second deadliest infectious disease in human history. It infected about 1 billion people and killed 25 to 40 million people around the world in 1918-1919 (the world population at that time was about 1.7 billion people). .

The influenza did not break out from Spain, because at that time about 8 million people in Spain were infected with the disease, and even the King of Spain was infected. It was the end of World War I, soldiers returned home, and all countries were spreading good news. Spain was very honest in announcing that there was an outbreak of influenza in the country, so it was called Spanish influenza abroad. In Spain, it is called French influenza.

More than 10 million people died in World War I. The Spanish Flu was more terrifying than World War I, so it was one of the reasons why World War I ended early, because countries no longer had extra troops to fight .

Now, we are almost certain that the complications alleged by Trump’s grandfather, Frederick, must have been caused by a factor storm. Such a factor storm, which has claimed the lives of tens of millions of people around the world, originated in the United States.

As a legacy, Frederick left a two-story, seven-bedroom house in Queens, five pieces of land and several pieces of land to his wife and children. Thousand USD deposit, total value $31,359. Converted to today's value, about $510,000.

This is Trump’s ancestral shadow-the dollar and the virus flu.

One hundred years have passed, how can Trump solve this problem?

Which one, Trump or Biden, will be elected president in 2020? single choice










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