From the National Anti-Fraud Center App, the anti-fraud police officers participating in the live broadcast, to Xiaomi’s launch of full-link anti-fraud, over the past year, anti-phone and online fraud has been an important matter for the whole society to take action together.

From the National Anti-Fraud Center App and the anti-fraud police officers participating in the live broadcast, to Xiaomi launching full-link anti-fraud, in the past year, anti-telephone and online fraud has become an important matter for the whole society to act together.

Recently, major operators have begun to implement a new initiative in many regions to help reduce the risk of telephone fraud and online fraud from the source.

As early as March 22, the three major operators in Jiangxi Province issued an announcement saying that they would strictly control overseas fraudulent text messages. From March 28, the international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan text message receiving services for users in Jiangxi Province will no longer be enabled by default. .

Since then, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Liaoning and other provinces have also turned off overseas SMS reception by default. Operators in Hebei and Henan have also followed suit in recent days and turned off this function. After

is turned off by default, who will be affected?

On Weibo , many users expressed their understanding that operators have stopped receiving overseas text messages. Some users have long been annoyed by spam messages and expressed their hope that overseas phone calls will also be blocked.

In fact, according to data released by relevant departments, in recent years, fraud groups with overseas bases have committed more than 60% of the total number of crimes, with fraud groups in Southeast Asia being the main ones.

Even if my friends are smart enough and not easily deceived, it still makes people feel uncomfortable when they receive harassing phone calls every now and then.

▲Everyone should have seen this type of number

. Therefore, it is easy to understand why netizens praised this move of the operator.

However, turning off the reception of overseas text messages will affect some users who need it, so who needs to retain the reception of overseas text messages?

Regarding this issue, we can analyze it in three different scenarios: work, social life and life.

First of all, from Xiaohei’s personal experience, generally speaking, when having business contacts with overseas companies, they basically use emails, phone calls or video conferences. Some formal work communications do not even use social software. . Therefore, if there are no colleagues with whom you have good relationships who send text messages to each other, and there are no text messages from overseas companies with whom you do business, turning off the reception of overseas text messages will have no impact on your work.

▲Video conferencing should be the most used during the epidemic.

Most of the social interactions of domestic netizens are within the country. Even those with foreign friends will basically communicate through applications such as WhatsApp. Even though there are still many text message users in European and American countries, they basically communicate with friends in their own countries through text messages. There should be very few people who can actually send cross-border text messages.

Of course, Xiaohei has met foreign friends who use iMessage to chat. Although iMessage is conducted through text messaging apps, chatting across countries this way should not be a problem.

▲iMessage and SMS are still different.

What may really be affected are some needs in daily life. As the Internet becomes more and more convenient, cross-border e-commerce, academic exchanges and other activities have gradually become more popular. "Chinese-speaking Argentine players" has become a famous meme in the gaming field.

For some users, receiving notification text messages from abroad is a necessity. For them, turning off the reception of overseas text messages will indeed have a considerable impact on daily life and entertainment.

Of course, friends still have to make judgments based on their own actual situation. After all, there may be people who really like to use text messages to chat with foreign friends.

has a need. How to turn on this function?

Although for most users, turning off the overseas text message reception function is a good solution to reduce spam text message harassment, as mentioned above, there are still some users who need to receive foreign text messages. This requires these users to submit an application to turn this feature back on.

In addition, there are many regions that have not introduced such a plan for the time being. So how do users who want to turn off the overseas SMS reception function do it manually?

According to the instructions published by the operator, there are two ways to enable or close the overseas SMS reception function. One is to bring your ID card to the corresponding operator's business hall to handle it, and the other is to edit the mobile phone according to the local announcement. Send the text message to the corresponding operator, or handle it through the online business hall, WeChat official account, etc.

▲The activation method will be informed in the text message

. It is particularly important to note that the content of the text messages that need to be edited when activating or closing is different in different regions. Friends, it is better to score clearly before sending.

In addition, Xiaohei also checked the operators in the Shanghai area, and the answer he got was that currently Shanghai cannot independently turn off the reception of overseas text messages. Maybe friends in Shanghai will have to wait a little longer to use this feature.

Fortunately, Xiao Hei personally receives far fewer harassing text messages than harassing phone calls, so whether he can turn off harassment from overseas calls is more important to Xiao Hei. The method of turning off overseas calls is relatively simple.

Tianyi Anti-harassment public account

Taking the mobile phone number of China Telecom as an example, we only need to search for the "Tianyi Anti-harassment" public account in WeChat, follow it, click "Personal Center", and log in to intelligent interception Just choose to turn on the interception of international long distance calls.

For users who do not have family members abroad and do not have the need for international calls in their work or life, turning on this function can keep many harassing calls away from them.

In addition to this method, international long distance blocking can also be activated by calling the customer service hotline or through the mobile business hall.

Mobile phone numbers of other operators can also be operated by referring to China Telecom's operation methods.

needs to receive calls from overseas. How to distinguish suspicious calls?

For some users who need to answer overseas calls, it is also very important to distinguish whether a call is suspicious.

Regarding this, Xiaohei has a suggestion and two methods to share with everyone.

This suggestion is that if you have a working relationship or have relatives or friends abroad, you can save their numbers in your address book to avoid confusion when answering calls.

▲ Saving to address book is a good way to identify unfamiliar numbers

And Xiaohei’s two methods are essentially the same, which is to identify the number’s ownership through various means.

The first method is mainly for iPhone, which is to install the home address query app, and then the home address will be displayed below the caller number. Users using domestic Android phones can skip this method because they often have built-in home location functions at the system level and do not need to be installed separately.

▲Domestic Android phones generally come with a destination function

Another method is to immediately search for the destination on domestic search engines such as Baidu , Sogou , etc. after receiving an unknown number.

This method is relatively cumbersome and not suitable for use when going out, but since search engines have a wider range of data sources, it is also a feasible alternative.

In addition, we would like to remind our friends that when we receive a strange phone call, if we see "00" in front of it, it means that the number is a call from abroad, so we need to be vigilant.

▲The number received by Xiaohei is shown as an Internet call

Although international calls are not all scam calls, there is a kind of call that should not be answered under normal circumstances, that is, the call is from abroad and the place of origin is marked as "unknown" , and "may be an Internet call" is displayed when searching online. Unless your friend abroad has said hello to you in advance, it is almost certainly a scam call.

What's more, Xiaohei personally feels that people who have the ability to use Internet phones will not be unable to use instant messaging applications to make voice or video calls, and the latter is more convenient to operate.

In short, for most friends, they should try to avoid answering or receiving foreign calls or foreign text messages. Friends who need to contact foreign countries should also discuss with the other party the general contact information and one or two emergency contact methods, and try to avoid answering or receiving other calls and text messages from abroad. In this way, the harm caused to us by telephone and online fraud will be further reduced.

Source: Pixabay, related website screenshots, mobile phone screenshots